they Swing from the Lights...
Somebuddy asked... How long do I have to put up with this SnowMADNESS?? Mom puts them OUT in Mid November and they stay OUT until Christmas day or the day after... I think that amounts to like 87 weeks. At least if FEELS like that long...
I think you need to teach one of those snowmen a lesson - the one hanging from the cabinet looks like he's asking for it!
Come on down for a visit... No snowmen over her Frankie....
pawhugs, Max
We think they are cute, cute, cute.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
At my house some of our snowmen stay out until da end of February! Happy Tuesday to you and your puppy Ernie!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hey Frankie!
Wow, teeheehee to Finn's comment! She's right...some of these are well within the chew zone. Better yet, send the Ernieator after them! Just kidding: You know I love them!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We don't put snowman out at our house - we don't get snow so it just seems odd. We put out tumbleweed men instead! This isn't ours - but:
Sometimes they even get painted white! BOL!
OH Frankie burter are you having Snowman nightmares yet.
My goodness, they are everywhere you turn, you can't get away from them.
Now that is the making of a good Christmas horror story.
Watch your back
Hi Frankie and Ernie, be brave soliders! Fight those sneaky snowmen!!
Hey buddy, I don't know if you noticed, but in my pictures today I am sitting on a SNOWMAN blanket! I think maybe my mom got that idea from you. Also, my little sissy picked out a SNOWMAN decoration for our front yard - I don't think you can see it in the picture, but trust me it is there. SNOWMAN fever seems to be spreading ...
Your pal, Pip
Our snowmen stay out till mid March sometimes Frankie. Thanks for the card did you get yours yet?
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
Frankie, you and Ernie can come stay with me in Florida until Christmas. No snow here!
Those little snowmen are for sure spreading their joy. They are invading our house as well, not like yours Frankie but we are thinking we might be able to send you a few of ours. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Maybe those snow flake people are gathering at your place because they like the Jim Bean to much. That could be why they hang in funny places, I just saying I would hide the booze.
Sweet William The Scot
You should have a sign up at your house called could sell tickets so people could come and look at all the awesome snowman! I bet you would make about 87 BILLION dollars!
Oh dat door handle snowguy looks like someone me nose. I tink we have his twin brudder hanging on our front door!
Frankie that is really not that long Really!!!!!! You can put up with being cute for a little while!!
We have so snow here Frankie!!
xx, Zoie & Fern
We love seeing all your snowmans Frankie
Benny & Lily
Frankie - Do you dream of snowmen every night during winter?! BOL!
The Road Dogs
You're totally lucky she doesn't keep them out until Spring!
Christmas is comin' up very can stick it out, Frankie. How does Ernie feel about his FIRST snowman experience?
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy
Oh Mr Frankie we hope Little Ernie isn't traumatised by all those little snowmen's beady eyes. Just watching. Following you everywhere. Arghhhh. We keep scaring ourselves. Take care in the snowmen home. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Did you get more snowmen, Mr. Frankie? I don't remember all of these from last year.
If it would make you feel better, you could send them all to me! bol j/k
Repeat after me: The snowmen are my friends!" (You know what they say about keeping your enemies close!)
Critter Alley
OMD, Frankie, just wait until they all start POOPING! You will be buried in snowmap poop!
BUTT, Frankie,maybe by letting all those snowmen take up residence INSIDE, you won't get any snow outside:) We will do our best to keep it here, but Mom hates the snow and now has to worry about slipping in it.
What does Ernie think of all those invaders?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
There's no shame in a snowman collar! Blueberry and I are both wearing them, too!
There's no shame in a snowman collar! Blueberry and I are both wearing them, too!
We haven't decorated yet. Your mom is right on top of it!
those snowmen's look like they needs a diet tee hee hee
they is a little chubbyness
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Looks to us like those snowmen are breeding in the off season, like rabbits. Must take your mom 25 days to get them all out and displayed. Has young Ernie mistaken any of them for stuffies and chewed them up, as puppies sometimes do?
Your genuine flag from Ruby & Penny is truly gorgeous. The artist really captured their liknesses.
Whatever happened to your rabbits?
Jed & Abby
.,snowman.,they are so cute.
Dog Fence
It's all about Bichon Frise
Mee lovs dem tho Frankie dem is so cutesome
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