OKAY... so the other day... I (Frankie Furter) and my puppy Ernie got a Pressie Package..... From Blogville's PeeCan Princess... You know her don't you?
Well inside was this BEAUTIFUL yellow package tied up with a Lovely Bow.. and it was FILLED with... PeeCans... Picked Just fur US from the Princess' very much own tree!!! 
Just look at all these Delicious... HOME GROWN... PeeCans...

Well Ol' Sure Shot Grabbed the Sledge Hammer and MOM snagged the mixing bowl... and they went to work....

Pickin out the delicious Nuts... and Whippin up a PEE CAN PIE....

Doesn't that look DEEEEEEEELICIOUS??? Well, Ernie and I wouldn't Know about that though... beclaws my STINK HEADED STINGY BUTTED PEEPS... Would NOT even let us have a SNIFF!!!
Dear PeeCan Princess (aka Poopin Puddles)... PLEASE come to MY house and turn your....
Waaaaaah WHINE Waaaaaaahhhh Whimper.
Wow the word Pee never looked so good
Benny & Lily
Ohhhhh DML jus luvs pee-can pie mmmmmmmmm yummo her says
Oh Wow!! Mommy is so hungry for pecan pie. Us too!!
Sniff ya later......Weenie
The pie looks delicious and if I close my eyes I can almost smell it too. I think you are being treated unfairly! No taste of the pie made with YOUR pee-cans! That is unheard of...
Lily Belle
You mean u 2 did not even git one of thoze delish lookin'pee-canz?
That is just soooooo NOT right.
Shiloh'n Shasta
Hey Frankie, we say a BIG PPpppffffrrrrrttttttt! to your stink head peeps...... they were fur YOU not THEM!!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Frank, that pie looks delish. Mom L is a great cooker.
Puddles was sweet to send you those pecans.
Love Ruby & Penny
They didn't even give you a taste?! But, but, but Puddles says they're delicious! Oh, you'd better plot something serious for revenge on this one!
Oh Frankie, I think we need to have a protest on your behalf. No more cuteness from you or Ernie until your Peeps give you pie!
I don't get why they wouldn't let you have just a little taste. It's not like she put chocolate or raisins in it did she? This is a travesty!!
Oh that looks so good. My MOM just loves pee-cans. They are her favorite. it's just not right you got nothing! Not even a shell. Not fair I tell ya.
Looks totally yummy. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
They didn't give you a taste of that pie?!?
What a great present Puddles, but sometimes you just have to share! LOL!
Sorry you didn't get to share, but it does look SOOO GOOD!
You should climb on the counter and grab a taste. Because that's just not fair!
You didn't get even an itty bitty taste? How unfAire! Mom says she hasn't had pecan pie in YEARS! yummmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sheesh, you'd think you could at least have had a piece of the crust! Puddles was very nice to share her pecans with you even if Mom didn't.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
I think it be a shame dat we can't counter surf...Note to self: buy a stool. But, I may be confused, wasn't dat addressed to you and Lamp Shade Boy? I'll send you my tree when they cut it down.
Dat pie looks heavenly. Wonders if your mom will share withs me??????
Pee-can Princess
YUMMY! That is Mike's favorite!
That pie looks soooooo good! I can't believe your mom didn't even share with you! Especially since it was YOUR pressie!!!!
And we thought pee-cans were those things you find under the bed to use at night!!! Bruhaahaaa!
Bummer about that pie. They could have at least made somethin' you could eat out of YOUR present!!! It's a disgrace.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Tells your mom dat dis is da bestest pie EVERS, it's deeeeeelish. She did goes a little easy on da icey cream though, could have used more.
It's nice and warm and my icey cream done meltd...mmmmmmmmmm!
Pee-Can Princess
Hi Mr Frankie, how totally unfair of your peeps. Mmmmm that pie does looks so delicious. We hope you got some treats instead of the pie. Maybe your mum could make YOU and Little Ernie another pie???? Just sayin. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Wow, homemade PEEcan pie! I'm on my way!
Too funny!!! ...turn her poop shooter loose... LOL!!!!
~Milly and Shelby
Well....da nerve of dem....
Me re-peets.....da nerve!
I'm droolin' all over my keyboard lookin' at that pawsome pie :)
Frankie, I'm craving for that deliciousss Pizza! YUMMY! :D
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Wow, they didn't even let you have a taste of crust, or lick the spoon or anything? That does suck. We eat nuts off the ground in season. Is there something especially dog-dangerous about pee-cans? We have to check that out. Next time, maybe Puddles can just send you some cheese in a can.
Jed & Abby
time to stage a protest.
Might I come over for a piece of pie? You know my mom is challenged in the baking department (remember my flaky peeps posts) and I have never even seen a pie that yummy.
Your pal, Pip
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