Now WHY????? you are askin did I have her say... the ORIGINAL Baron??? Let me tell you.. When Shelby had her PUPPIES... mom thought it would be sooooooo cool to BUY the Rights to NAMING the Puppies... and mom asked if she could buy the name BARON in honor of Angel Baron... and Miss Sandra said YES!!! Soooooo mom sent the green papers and One of Shelby's Puppies was named.. Now mom Also did that same thingy fur one of the NEW Baron's Sisters and her name became Patty Cake. (Butt that is another story).... SO See this Memory Quilt square has....triple meaning... it is from Ernie and Me, It is somethingy that the Original Baron actually LOVED, and ... it has the name of one of Shelby's precious babies on it, Puppy Baron!!!! Cool Drool !!!
So now YOU need to get YOUR quilt Square sent to WHN... she needs about 200 MORE. Tell your furends... Spread the word...
So.... YOU think your Peep(s) is Flaky???
You haven't seen anythingy
How would you like to
have to live with...
You haven't seen anythingy
How would you like to
have to live with...
I BEG of YOU.... PLEASE... Prove me Wrong... And did I say that there will be PRIZE Pressies at the END??? OH Yes.. YES indeed... Wonderful Prize Pressies to those of you who .... try to prove that YOU Peep(s) are Flakes!! I am down on my BELLY here my FURENDS. Write... Photograph... and POST... your My Peep(s) Is/are a Flake stuff Next WEEK.
You are my beloved DEAR sweet Furends... Surely you wouldn't leave me Tied to THIS FLAKE ... all ALONE...... Would YOU????? whine whimper shiver shake whine
OH and about this sign... you will NOT believe where it came from.. It is From JAZZI!!! Yes OUR Jazzi (Uncle Ed's One and Only JAZZI). She sent this to me so that I would have a decoration that did NOT have one of "THOSE" on it. THANK YOU Jazzi... I like it so much I think I'll just keep it hanging.. til Tulip Time... OR at least long enough to ...* * remind you to write and POST..** YOUR * Flakey * * * Peep **** Story******
PeeS.... please feel free to go to the older post thingy and copy and POST the story of OUR Fearless FIVE.. Some have NOT seen it at all and those of us who Have seen it.. need to spread their story.. It will help us to heal.
Hey Frankie!! Ya got nothing to worry bouts. Our Mommy has got yours beat. Maybe we can sneak it in.
We posted "IT" last night but added some pictures too. Of course our Flake cried picking out pictures to use. They are some of her favorite ones of the Fearless Five and those they died to save.
Snif ya latr............Weenie
Oh bwar bwar hhaaa bwwwaarr - I can't type coz I'm laffin' so hard at your snowperson flakey mom......
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
OMD, I just posted sumptin' flakey bouts mum dis we on da same brain wave length? Oh squirrel crap!
But, don't worry, you won't be alone withs havin' flakey peeps...hehehe.
I can't stops laughin' at your mom withs her Santa hat...bwhahahahahaha!
I am gonna makes a special section on my blog to post your letter from da Fearless Five.
Oh my... I never seen such a flake. Hey pal- I like that story- the original baron. I gots some material to send into the memory quilt.
Wow! We love your Mom's outfit! Also, we are still deciding what to do about that square for the quilt. We picked out fabric (some of our baby blankies) but we don't sew and Mom doesn't either. Oh well. Guess we're just sending a square. (2 actually)
~Milly and Shelby
Oh my peeps are just weird! And we can top that outfit no problem!!! Have a great day there!
We be sendin in our 2 squares dis week. Waitin for some paint to dwi and for Mom to finish makin' da card!
I don't know it might be hard to top the flakey mom you got there. Although I could tell you stories of mine, and I plan to.
Love the quilt part. MOM sent ours in last week. What a wonderful thing to do.
Oh I just think that is the bestest story ever for your peice for the quilt.
LOL lorn know our person is flakey!!
My Peeps just cut out part of my first bed for the quilt! Your Mommy looks silly with her hat too!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, what a great post! My Mom remembers Baron and says this is really really sweet. He was a great pooch. Perfect for the quilt. I am BOL BOL BOL'ing at that pix of Mamaw! BWAR HAR HAR Where'd she get that ca-ra-zeeee hat?!? Teeheehee. Great Peep Flake material fur sure.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
OMD, I thought the snowmans woz locked up till next year but there IS AN EGGS-CAPE-PEE ONE ON YOUR MOM'S HEAD! Did she furget to lock that one up? Now THAT do be FLAKEY!
BOL! Hey that shirt is cute!!
I think if I told on my flake she might uhh Shoot me!!! seriously!! BOL You sure do with a flake there frankie, hehehe We will get our squares mailed in.
Jazzi and Addy
Fantastic idea about the piece of material. That's a wonderful addition to the quilt.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
You've got some great 'flakey' material on your mum.
Wowzers! That is some hat your flake has on! Frankie, this is going to be some stiff competition!
Don't worries, da week ain't overs yet. Except nows mum KNOWS Whitney has been eating da Pee-cans cuz her poop was FULL of pee-cans. Kinda looked likes one of them Pee-can Logs you gets at Christmas. hehehehe...I hopes ya'll don't eat those cuz if you won't now!
I did furgets to mention dat I loves dat your mom sent a piece of Baron, I knows how special he was to her. And da fact dat da furst of Shelby's puppies was named afters him makes it even MORE sentimentals.
Hi Frankie! We will try to find a piece of material to send to Miss Sandra... We will look around in Mama's closet when she is not home!
Mama says she thought of you the other day because for the Christmas grab bag at her family's house she got a snowman plate!
Com out of my shell!! That is too funny Frankie!!
Shell flakes,
Hi Mr Frankie, great story about your piece of material for the quilt. YOur mum does look pretty flaky but we do love her T Shirt so much. Great pressie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
That is so cool that your Mom sent a piece of fabric that was Baron's favorite!
But is does NOT make up fur that pic of her!!!!! YIKES! I gots to find a pic of my Mom that beats that but you is right, it sure will be hard to do! BOL
woos, Tessa
Okay, mom spit out her water when she saw this photo. TOO funny!
That was so nice of you to send that fabric for the quilt and neat to hear the story behind Baron.
I love your square. And your mom's new sweatshirt.
I've been thinking and thinking about what I could send in for the quilt and the only thing I can come up with is a portion of our bedsheet. I sleep together with my 2 little chi's and we curl up underneath it every night. But then I think that a bedsheet is probably too thin. So I'll think on it some more.
It is true that maybe you mom is a bit on the flaky side, but she is still sweet and that is all that matters u know. Besides these humans aren't the brightest even in the best of times.
Flash, Alven and Dottie
BOL I think all our peeps are major flakes
Dachshund Nola
Your mom is flakey fur sure, but we LUVS her!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Don't you worry, I will be posting next week - I have a few flakes up my sleeve. Bahwhahahahaha!!! Did I mention that my mom once wore her dress inside out to work? And that she can not make a cup of coffee to save her life. Now, she drinks coffee (can't function without it), but when she tries to make coffee - things go horribly wrong. These are just a few of the gems, I mean flakes, that I may be sharing next week!
Your pal, Pip
That's a really nice quilt square. My mother in law quilts, maybe she can help me make one to send along.
P.S.: That's very sweet about Barron. I still need to get my square together.
Oh she looks ready for the snow...the flakie snow
Benny & Lily
What a furry cool looking square! I just love your mommy's shirt, how cute!
Your bed looks very comfortable and soft, and your mom looks so cute on her costume :D
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
That fabric you chose for the quilt is super special! You are such a thoughtful pup!
The Road Dogs
Hey Frankie! We're not entire sure what this 'Our Peep is a Flake' thing is, but count us in! Mom is a flake, and sometimes she dresses funny, too! Happy New Year - and I hope Francine and Earnestine don't get too wild tonight!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
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