Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fromm Review....

 Ernie and I are here today to tell you about some DELICIOUS new Food we got to Sample and Review fur OUR FUREND       Mr. CHEWY....          do you see his Badge over on the Right?   You should check this thingy out... he has a Bloggers CLUB going on.. and YOU can Join... Just like WE DID... and YOU will get a surprise... if you do!!!   Just click on his name and you can find out all about that.
Butt WE ALSO want to tell you about this     FROMM  Gold   Salmon and Chicken Pate  food. 

 "CAN" you tell that we LOVE this canned food????    
 HEY Ernie... slow Down and SAVOR the FLAVOR...      And OH what a FLAVOR this has.   Fromm Family   makes it with the following thingys...  FINELY minced SALMON and Chicken Simmered in Natural Chicken Broth with CARROTS and Potatoes and PEAS.  
It is SOOOOOO good....   LIP SMACKIN GOOD in fact.          I know you are wanting to give this brand a try...   you can just Click on the    FROMM FAMILY  link and it will take you right to Mr. Chewy's   Fromm Section.    There are like 87 types of TREATS and Dry Food and even some OTHER flavors of canned food.   Ernie and I just happen to like Sammin (it is MY blog and I am spellin it MY way) a LOT.      
      Thank you  Mr. Chewy and Fromm fur giving us the chance to try this New  Brand of Food.   
  Ernie and I BOTH give it FOUR PAWS UP... and a tail wag thrown in fur good measure.    I'm just sayin.
     PeeS...   don't furget to get enrolled in Mr. Chewy's   VIP BLOG CLUB  Thingy.   You will be GLAD that you did.


Finn said...

Nom nom nom! Every dog is raving about this chewey fellow, we are gonna have to look into that!

3 doxies said...

I has nevers heard or seen dat food befores. Which is prolly a good thingy cuz I could totally sees myself makin' myself sick eatin' a million cans of it.
Heck, even ya'll is tryin' to eat da CAN so it must be delish.
I must go check into dis.


K9 Katastrophie said...

We'll have to try that out!

Snuggle Bug

Unknown said...

Ohmydogness! Fromm is our brand of dog foods, and we love it! Yumm!

Butt, we only gets da Fromm dry kibbles .....they are grrreat, butt my momma ha never mentioned that da Fromm is available as canned food too?!?! What's up with that? I believe I need to have a chat with her......

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That sounds delish. Mom is always looking for new ways to get Phantom to eat - we hope she will get us some of this.

We love Mr. Chewy too - great prices, superb service.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh it looks most nommy butts wee eats raw meats so no goods fur us, tonites wee is havin fescents fur our noms
Fuzzy Butt

ShellePenn said...

That looks so good. Mom said she had not heard of that stuffs before. But me (Dixie) thinks if we had it Milo would look like a balloon from eating every can available. :)


Matilda the Boxer said...

Momma says canned food is only for kitties. I'm starting to think she's holding out on me!

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie Pankie and ERRRRR!
Wow, that must be some majorly delish stuff! Lots of drooling tongue action in this post. I'm ready to place my first Mr Chewy order so that I can get in the Club too! Free front door delivery, great yummers, easy to order, PERFECT!
Grr and A Drooling Woof,
Sarge A Licious

GOOSE said...

Oh yummmmm. It sounds and looks wonderful. I just ate and I think I am hungry again now.

Millie and Walter said...

You boys must really like that food. You were licking the can before it was even opened!


The Websters said...

We will totally enroll!

Still waiting on them to add Taysia Blue to their rescue list though. Wish they were faster!!


Murphy said...

Lip smackin' good, eh?

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Declan said...

OMD that looks so good... I don't get to have canned food... perhaps if I had a word with mum...

Deccy x

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz LOVE Mr. Chewy (mom tu). After the furst order, we all wuz hooked – we just placed our third order an’they tell us it will b here TUMORROW!.

Now az fur that Fromm food – mom UZUALLY feedz us kibble BUTT sumtimez, fur a little treat or sumthin’she will mix sum canned food with our kibble an’b-cuz once it iz open, u hazta uze it all – we git sum fur a few dayz. YUMMY! We just may hafta git sum of that on our next order – thoze Fromm peepz r bizy cuz they make a variety of great soundin’stuffz. Yepperz, we will hafta INSIST on gittin’sum of that. Doodle Boy’n Wiggle Butt (Shiloh’n Shasta)

PeeS An'we KNOW mom will want tu check out the bloggin'club thingy cux she really likez that kinda stuff.

Remington said...


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

we are going to ask Mama to check out Mr. Chewy's, everybody is raving about it!!!


Duke said...

Mom has been thinkin' about switching me over to Fromm. Thanks for the review, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots,

The Daily Pip said...

Oh my, now that does look yummy. I think I will take your advice and join the VIP club ASAP! My mouth is watering, buddy!

Your pal, Pip

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Yes Frankie and Ernie we have heard about it from Hound Girl.
We will go check it out!!
Thanks, are garden is really doing a lot better then last year!!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Now I feel peckish!!!!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Bassetmomma said...

Yummy! Oh drats! I sure wish we could get Mr. Chewy in Canada. :(

Anonymous said...

Looks like you really enjoyed it!

I did not know about the blogger club, I will have to check that out.

Dachshund Nola said...

Sounds delicious!
Dachshund Nola

Two French Bulldogs said...

that stuff sounds yummE, thanks for the review guys. Cool badge..
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

What a great treat you have Ernie! Mr. Chewy products are good for you :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

Lorenza said...

Sure it is delicious!
Kisses and hugs

Berts Blog said...

I have really got to get My Vickie to try this. We are looking for a new food for me. I think we better head over to Mr. Chewy now.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, thank you for the review, we are headed over to sign up and check it out. Mommy wants to know does it give you...ummmm...gassers? I sometimes have a problem with that and she has to be careful of foods. Can you eat it for a few days and report back to me. Thank you, I don't need a lot of detail just a yes or no will be fine.

Loveys Sasha

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

This must be soooo yummy! Why do I have to be on a perpetual doggy diet?

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

SURPRISE and Happy Frankie Futer Friday! You are the bestest of the best and I am so glad that you are my friend. Just love our visits together and always enjoy watching you have such a fun time with everything!!!

Sagira said...

You're so lucky to get to do all these cool reviews. My brother Bokeh eats Fromm hard food and loves it.