LOOK what Ernie got in the Mail... TWO Get well Cards.. The one on the Right is from the Dachsies With Moxie.... and the one that is a Pop Up card.. on the Left if from Mango and Dexter.
Ernie LOVED them BOTH. He will be puttin them up on the Wall in OUR Toy Room. THANKS to Ginger Chip Thai Tasha Anna Rose Mango and Dexter. They made Ernie feel MUCH BETTER...
PeeS... have you sent your King and or Queen pictures and your Kissing booth pic to Glacier fur Valentine's Day Pawty and Dance activities??? here is where... in case you haven't already...
AND... have you gotten a Virtual Snack fur your Date or Loved one??? It is so easy.. just go to Glacier's Blog
You will find the Virtual Snack thingy on the Left side.. Click on that and POOF...
EASY PEASY... I got some fur my Wimmen. SHHHHHHHH Don't tell them though.
Squirt cheese is great anytime. No need to wear a cone to enjoy it.
Glad you got the card. I hope the cone of shame is a thing of the past by now.
Awesome idea Ernie. You got some cool stuff to hold in your shade. That can cheese looks tasty
Benny & Lily
Dat Ernie is a goody likke lads , Uji is terribles at takin meds hims can suck squirt cheese offs n spit da pill on da floor so Moomi used crunchy peenutts butter cos him cant tell wots is pill n wot is peenut..................BOL
That's pawesome! We got to get our paws on that yummy squirt cheese! We hope that Ernie will feel better soon. Zoom zoomies coming your way, Ernie!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Hey Frankie!
Wow, that Ernst is even super cute inside the cone of shame! What a face. Lucky buddy to get that yummy cheese and I'm sure his dogtor appt will go great. Great cards from great furiends.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We love the squeeze cheese too! How awesome is that concept. My Mommy uses Pill Pockets when we have to take medicine. She says there are really sticky to her, but Muffin and I love them.
Glad to hear that Ernie is doing so well. He's such the life of the party. I mean, wearing that lampshade on his head and all.....
Lily Belle
WTH????? Ya'll gets squirt cheese to takes your pills? My mum SHOVES them DOWN our throats!!!!!!! I mean seriously she gags us.
Dat was so sweet dat little Bucket Head gots some get well cards, I bet dat made him feel super specials.
You can save alot snacks in your bucket head. I think momma should squirt cheese all along it like icing.. that would be hours of fun. Glad u are doing well Ernie beanballs.
Squirt cheese. I MUST tell MOM this. I don't have to take pills very often, but ya know I feel a sneeze coming on. I think a little, like the whole can, of squirty cheese will help a lot.
Keep gettin' better Erine.
Woof! Woof! OH Cheeeeseeeee.!!!!! Lucky you ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hmmm...like Puddles said....My Mom just shoves da pills down our throats. Sometimes I fools her by pretending to take my pill and den Mom finds it on da carpet hours later. BOL
Your lampshade comes in handy. Maybe you want to keep it around for a while....jus' not on your head!
OMD squirt cheese?! That sounds super yummy! Paws crossed that Ernie gets to leave the cone of shame behind on Saturday!
That looks easier than pressin' it into a cube of cheese - glad Ernie likes it....squirt some my way!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Poor little guy. You might give him a complex if you keep calling him Bucket Head...:-)
That Ernie is one smart little dude!! I thinks he could market that Cone-of-Shame-Stuffie-Holder concept!
Lucy could assist him with marketing and franchise opportunities!
Ooooh! Squirt cheese! Lucky dawg!
Cheese! Yummy! Hope you are back to normal real soon!
Squirt cheese?! This is the first I'm hearing about this! Off to the supermarket, mommy! Teehee!
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Cheese that squirts?! WHAT!
Do you think that squirt cheese might make me eat my breakie in the kitchen, Frankie? We're telling mom about this. We've never had it before! Can you even believe it?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, yes! Squirt cheese is the BEST way for taking pills, that's for SURE!
I've never had a cone but, well, Ernie ACTUALLY makes it look kinda cool. The way you can carry around your toys and stuff. I bet I could keep snacks in there, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
I think my mom should start giving me pills with cheese :)
I was wondering if little Lampshade Biy was havin' any identity crisises from him havin' squirrel guts in him?
Does you reckon he may needs therapy furs dat?
Maybe Lucy could assist him withs dat too.
Our easy cheese comes in a jar. SHE used it for Kendra's tablets until Kendra got too cluey and just ate the cheese....Bruhaahaahaa!!!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
I wish my Mom had thought of that when I had my spay! I entered into queen!
Dachshund Nola
We once fostered a dog wot had surgeries on his leg and had to wear the cone of shame fur like months. He figgered out that if'n you swing your head back, then forward and plop the cone on the ground so the open side is all flat on the ground, it brings in all the aromas of the pee-mail togedder and rite up your snooter! Pritty nifty, eh? And yes, they do make good toy holders and when it snows outside you can make snow cones in them to carry around inside with you. OK, just trying to POINT out the advantages of the cone.
Oh, that last picture of Ernie - is he cross-eyed? Too funny! What a pooch will do for squirt cheese!
So glad to hear that Ernie is doing well. Hope that the "cone" thing is soon only a distant memory!
Critter Alley
So glad his lump was no trouble and the come will be gone soon! I hope you still get squirt cheeze somehow though. Maybe you can plant some an it'll grow like your bone tree?
Well, I would have sent a card if I hadn't been abandoned, cut off from the outside world! I am glad Ernie is doing OK and Mango is right, squirt cheese is great anytime.
Your pal, Pip
Oh yeah, We Beaglebratz LOVE that squirt cheeze. Our mom putz a little on a milkbone fer an x-tra treat. When we du haf tu take pillz, our mom putz a little p-nut butter on them an'we just eat'em rite up. Az fer Ernie makin'squirrel noizez - did YOU? Just wunderin......
Shiloh'n Shasta
Howdy Mr Frankie and Little Ernie, we hope your cone is gone soon Little Ernie. Great idea to pretend you don't like your pills and then getting your mum to add squirty cheese. Smart little man. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory P.S. Grrreat cards too!
Hmmmm, squirt cheese and pills...Brilliant!
I hope you are feeling lots and lots better. Thank you for the reminder for the pawty and thanks for introducing me to the very handsome Remington.
licks and sniffs Sasha
How sweet of your furiends to send Ernie those cards!
I used to wrap my dog's pills in a piece of lunch meat. Worked every time! For awhile after that, whenever I'd make myself a sandwich, the dogs would wine because I didn't share any of the lunch meat with them anymore. bol
OMD, I gotta get my pix in for Chico! He's so proud that Phoenix accepted his invitation to the big dance.
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