Saturday, January 21, 2012

Plaq Clnz

FURST: I have some VERY much GRRRREAT NEWS... Dr. Husty called and said that the Biopsy Report showed that the LUMP that was under Ernie's arm.. was an Infected Area.. which was caused by either... a Bug Bite.. when he was still with his birth mommy... OR caused by an initial shot that would have been given by the Breeder's Vet.. WHEW... THAT is really good news!!! I KNOW that this would NOT have been the good report that we got... if it had NOT been fur all of YOU who sent your good wishes, crossed paws, good Vibes that you so generously lavished on my little guy!!! THANK YOU... THANK YOU so very MUCH... LIKE 87 TIMES!!!
Ernie is doing pretty well. Mom took his front leg bandages off yesterday. The sites look super. He wants to chew his stitches so he has to keep the Cone of FAME on all the time... except when he Eats Drinks or goes Potty... having stitches in 4 different places is not too comfy. BUTT at least this will all be "behind" him... soon.
Second: We are in the midst of a major winter storm... My area will get MOSTLY FREEZING RAIN and SLEET / ICE event... butt we Will have some MORE Snow.. ON TOP of THAT ICE. It will be very much difficult fur little Ernie to do his potty stuffs out in this mess.
Now THIS is WHY I totally HATE WINTER!!! I'm just sayin.
Now fur somethingy TOTALLY different:
Do you remember this bottle of BLUE stuffs from yesterday??? Well, I kinda want to talk to you about it...
The stuff is called PLAQ CLNZ and it if fur both CATS and DAWGS .... TEEFS. I want to say right now... that I have NOT Received one single green paper or even a free sample of this stuffs.. I just wanted to tell you about it... beclaws... well you should see MY TEEFS... THEY LOOK AMAZING.... Last summer... my Groomer Lady... Miss Buzz Off... gave my mom a little bit of this stuffs to try on my teefs. Now my mom used to brush my teefs at LEAST 5 times EVERY WEEK.. and I love it... She uses Chicken Flavored teefs paste.. ummmmm. I am VERY much grrrrreat about the brushing stuffs... EVEN in the BACK. The Last time I had my Dr. Husty Clean my teefs was in April of 2010... before OUR BIG WEDDING...
SO When I took Ernie to have his surgery... I took this Plaq Clnz stuffs with me and asked Dr. Husty to check it out an be SURE DOUBLE SURE that there was nothing in it that would damage my chompers.
Now to have your teefs cleaned by MY Doctor... it Starts at $135.00 fur a dog UNDER 50 Pounds.. and that does NOT include antibiotics or extractions or pain meds.. if they are needed.
WELL, now Dr. Husty said that this Plaq Clnz stuff is TOTALLY SAFE and does NOT contain ANYTHINGY that would harm my mouth or my teefs or even my tummy. THEN he looked at my teefs.. and said WOW! and talked some more about what a grrrrrreat teefs brusher my mom is and then looked AGAIN and said... his teefs look REALLY good. Then he talked some more about how my mom is the BESTEST BRUSHER HE has EVER SEEN... and he checked MY CHART and found out how long it has been since my last cleaning and THEN he got the LIGHT out and looked in my mouth AGAIN and said... THIS is GRRRREAT... there isn't ANY tarter EVEN WAY BACK IN THE BACK.
I just wanted to tell you all of this beclaws I think the stuffs tastes YUCKY.. BUTT I love how WHITE and Clean My TEEFS look... If you are Interested in finding out about the stuffs... you can do a search by just typing in plaq clnz.. Miss Buzz Off sells the stuffs fur $20.00 fur a 2 oz. bottle. Remember this works on CATS, TOO... I am still on my FURST $20.00 bottle and it is still 1/2 full!!! That is from like July until Now... I could buy 7 bottles fur what it would cost to have my teefs cleaned ONCE... Now I got Sarge to give it a try... in August.. and HIS teefs are all pearly white now Too.
Remember.... I got NOTHINGY fur tellin you about this. I just thought I might Spread the Word...
Mom is gonna start using it on Ernie.. Once he has all this surgery thingy.. BEHIND him.
This is a PRE SURGERY Pic of Ernie. Those little Dew Claws are History now... I will be very much happy when he looks this happy again.
PeeS... Puddles and Albert are feeling better. Whew! I am very much glad about that.
Please continue to keep THEM and Sagira and Bokeh and their family in your thoughts.


HoundDogMom said...

Oh, Frankie so much for that information. We have to go check that stuff out. We got Bully sticks for the first time and that really cleaned Amiees teeth but we thinks we need something to use more regular. Enjoy your snow and stuffs we got like an 1 inch. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad to hear that Ernie is ok! :) So So happy! :)

That teeths stuff sounds good, Chicken toothpaste? Yum! :)


WFT Nobby said...

I must confess I get very nervous each time we open up a blog from the USA and see mention of the topic of dental hygiene...

So I'm going to change the subject rapidy Frankie and tell you the exciting news that Addy (yes Addy, Jazzi's sister) has graciously agreed to accompany me to the Valentine Dance. Isn't that just spiffing!

Toodle pip!

PS Gentle hugs to Ernie. So pleased to read that you're doing OK little chappie.

Lovable Lily said...

Thank goodness the news on Ernie is excellent! Phew....

I'm gonna check out the teeth cleaning stuff right now. We have recently been talking about them on the Dachsie Bulletin Board. Now we know first hand that your brand really works.

Stay warm and snuggle up to Ernie.

Lily Belle

pibble said...

Well, 87 HUGS TO ALL OF YOU! This is the most wonderful news! A few stitches here and there are worth some good news. Of course, we all have to go buy some extra Clairol to cover the gray hairs that popped up in the last few days from our worrying, but heck, Ernie's worth it.

Hey - I ordered from Mr. Chewy, and thanks for the tip! I'm about to do a post. I can't believe how much I'm saving, not to mention a trip to the store every two weeks!

Take care of your

Finn said...

Oh Ernie, glad you are doing better. I remember the cone of shame days, too....they go by fast, my friend! Interesting product there too!

Unknown said...

THANK DOGNESS!!! The good need about Ernie made our whole weekend!! And it is pawsome they got the news to you with da quickness, so WE all didn't have to worry what"it" was for 87 days

Now, didn't I tell you my medical sniffer snooter thought all would be Okie-dokie? Heeheee

Unknown said...

Now about that teef momma is very, very interested (me, not so much)

Apparenty us doxins tend to have bad teef problems and lots of tendency for da buildup, since we have such skinny snooters. I don't know fur sure about that, butt some VET told that to my momma. Truthfully, we are not the best brushers at my momma tries, butt her gets frustrated with the " 4dog Toothpaste Rodeo".

Her is gonna check that blue stuff out, and get back to you (oh goodie-goodie)

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Well we Beaglebratz just HAF tu stop by an'say how furry much happy we r fer
Ernie an'your mom an'u an'your daddy an'your girl an'oh - guess that iz all there. We r duin'the happy dance - well we r duin'it in our mindz cuz we just got dun with breakfast an'gittin'ready fer our mornin'nap. We iz just so furry much happy tu hear your newz - sorry we haf not bin around much lately - our mom haz bin hoggin'the 'puter fer "other" stuff - we say what else iz there?
Shiloh'n Shasta

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wonderful news about Ernie. I got bad breath. Mommy 3will have to buy me some of that stuff.

Sniff ya later........Weenie

Scooter said...

good info Frankie. When I go to the VET he says my teef are very white and clean!! Glad to hear that Ernie is better and will be healed up before we know it!!

Jazzi and Addy

Bassetmomma said...

Wow! That sounds like great stuff for your teeth! I'm going to have to try and find that for Fred and Gloria. So glad to hear that Ernie is doing better. Stay safe in the storm!

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, I'm so incredibly relieved for Ernst! I just knew it would be nothing serious. Whew. Glad he's healing up and I've sent more vibes to him. I really don't care too much for that teeth stuff, but it isn't horrible and my pearlies are staying all pearlie!! Great stuff.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Dachshund Nola said...

So glad Ernie is ok!
Dachshund Nola

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

OHH Wee is SO SO happisome dat Ernies lumpy wos nuffin bads or sinister big sigs all rounds wee finks.
Dat blue stuff sounds most goodly butts wee is not good abouts toofie brushin sadly butt our Moms buys us stuffs dat goes in our water bowl, wen her has putted it in n fills da bowl up wee gets foamy bubbles on da tops fur a likkle while n Uji jus lovs da bubbles n foam. It tastes a bits minty too which is nommy.

Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

Woohoo! Glad that Ernie is all good!!

Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

pibble said...

Hey, Frankie - just a quick note of thanks for sending a link to our post to MrChewy! I did figure in the tax to get the whole $11.55 of savings/bag. I couldn't believe how much I'm saving! What a great find, from a great furiend! Thank you again!

PeeEss - I also "liked" their page on Facebook and left them a note about my savings. Can you tell I'm somewhat flabbergasted?! :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awesome news all around, Frankie. So happy about the lump report, and how wonderful it came back so quickly. We might have to have Mom try that teef stuff too.

Be careful with that ice, that is dangerous stuff.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Barbara said...

We are so happy that it was just an infection (even if we hate infections!) Ernie will be all better soon!!

Helen P. said...

Yay Ernie!! I'm super glad it wasn't something terribly serious! Now, just don't let the bedbugs bite...

Jo's World said...

I told my Mom about this and she said she is going to look it up on the 'net. My teefs are in good shape because I get a lot of bones, real ones, plus some rawhides. My Mom will only buy the rawhides that are rolled up like cigars, nice and tight, where you just chew on the ends! But we could use some special cleaner, I don't like teef brushing and I fight it.

Stella, Zkhat and Jo

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great news about Ernie's lump!! We know he'll be back to turdling soon.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Jo's World said...

Hey Frankie,

We are most happy for little Ernie, and he will heal fast now that you are not worried anymore!

I knew his lump would be OK, I just knew it.

Jo, Zkhat and Stella

Ziggy Stardust said...

Yahoo and yipee Ernie is ok! Happy dance, happy dance!! My Mommy was very interested in reading about the tooth juice. She wants to know if bandages and antiseptic is provided for her after she tries to brush my teeth as I am...well...kind of fussy about things like that. I do have my own tooth brush and I brush my own teeth(she really does~the Mommy) so my vet lady says my teeth are nice also. Thanks for the info though.

licks and sniffs Sasha

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Mr Frankie, great news about Little Ernie. We were pawsitive he would be fine. The teeth stuffs sounds really good. Thanks for the info. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Bailey Be Good! said...

I'm so glad things turned out alright!! So glad to hear that everyone's feeling OK.

When Nala gets her teeth cleaned at the doctor's, she usually has the kind where they don't put doggies to sleep. It costs a lot less and it just takes a few hours. :)

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Anonymous said...

Frankie, be sure to stop by my blog, I got some good Cheer you up News!!

HH and The Boys said...

Thanks for the great post Frankie and for all the updates. I'm just thrilled that the test on the lump came back to be good news. That's great.

pawhugs, Max

Asta said...

I am most happiest about Ewnie and of couwse about youw teefies..I don't think i can get that stuff hewe booo hoooo, but it sounds gweat..I haven't answewed anyone else cause Mommi is in a tizzy, but just couldn't wesist tellling you I had my paws cwossed and this is gweat news
smoochie kisses

Cape Cod Crew said...

So glad Ernie is okay & feeling better! Teething clensing spray? Hmm...

XOXO ~ Cape Cod Crew

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Glad to hear such a good pupdate on Ernie. Hang on, little dude, and don't slip on that ice. Dig in with your little nails.

That mouth spray review is killing us, buddy. We have a different kind, but mama never got around to using it. We're now very much afraid she's going to drag it out and try it. Drat you, Frankie Furter. And we need it, by which we mean Jed. Abby's teeth are in excellent shape and have never been cleaned; Jed's have to be done at least once a year [not counting root canals] at $500 a pop [we're a little bigger than you are]. Mama is seeing dollar signs.

Jed & Abby

Wyatt said...

We are so happy that Ernie is okay!
Thanks for the review on doggy dental stuff. Mom was gonna pick up some tooth pastey goo at the dog show, now she knows what to look for!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Glad to hear Ernie is okay! And nifty toofers stuff - we don't like having our teeths brushed, so Mom is going to look into this stuff - she likes our pearly whites and would like to keep 'em that way!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

PeeEss: Mother Nature totally came through on the snow thing, so I fear your snow guns will have no influence on my judging decision! ;-)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yay for Ernie! That is such good news. We had all our paws crossed tight. I think the circulation has been cut off in my paws from crossing them so tight. Great news bout your teefies too.

Scrappy Angel said...

That is pawesome news! Mom uses that blue stuff already and she thinks it's great - i tolerate it, but believe her (and you now) that is really IS good for me teeth!

still sorry about the cone of shame. and apparently the difficult weather making business trips more comlicated!

Peggy Frezon said...

I'm so happy for that good report for Ernie! I hope he gets rid of the cone of fame soon! Thanks for telling us about the tooth stuff too.

sprinkles said...

Lots of good news in today's post!

What a relief that Ernie's report came out so well!

Chico has bad teeth. I should really look into that plaq clnz stuffs for him. I wonder if he would fight me using it on him.

Dandy Duke said...

What great news to wake up to! We hope you're back to 100% soon, Ernie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, Frankie - that is SUCH GOOD NEWS about your Ernie! YAY!

Thanks for the info about the teef cleaner stuff. Have to check that out!

The Road Dogs

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear little Ernie is doing so well, I wish I'd had Sampson's dew claws removed.

Sampson and Delilah eat chicken necks which work really well at cleaning their teeth, since neither one of them are as good about it as you.

Sagira said...

I am so happy to hear that you got good news back from the tests. That must have been SO scary for you to wait for the results.

That teeth cleaning stuff sounds super nice.

Thank you again for keeping us in your thoughts. They are going to have a service for my Grandpa on Feb. 3rd in Columbus.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

So little Ernie was a brave boy. We'll have to remember this blue stuff. Mommy vowed to brush us regularly, but it's hit 'n miss. The vet told us both we had pretty teeth last check up. It's the dry food we eat. Holistic. We're very happy that Ernie's lump wasn't anything to worry about. Yippeee!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Bone Appitite said...

Glad things are going well. My two boys, Peanut and Rocket have used Plaq Clnz for years. Both have clean teeth with no plaque or build up of any type.