ALSO: send your STICK OUT YOUR TONGUE PICTURES TO THE SAME EMAIL ADDY... WE WANT TONS OF THEM... the more the merrier!!! Don't furget to put your NAME on the picture email...

THERE WILL be a PAWm... Sponsored by Boondocks... Get your Dates lined up everybuddy.
Dress fur this is... Formal or INformal... or... if you have been HATTED by Sammy Andy and Shelly... Those pics would be WONDERFUL.. If you don't like to wear clothes.. in the furs will be FINE too.. Just EVERYBUDDY plan to COME to the PAWm...
Jazzi is gonna be Hosting this one... READY>> Show us your School LUNCH... Sack or Box doesn't matter... WHAT is IN there DOES!! We want to see what everybuddy will be Packin. No surprise.. Jazzi will have TACO in hers..
Moose and a couple of others are Beggin fur ANOTHER Bobbin fur Tube STEAKS.. Anybuddy want to sponsor that??? Some of us can just Recycle our old pics... hehehe
and.. I am hearing rumors of wantin ANOTHER Wally Melon EATIN thingy... Anybuddy want to host/sponsor that one??? It would go along very very well with Sugar's Wally Melon Recipe Class. She can't do Both though. OK????
And... Sarge is going to be hosting a MUNK MOCK... you know how he is about those chipmunks.. he will be needing pictures of your STRANGE, FUNNY, SCARY, Faces. I'm thinkin THOSE should Really keep the Munks at Bay.... maybe even work on {{Shiver}} Squirrels.
And fur Sure Sammy, (Birfday boy) ANDY, and Shelly will be doing the Creepy Crawly BUG house... as long as there are NO SNAKE pics. get sent in and really CREEP them out.
Classes that I know will be put on are...
French Class... Benny and Lily
Squirrel Chasing 101... Dory
Wally Melon Recipes... Sugar
I believe Mr. Pip will be wearin the whistle and Jim's Shorts
(or is that GYM shorts?) for a Phys Ed. Class
and my PAWlitical Science class..
ANYBUDDY ELSE want to put on a Class??? Remember all of these are FREE.. and Open to EVERYBUDDY... we don't discriminate in Blogville. Come on Kitties and Cats... don't be shy... there will be plenty of PawEnforcement Presence.. you will NOT be chased up any trees. Chief of PAWlice SARGE gives you his word on that.
Do you promise I won't be chased? Fenris chased me yesterday and I had to get in the jungle gym real fast. ~Scylla
(Hanging head in shame) I was just playing, I wasn't really trying to catch her and the Vet said I should (Mommy says the vet was joking). ~Fenris
We are so excited about the Bash!!!!!!!!!
I could do a class on the correct way to roach. Maybe by then Mommy will fingure out how to load some of my roaching videos. If not I got lots of roaching pictures and we could have doggies or kitties send their roachuing pictures to us to post. Whatch a think?
{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie
It sounds like this is growing into a nice big event! We're putting our thinking caps on!
Me Mom found an afeeee-gan for da auction. Her sent you an email bout it. Now me has to look for slobber-face fotos. Nevers a dull moment in Blogville!
Oh my this is really gona be pawsome!
woos, Tessa
This is going to be a real hoot!
Benny & Lily
Alien and I are a little busy chasing Evil Freddy right now but hopefully we will be able to take part!
Keep up the good work!
Oh boy! Is it that time already? Back to school, sounds like fun :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
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