Monday, April 30, 2012

We were wondering???

Do you have any Special Plans fur the week?        WE are lookin fur some FUN suggestions.

PeeS......   THANKS EVERYBUDDY fur your suggestions about my Pre-Posts... not pre posting.   
    I have been SUPER careful to Click   DONE once I set the day and time...   and I am also Clicking the Publish button...   It STILL wouldn't publish my Sunday Post... automatically.    Now I am trying to change the time that I USUALLY used (6:00 AM) to 12:00 AM.    Maybe THAT will make a difference.      The time zone is Correct and I am super careful to use AM not PM.   


ShellePenn said...

No plans for the week, but we fixed our projector last night, hung up hooks on the back side of our barn, and we are ready for the Dachshund Drive In Theatre in our backyard (as soon as mom goes to Walmart to buy a power strip as she couldn't find any yesterday -_-) She believes that with her network extender she can take the Roku outside and project stuff from Netflix, too. How cool is that? sitting underneath the stars watching movies in the yard?

You should live closer... we could watch Air Bud together or something.

Milo and Dixie

Bassetmomma said...

My daughter had the same issues with her posts not scheduling for a while and then it just corrected itself! Go figure! This week I think a fun suggestion is singing in the rain! That's what we'll be doing as it's supposed to rain all week here. So I'll just be singing away while I wipe up muddy paw prints 24 hours a day!

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, you two look like you're ready for something sorta rotten! BOL I don't think I'd suggest biting Mamaw again. ahem. I like that drive-in idea a lot!! I think Papaw Pantslegs should take you both for a quad and woods walkie adventure. That'd be my vote. Is it still too cold to go swimmie?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

I am still having trouble with it, too, and am just posting when I wake up in the morning instead of pre-posting.

Nothing fun planned this week. I think I may be going in for a check up soon, but no date has been set yet. Just napping and eating this week!

Your pal, Pip

Matilda the Boxer said...

Tomorrow we're going to have a playdate with an LBR foster dog. He's coming over to see if he wants to eat our kitties, since he has a home interested in him that has cats. But then we get to play together!

3 doxies said...

My furst suggestion is dat you prolly shouldn't bite your mom dis week...hehehehe...I seen dat and I has to say...her prolly shouldn't has had her arm in da way.

Nows, if you and Ernie gets bored ya'll could helps me move some furnitures around.

We don't prepost. I wakes up and write my post and then publish it. We wait to da last minute.

PS: I always bite my mum's thumb when hers gives me a treat...cuz da treat is too small.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yeah....Me would also suggest no more collisions between your teefies and your Mom's arm. Bet her said OUCH to dat one!

Well, if you really want to have a fun week....come to my house and help me and Mom sort out all these boxes. Me feel like me lives in a storage vault!

Murphy said...

Since me and Stanley are "grounded" until we finish our vaccinations, we are dreaming of playing at the park. You could do that!

Anna the GSD said...

Nothing this's getting HOT! But, I is planning a super sekret mission in a few weeks...MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Posie said...

Hey yooz too, Weeel Frankie I suuggist dat yoo duz nutt bitte yoor mummer thiz week fur a start! N I suggist that yoo eet sum tashty fings n I fink yooz too shud play wiv yoor toyz n stuff!!

I iz havin a lazy daaiy today kus i wennt fur a reeelly lonng wakkie yestirday, moshtly kus mummer n dadder gotted lost in da woods heeehee was funny! I plaann to eet sleep n go fur wakkies n get ma tummy rubbid thiz week! YEAH! love n likks pdorg xoxx

Posie said...

Hey yooz too, Weeel Frankie I suuggist dat yoo duz nutt bitte yoor mummer thiz week fur a start! N I suggist that yoo eet sum tashty fings n I fink yooz too shud play wiv yoor toyz n stuff!!

I iz havin a lazy daaiy today kus i wennt fur a reeelly lonng wakkie yestirday, moshtly kus mummer n dadder gotted lost in da woods heeehee was funny! I plaann to eet sleep n go fur wakkies n get ma tummy rubbid thiz week! YEAH! love n likks pdorg xoxx

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Frankie, no big plans here. Mom has to study for finals on friday and next monday. But she is trying to order some honey bees.


rottrover said...

Nuthin fun here, Frankie. Mom took time off from work to CLEAN HER OFFICE!!! What a loser she is. Butt next Sunday we get to go to the beach again with our furiend, Wizard. That's a long way away...

-Bart and Ruby

The Websters said...

We are getting Not Nick early this week. Maybe I'll dig some holes.

Is your dad still gardening? You could help him out.


Also, thanks for spelling my name correctly. I'm so neglected, I thought Noralla was right, when obvs it was Norella. Duh.

Sheltie Times said...

Mama preposts on one of her other blogs and its been giving her a headache. Only once since the change over has it posted when it should.

Princess Jasmine said...

Well, we are planning on having quite a few snoozes. We are good at those. Maybe a few stretches thrown in now and again. Nothing to energetic though. Oh, except for our ritual boxing match every evening, but that's just to get the mumster off the sofa and get our dinner :)xx

Anonymous said...

I don't have the first clue about setting a post to publish. Good luck Frankie and Ernie!

WFT Nobby said...

I am fine tuning my leg lifting tutorial for Horatio this week. I wonder if you could perhaps help me with a few photos or a video, showing the correct action? These sorts of lessons are so much more effective if demonstrations from more than one breed of dog are available!
Toodle pip!

HH and The Boys said...

Sounds as if you are doing everything right. Sorry we don't have any suggestions about your posting problems.

pawhugs, Max

Finn said...

It's Cinco de Mayo this weekend! Have a rum-based drink!

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm having the same issue! We'll be working on our NEW house and playing in our HUGE yard!
Dachshund Nola

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sounds like you've got a MAJOR SQUIRREL problem in your computer.

We're having a boring week--4 boring weeks as a matter of fact. Because SHE's working. SHE comes home tired, reeking of children and heads to the wine rack!

We're just happy there are weekends.

Have a great week. Maybe you can work on your tunnel to Canada.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

The Army of Four said...

We're going to supervise the bipeds who are ripping our kitchen apart and will apparently be eating take-out for a while. YUM!!! (What, Mom? Oh. Oh. Really?) OK, only some of us will be eating take-out. Hmm.

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

We are not sure what pre-posting means. But you two look very handsome! :)

We hope you had a great weekend.

Asta said...

Well Fwankie and Ewnie
My biggest plan is to dwag Mommi out as much as pawsibull and get some good peemail weeding done..then thewe's my dooties as a food tastew, and staying cool wif some gelato licks other than that, I plan to pwotect the apawtment by bawking at anyone who takes the elevatow in fwont of ouw doow, and get Daddi to play soccew wif me in the apawtment

Not vewy exciting I'm afwaid. Hope youw week is mowe thwilling
Smoochie kisses
pee ess, Mommi is too scawed to use the pweposting,specially since they changed bloggie..she's not vewy clevew

3 doxies said...

I realized I only osted one suggestion...maybes ya'll could helps your dad dig holes so it'll be done right. Orrrrrr, helps me finds a good squirrel recipe...I is plannin' on cookin laters dis week.


Hoke said...

I heard that she was taking the monster either to city or to a bunch of yard sales!!! I get to go to the beach and power wash with the boys!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Not much planned here after a crazy busy weekend for the humans, especially Mom. And another one on tap for next weekend. We think we will just hope for some walks.

Have your tried going here:!forum/blogger where you can post a question and see if you can get some help. There must be a glitch somewhere in the new setup for some blogs. We don't seem to have any trouble with scheduled posts working.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lorenza said...

Plans?? Nope. Same boring week!
Glad you are finding the answers for your posts!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

Getting tacos ready for Cinco de Mayo
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Nothing big here. Mom is working and I am getting ready for Cino de Mayo day cuz that means ....TACOS!!!! If you and ernie want to come over we can take a spin through the Taco Bell drive through!!


houndstooth said...

Our plans this week involve recovering from last weekend! I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with the post dating.


Wyatt said...

We are real busy in our garden and everybody else's garden. But, we still try to make time for fun...all work and no play make for a really wound up terrier!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie. My first suggestion is that you shouldn't tell you Mommy that you are looking for something to do, it might lead to a bath or chores. I am looking real hard for a recipe for squirrel tacos and nachos for Cinco De Mayo. I am not Mexican but I just like the food. Maybe Lorenza would have a suggestion. If you catch some squirrels could you let me know and I will send some cumin and chili powder and onions. Squirrel hunting would keep you pretty busy and good for Ernie to practice. Let me know ASAP.

Loveys Sasha

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie and Little Ernie, I (Stella) am having a birthday later in the week and would like to invite all my friends to ask their mum and dad if they can have a bowl of ice cream on that day. Maybe you could get your mum to take you shopping so you could choose your favourite flavour. I have never had ice cream so am so looking forward to it. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Nope!! It's very boring around here. Mommy has a home visit on Saturday and we gotta go get the oil changed in our car. Told ya boring!!

Snigg yas later.......Weernie

Unknown said...

We plan on yard work and that isnt much fun...sigh. I hope you find something fun to do so we can see!!!

Duke said...

I sure don't think I'll be having any more boring days. If I get overwhelmed too much with Molly, can I please come and visit you guys?

Love ya lots,