Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Special Birfday...

Not that WE would ever get to even SNIFF one, since they are Chocolate, butt the Famous Cookie...... OREO turns 100 years old this week. I think that is worthy of celebration. I just wish that WE could have a nibble, don't you?

SOOOOOO here is a question fur you.... do your Peeps... unscrew them and eat the middle furst or do they eat them Whole?


Lovable Lily said...

OMD Frankie! That's my Mom's favorite cookie! In fact, I think that their commercial was the reason I learned to watch TV when I was a baby. They use to sing that song O-R-E-O in a high pitched voice. My head would whip so fast towards the screen and I would wag my tail. Mommy still sings it to me today. Between that and seeing Geoffrey the Toys-R-Us giraffe I became a real TV watcher.

Thanks for letting us know that today is a big day for Oreo.

Lily Belle

P.S. Mommy leaves hers together but must always dunk it in milk.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Our mom duz it both wayz. But we Beaglebratz r with u - we think WE shood at least git a bite or 2.
Shiloh'n Shasta

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

OMD!! Our Mommy likes them crumbled up in milk or even better crubled on top of Blue Bell vanilla ice cream with prcans.

Frankie, guess she'll be having oreos tonigjt to celebrate such an important, birthdy.

sniff ya latr.....Weenie

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ooooooh our Momster likes dem dippied in a cup ovs tea den her noms dem whole ( her has a veri big mouth cos her can fit a Oreo in in one go )
Hers neva givs us a sniffs eivver

Ronnii, Uji n Izzy
xxx xxx xxx

Debbie said...

Of course you eat the middles first and then dip the cookie part in a big glass of milk..yum, yum!

Unknown said...

Okay...you will prolly think my momma is wierd (whats new) butt her unscrews da Oreo, eats da middle, then throws out da cookie part! Yeppers, her don't like da cookie, just da middle.

Sigh. This is da woman that takes care of us.....

Bassetmomma said...

100!! That's pretty old! Should we really be eating those cookies? lol! My kids and grandkids unscrew and dunk, and hubby leaves them whole.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hap-pee Birfday to da famous Oreo. Dad luvs 'em but me tinks he swallows dem whole jus so we can't smell dem! :o(

Scooter said...

oh my peeps unscrew them and eat the innards first!! and she will give me just one itty bitty piece and I can tell you guys that it is yummy. Too bad I cant have a whole one sigh!!

Jazzi and Addy

GOOSE said...

My MOM does not eat them. She has not cared for them much. But on Sunday when my MOM was with her youth at the church the kids were eating them and most of them twist them. And an interesting fact MOM found out- one of her kids is a vegan and it turns out that Oreo's are OK for for Vegans! Personally I don't understand why someone would not eat meat. But I guess that means more for me.

Millie and Walter said...

I like to unscrew my Oreo's and eat the middle first. Nina's daddy always eats them whole and since she is a bigger girl than you he shares a little morsel with her.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom says that is the ONLY way to eat an Oreo. But tell her to buy you the vanilla filled white oreos - they are good too.

Happy Birthday, Oreos!!!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Pippen said...

A long time ago our grampa used to work for the people that makes the oreos! So that's one of mom's favourites to munch on...

Sam and Pippen

The Army of Four said...

Our mom eats the filling first. Dad doesn't. In fact, he looks at Mom like she's crazy when she goes for the icing. Go figure!
Dave (Mom calls me her little Oreo!)

Berts Blog said...

My Vickie admits that when she was married, her husband would drink a 6 pack of root beer and a whole bag of oreos in one setting.

My Vickie wanted to at least make it a little healthy for him so she would bring the bag of oreos home, unscrew everyone of them, scoop a little bit of the white frosting from the inside of the cookie and fill it with raw bran.

Then put them back together and put them out for Kent. She didn't know that raw bran in large amounts can make you very very sick.

whoops, Kent ended up in the hospital bent in half with sevier pain one day. that was when it was discoverd by My Vickie that too much too soon can be bad.

So yes, we used to unscrew the cookies. Now we don't eat them at all. Oh yeh and he divorced her on the grounds that she tried to kill him.

Can you beleive that.......My Vickie isn't too smart, but I love her.

Marg said...

Mom unscrews them and eats that yummy white stuff. We did not know this was Oreo day. Thanks for letting us know. Mom is going out to get some right now. We of course are not allowed to have any, darn it all.Take care.

Anonymous said...

I can't eat them anymore either Frankie and Ernie, but when I did I used to pull them apart and eat the side without the cream first. Then I would eat the side with the cream. On occasion I would dip the entire cookie in milk and eat it that way.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Mommy's not crazy for Oreos, but our daddy LOVEs them. So, we'll make sure to buy him a bag as a special birthday celebration for the Oreo cookie!! He eats them in one piece.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

The Websters said...

They eat them whole. They also buy the Whole Foods brand b/c they supposedly taste better. Like I would know. boo.



Remington said...

I am not allowed to have those....do they make them without chocolate? Maybe I could just eat the middle....there is a thought!

Dachshund Nola said...

That's cool Frankie! I love the vanilla ones
Dachshund Nola

Dandy Duke said...

Happy birthday, Oreo Cookie! I sure wish I could taste you! Mom takes them apart and eats the cream center first.

Love ya lots,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Whole! Oreos have only make it to Oz and SHE bought some the other day because they were the cheapest (sale). We'll have to see if we can a nibble.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Unskhrew them fur sure!


3 doxies said...

Okays, mum don't eats them but My Girl does and her dips them in milk and I just gets to stare at hers withs my famous puppy dog eyes...sigh.

Okays, these comments is crackin' me off especially from Bert and Minna...whats new theres?


Beans4Biscuits said...

The momma doesn't like Oreos (she is sooo twisted)but our girl gobbles them up whole and so does the daddy.

If I got my who-mitts on one I would crunch that thing up faster than lightening! It will never happen but a Who can dream...

Sugar the Who

Ziggy Stardust said...

My Peeps are Oreo crazy and yes Remington they do make a yellow oreo now, which I have been allowed to sample with milk, now for me I only get the cooky part. My Mom is the weirdest, she takes one cooky off and dips that in milk until it is very soggy and then eats it, but the second half with the cream she eats without milk in 1 piece, no licking. Crazy huh? There are special birthday cake Oreos out now and we HAD a box but somehow it is gone.

Loveys Sasha

sprinkles said...

I don't even remember the last time I had any Oreos. I like to unscrew them, eat the middle part and then eat the cookies. After doing this with a few, I then like keep them together when I eat them. If I'm being a piggie and continue to eat them, I'll go back to twisting them apart again and eating them that way.

(This would be why I don't buy Oreos - I can't say no to just one!)

Oskar said...

My mom person LOVES Oreos. No unscrewing for her, just dipping in milk until they're good & soggy.

Nubbin wiggles,

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, my Mom is a HUUUUGGGEEEEE Oreo fan! She likes them dunked in milk fur sure, but what she really, really likes to do is smear just a small amount of peanut butter on them, then give them a quick dunk in milk. Talk about strange, but at least I can have the pb! BOL.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Jans Funny Farm said...

We've rarely seen them but we think Jan takes them apart.

Two French Bulldogs said...

thats what I'm talkin bout Oreos. Wonder if we could have the vanilla ones
Benny & Lily

pibble said...

I eat the center first. AND I eat them whole. AND I dunk them in milk... Get the picture? I just eat and eat and eat them!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Oh, I has to tell you an Oreo story. Way afore my time, mom had a dog named Bandit. She had the sepawration anxieties but woz fine home alone as long as she woz with the udder dog, Sherlock. Long story short, the two dogs got sepawrated in the house while mom woz at werk. (It woz the boy's daddy's fault in case you is wonnering why there be no daddy no more, BOL) So mom had a bag of Oreos on the counter and all the way home from werk she woz thinking about nomming those Oreos when she got home. She walked in the door to find all the window blinds shredded AND the empty Oreo bag on the floor. Mom wanted to cry - about the Oreo cookies, not the blinds. Bandit nommed the whole bag and did not even get sickie.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH our mom eats dem wif peanut budder. Her is now on her way to da pantry to get some. ;)
Happy Birfday Oreo!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

The Daily Pip said...

Well, my mom isn't crazy about the filling, but she loves the chocolate cookies!

We have about 87 million boxes of girl scout cookies around this house as my sissy just joined the Daisies - would you believe I am not allowed to try ANY of them!

Your pal, Pip

houndstooth said...

Mom and Dad love those cookies, too! Mom thought a party for their birthday was in order. She says eating them whole is the only way to go!


Andrea said...

I don't do either. I nibble around the edges breaking all the cookie off with my teeth until eventually, inevitably, the frosting is revealed, and then I eat one cookie, scrape the frosting off, and eat the other cookie.

I'm not actually big on the frosting. :P

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

CHOCOLATE?? Did someone mention CHOCOLATE?? Mmmmm I had chocolate once. No, no, must not eat chocolate! Hehehe, No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Anonymous said...

Jen is probably the only human in the world that doesn't like Oreo cookies. I would like them, but I'm not allowed either.

Sagira said...

My mom is a little weird and doesn't like Oreos that much but when she does eat them she leaves them together, not screwing here. haha

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mommy likes them crumbled up in ice-cream. She is so looking forward to it being warm enough for Oreo Ice-cream.