So I invited him to my Hill.
FURST... I took him into my Toy Room fur a chance to play with some of my stuffs.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Wowie... that Corbin can really Snore!!!
And while we were out there... I saw Charcoal... and yelled fur Corbin to help me chase him.
I am not gonna give Charcoal any more foods if he is gonna be like this to my Furends!!!
SORRY Corbin. I guess you had a better time in Los Vegas. sigh
PeeS... Don't furget to get your Speeches and Favorite Recipes ready fur the BIG Race (Pot Luck) BANQUET.... It will need to be posted on YOUR blog on either Feb. 26th. or 27th.... It is BOTH formal and in-formal. Wear what you want. BE SURE to tell your favorite moment(s) from the training and or the actual Race. Pip and Bunny will be getting their big Badge/Sign Award. REMEMBER.... EVERYBUDDY is invited to pawticipate!!!!
Those Charcoals are sneaky.....just like cats.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
That bunny is HUGE! I am sure Corbin had a good time investigating your stash of toys. Next time, bring Bunny along to get that pesky rabbit for you.
I am sure Corbin had a great time wif you. I am gonna see him in da furs tomorrow so I will make sure him tells me all 'bouts it! :) Happy Friday my furiend!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Dat Charcoal is such a......wells, a.....pawty pooper!
Oh Frankie! Chasin' bunnies is my absolute FAVORITE! Thank you so much for inviting me up to your hill. Hangin' out with my furiends sure is a blast!
I think Corbin had fun and won't be mad at you AT ALL! How could he be- you are a cool dude!
Trying my hand at this speech thing...we'll see what happens :)
Corbin had a great time chasing rabbits!! What did he think about your toy room? I bet he was impressed!!
We wooda thought Charcoal wood b nice'n play along with'u an'Corbin - that wuz NOT nice of Charcoal.
~Shiloh'n Shasta~
Oh Frankie, I knows Corbin had a blast chasing Charcoal...who wouldn't think dat was fun?
But, uh....hows on earth did he fit in your sock monkey bed? Hehehehehe! I bets he overflowed.
GOsh, I has so much work to do furs da banquet, I betters get started ASAP!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, you had a super visit with Corbin. He's a pretty cool dude and I can tell you boys had fun. Chasing bunnies is always a blast whether you catch them or not. Remember if you catch them, you have to deal with them...sometimes better when they get away! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Who wouldn't want to spend time with the mayor
Benny & Lily
Wow,Charcoal is so big - that food you feed him must be fantastic!!! We are sure Corbin really enjoyed his time with you - he is such a great furiend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hey chasin Charcol sounds like fun!! I think Corbin prolly had fun too.
I was just wondering how those Charcoals were doing! I'm glad to see they made it through the winter okay. I wonder if there will be baby Briquettes soon...
I'm sure Corbin won't hold it against you, though!
Those Charcoals gave Corbin a run for his money huh?? Sounds like fun though!!
Awww I bet Corbin had a good time with you!
Bunnies are super fast. If they don't want to be caught, they are not going to be caught!
So excited for the banquet!
Your pal, Pip
My three want to visit your toy room!
mr. frankie!
holy cow! charcoal is like the size of a cat! i think it might be okie dokie to stop givin' the bunny noms now. heehee. i bet corbin totally loved hangin' out with you, so no worries, okie dokie?
the booker man
It was so nice of you to share your toys and monkey sock bed with Corbin. But we're glad you two didn't catch Charcoal, as the resulting mayhem would certainly be X-rated.
Mr. Mayor, we propose that after all the great work they have done preparing lovely badges for all your Cabinet members as well as other Blogville events, you should give consideration to appointing Richie & Ronii as the Official Heralds of Blogville, entitled to their own Herald badges. They've certainly earned the recognition.
Jed & Abby
I bet Corbin had a blast with you, I think's you would be fun to play with!
Al - Rudy's Brother
Corbin is having a blast all ovFUR!
It woz so furry rood of Charcoal to duss that to your speshul gest Corbin. But still, how pawsome that Corbin got to go to your place and nap in your sawk monkey. That rawks!
The Charcoals made fun of you two! Ooops!
I know Corbin had a pawesome time there with you!
Kisses and hugs
Sounds like you and Corbin had a great time. :)
I had almost forgotten all about Charcoal! Guess that's what I get for not stopping by sooner. Where was his other brother, Charcoal?
Frankie - Any day with you would be fun! We're sure Corbin had a blast. How do you know which Charcoal is which???
The Road Dogs
Wow, I'll bets corbin didn't mind getting beaten by that derned ol' rabbit. Who can be mad when there are sock monkey beds to be slept in!!! I mean, wowza!!
Big slurps, HoneyBuzz
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