Guess what??? I got an ANNIVERSARY CARD YESTERDAY.... FROM PUDDLES.... do you remember PUDDLES???
Well, it seems as though... she has been in Long Term Rehab fur like 87 years and she still has some TIME TO SERVE... butt she tells me that she WILL be gettin out shortly after Labor Day. She says that all is fine with Albert and Whitney and her little girrrrl and her mom and dad. She is just kinda gettin bored with all the hours of Stringing Bones and Makin Milkbone Pictures and tellin about her puppyhood and stuffs. She signed it... the Soon to be Sprung... Puddles.
Sooooooo I guess she will be back... and I'm kinda doubtin that she will be One BIT ... Different. hehehhe Just sayin, my furends... Just Sayin!!!
OK..... now this is just the Weird way that the camera makes the pics of my.... GRAPE JUICE... I know it looks all RED like... butt it really is pretty and purple. You will NOT believe how much of this stuffs my mom and dad and I (FRANKIE FURTER) made on Wednesday. 34 WHOLE QUARTS of it..
Now this gets made VERY much differently from the Jelly. Juice is SUPER EASY to can... we just put in the SUGAR, CLEAN GRAPES, and BOILING WATER... Then the jars go into the boiling water bath fur 15 mins. and POOF. BUTT...
Good Bye Beautiful Grapes......
So now here is what happens with the juice NOW... when we want Grape juice fur breakfast.. we open a Jar and strain the grapes and seeds OUT and there is the DELICIOUS and Nutritious Juice. Just takes a second to do. AND since we had the grapes... the cost per quart is only fur the Seal and the sugar. about 45 CENTS a quart.. Try gettin it in a store fur THAT price. hehehehe
Hey... did you see Weenie & MONA's post yesterday??? Check it out... you will be GLAD that you did!!!
Have you been to the Auction?? There are some WONDERFUL thingys there that are lookin fur a gooooood home... AT TERRIFIC PRICES !!! You will be very much sorry if you don't take advantage of the VALUES and the chance to be Helpful to Gracie Lynn while you are SAVING some of Your green papers. The Auction ENDS on the 28th.. THINK... Christmas pressies and Birfday Gifts!!! Shop til you drop... and never leave home.
Easy Peasy
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I'm glad Puddles is doing okay and will be back with us soon. My peeps are drooling over that yummy looking grape juice! They say it's delish!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Thanks so much for the update on Puddles....and yyyyyuuuummm....that grape juice looks licious!!
Have a pawsome weekend!!
(((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
We have all our paws crossed since we have lots of aunties and uncles in Hurry Canes Irenes path. Bet your Abby card sure was special from Puddles. And ooooo those grapes. YummE
Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
OMD, we are so excited to hear that news about Puddles - we so very much miss her. We have been very worried about her and her family. Thanks so much for the news!!!
That grape juice must be so delicious and so much better than what comes from the store. The little bipeds here love grape juice but they only get the white kind because of the other stuff staining.
Have a fantabulous weekend,Frankie.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
5 cups Concord grapes
Pop the skins off the grapes
Put the pulp (without water) into a heavy pan
bring it to a boil, and let it boil 5 to 6 minutes
Put it through a colander to remove the seeds
Pour the hot pulp over the skins and let the mixture sit for 5 hours
Put into Grapes
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice plus 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
(hint of nutmeg optional)
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tbsp. cornstarch
Bring to a slow boil nice consistancy Cool
Preheat oven to 400° Bake pie for 20 minutes, reduce oven temperature to 350°, and continue baking until pastry is golden brown, 45 minutes more. Set pie aside to cool completely.
I like a top crust on my pie
This is an old Shaker recipe with just a slight bit of adaptation they use to serve it at The Golden Lamb
We won two county fairs with this receipt. ENJOY
Sweet William The Scot
So happy to hear from someone who has heard from Puddles! That grape juice sure does look YUMMY!
Recipe Sharin... here is my mom's recipe fur Concord Grape pie.
4 cups grape SKINS ONLY.
Add 1/4 cup instant Tapioca and
1 1/2 cups sugar. A PINCH of Salt Mix and let set 15 mins. Check for sweetness. Add more sugar as needed 1/4 cup at a time.
put into pie crust... Put on top crust and Crimp.
Bake 400 degrees 15 mins. Reduce heat to 350 for 35 to 40 more mins.. as needed to brown crust.
NOTE: my mom freezes skins for winter spring pies. She puts 4 cups of skins into qt size bags and then just thaws them and adds the ingredients and does all the steps as listed above.
My mom says that she has eaten at the Golden Lamb restaurant and their food is AMAZING. VERY VERY OLD RESTAURANT!! I think maybe Geo. Washington's Grandpa ate there. hehehhe
Woo Hoo!
I sure is glad that you heard from Puddles. I was gettin VERY worried bout her bein gone and all.
Your grape juice looks DeLish! Lip smakin good! Great $$$ too!
Mom wanted me to ask...does one REALLY make grape pie with just the skins? Is it chewy? Is it thick like a cherry pie?
Mom is weird today. Oh well. We sure do hope that the HurryCane goes out to sea too and that no one is hurt.
woos, Tessa
So glad dat da Puddles and da family is OK. We was worried bout her. We thought her was losted again.
Dat juicey looks yummy. Wish we could grow grapes but probably too hot here.
Frankie ~ If you ate at The Golden Lamb say 87 years ago ~ then you ate there when it was owned by my family!
And when most of the presidents visited and stayed over night.
Sweet William The Scot
We are so glad Puddles sentence is almost over...err I mean that she will be blogging again soon!
Those grapes are beeyoootifull!
Wow what an impressive amount of grape juice! We are surprised not to see you treading the grapes in a big bucket like the I-Tal-Ians do to make their wine, although that home made wine stuffs is no good for little legs like ours Frankie ;-) Pleased to hear the update on Puddles, have a great weekend, Dex and Lou xxx
Wow! That grape juice looks like GREAT juice! You should set up a roadside stand and sell some of your yummy delish treats!
Looks like Irene passed us up and we're hoping she doesn't wreck havoc on anybody else either!
Can't wait to see Puddles again soon!
The Road Dogs
That grape juice looks great.....just don't let Da Puddles near it when she gets back.
Boy, she must be able to run that rehabilitation centre by now...probably does!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Can I move in wif you? Mommi nevew evew cans anything and it looks like youw house is chock full of deliciousness that is all homemade which evewyone knows is THE best!!!!
That is tewwific news about Puddles, honestly, I thought the pawole heawing went badly ow something.
I have to go and put a covew on my skylight now
smoochie kisses
Yum! mommy loves grapes! She says she is going to try and make a grape pie!
Wow, that is a lot of grape juice. I hope to see you in the furs tomorrow. Will be SO much fun.
Wow, that's a LOT of grape juice!
I've never heard kof a grape pie before. Sounds kinda good though.
It's good to hear that Puddles is still off somewhere, pretending to reform as she plots her next big thing!
Your grape stuff looks great!
Oh, I'm glad to hear about Puddles - she didn't respond to my last email and I thought maybe she'd left the country to escape the PoPo.
Yer juice looks YUMMY!
Boy...that looks like some NOMMY grape juice!!!
Dory, Jakey and Bilbo!! are all signed up for Squirrel Chasing 101
Well, I sure hope Puddles come back. My Gotcha Day is just around the corner and I sure hope she comes back to help me celebrate.
Your pal, Pip
Frankie, you know you aren't supposed to have grapes, don't you? Don't be like Delilah all getting into everything!
Thanks for the updates on Puddles and Lorenza (from your last post) - we were getting worried about our short little friends! (No offense - we are not height-biased!) That looks like Most Excellent grape juice - you guys have been busy!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
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