I (Frankie Furter) asked my lovely Brides to attend the PAWm... and they said YES..
Do YOU have your Date Lined up?? Well I hear that it is gonna be Stag or Drag.. so you can come without a date.... no problem.
We DO seem to be in need of a RE-Grouping for our Jazz Band.. the HighRollers. If you would like to take on the Conductors Job... and gather members and put them into a picture... let me know... frankiefurter(at)wildblue(dot)NET
(AKA... my doofus MOM can't find the pic of the original group and can't take on any more.. beclaws she is suffering that dreaded MENTAL PAWS stuffs.)
Now here is what we have going fur us.. Complete with LINKS and email..
DEADLINE FOR GETTING PICS IN IS..... AUG. 28th. If you want to enter any of these grrrreat Activities you MUST have your pics in by then.. to give the host time to put stuffs together..... PLEASE... click on the Name/Link to fine out the Details of each activity... they are all going to be WONDERFUL !!!!
Finn Flower Show email your pics to marianne(dot)d(dot)howard(at)gmail.com
SAS Bug/Creepy Crawly.. email pics to samandy007(at)satx(dot)rr(dot)com
Dachsies with Moxie Pool/Swim/Wade PAWty trainwife1962(at)hotmail(dot)com
Jazzi Back To School LUNCHES... dcraftsalot(at)yahoo(dot)com
Sarge Munk Mock
Boondocks THE PAWm agapepuppylove(at)gmail(dot)com
Oskar School Daze hoerauf(at)comcast(dot)NET
Ronnii & Ujio ** "ISMS" coyote(dot)ugly2010(at)gmail(dot)com
Remember: THESE are the ones you will need to send your Super Grrrreat Pictures to... Deadline August 28th...
Now these are the CLASSES that will be offered in the Park... FREE.. of course
(No Pictures Required)
Sugar Cooking Class: Wally Melon Recipes....
Benny & Lily French Class
Dory Class Squirrel Chasing 101
Pip Physical Education Class
Mona Class Roaching 202... THIS is an upper level class.. some advance knowledge required ;-)
Frankie Furter Class PAWlitical Science 101
The Road Dogs will be hosting the WILDLY PAWpular..... BOUNCE HOUSE

The AUCTION to help our Dear Sweet Gracie Lynn Slimmer is now.....OFFICIALLY OPEN FUR BIDS... You may go HERE to view and bid.
If you have an Item(s) to donate email to pawsofpeace(at)gmail(dot)com
We totally appreciate your generosity and kindness.

** What is an ISM you ask??? Well those are the little Misunderstandings between US and our Two Legged Peeps. here is an example... I am gonna be puttin in a picture of me.. with my mom's Socks.. See, she leaves them on the floor in the bedroom... while she showers... and I (Frankie Furter) LOVE to take them to the TV room... FOR HER.. now this is a DawgISM .. I believe that she will be in the TV room Soon.. SHE... believes that she can't PAWSibly put her shoes on and walk to the TV room... WITHOUT her Socks.. See?
It ISM my fault that She is a Doofus. So... get your pictures of CatISMS DonkeyISMS DawgISMS etc. and get them mailed off. I KNOW you have 87 million of them.. Let's get these Peeps... back on the right track.. if it ISM't too big a job... BaaaaWaaah. Just kiddin .
It'll be EASY to find these little thingys that you and your Peep(s).. don't see nose to tail on.
Frankie I new I could count on you to put the list up, my head has been spinning with all the blogs taking part, is great, I'm getting mom to write the list out to send me photo in.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
Hey Fannkie!! Weenie steals, sorry I meant borrows, Mommy's socks too. Her got so many mismatched pair of socks. She's such a Doofuss! What differance does it make if they don't match? She just wears them around the house without shoes anyway.
I been practicing my roching for my class.
{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie
Hey Frankie!
Wow, Blogville is the most pawesome and fun place to live! Great list of activities and I know we're all gonna have a blast!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I can't believe that you steal your mom's socks!
I'll put my thinking cap on for some of our pictures!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I just saw Gracie Lynn's cast and it's getting all decorated up! Thanks for throwing me in there too...love my little COP hat!! BOL BOL BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
mee is a bits confoozeled wot is PAWm, please mee is only 6 months n terrible at memberin fings so ifs mee has forgotted wot it is pleese forgives mee...bol
Mee is such a scatty pup
Uji x
Oh My Dogness.....My head is spinnin.....dere is jus' so much stuffs goin' on in Bloggyville and me don't nose where to start. (Me needs a nap). {sigh}
Ooohhh...so much to do...so much fun!! The "ISMs" will sure be a delight to see...:)
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
OMD, that is going to be one very busy weekend. Lots of great ideas too. We will have to work on dates too.
So sorry about all that thunder and lightning, but we promise you we didn't do it - honest!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Wot a good example of an ISM, Frankie. I did not knows that had a name but now I duss know that. I has sented off my creepy crawly DUNG BEETLE moovie and pikshures. Rememmer, my creepy crawly DUNG BEETLES wot had creepy crawly bugs all ofur themselves. It do be a twofur the price of one creepy crawly. Shudder.
Oh boy is this going to be a blast!
Benny & Lily
How do you keep track of everything? You must have a very organized staff....
WOW! There's so much going on here in blogville, we're reminded of this oldy, bug goody: We're so dizzy, our heads are spinning, like a whirlpool it never ends . . . BOL
The Road Dogs
Hi, hi, Frankie! It's me! Mayzie! I'm finally back in Blogville and just in time! Gosh, this looks like it's gonna be SO much fun! I can hardly wait.
I'm gonna skedaddle over and take a look at the auction right now!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh yea this is gona be fun!
I gots to go beclaws I gots LOTS to do!
woos, Tessa
It's gonna be a big weekend! Hopefully it won't be filled with homework and I'll be able to check out everyone's post.
Who is hosting the pawm? I must go ask my sweet Ronnii to join me!
Is this going to be so much fun or what!
Your pal, Pip
Thanks for all the cooool pupdates Frankie we are going to make sure Mama writes these down in her bloggie book!!!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
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