So.. I got my original Milkbone Seeds from a mailorder CATaLOG called something like Burp Ease or something. Butt... I have learned that if you want to save some green papers... you just take some left over Milkbones... dig a hole and Plant them. Cover them carefully though. You will get an EARLY crop... and you take some of the smaller ones... and Plant THOSE... then in like September... that crop will be ready to pick. I think the second crop is sweeter and Crunchier... butt that may just be me.
PeeS... Corbin is having a fun thingy going on... DEADLINE is Feb. 21st... Tick Tock. You can click on his Name above to find out all the Pawticulars...
ALSO... Sat. Feb. 26 & Sun. 27 is the BIG Race of the Century Banquet. It is gonna be Kinda Semi Formal... If you want to. There will be tons of Food!!! Plenty of SEATING and Lots of Speakers... and ENTERTAINMENT. Bunny and Pip will be presented their Official BADGES that night. We are all sooooooo very much Proud of them and want to share in their Wonderful experience!!!
Here is the deal.... CALLING ALL CABINET MEMBERS..... PLEASE.. plan to put up a post on Sat. 26th. that is RELATED to BOTH the RACE and... your Cabinet Pawsition. Then be sure to put links up to Bunny & Pip's blogs and... their TRAINER/Coaches .
Bunny and Pip.... please put up your Coach/Trainer names and blog addy, so they can be easily linked.
NOW>>>> this is OPEN to ALL the citizens of Blogville. If you want to just come and enjoy the Banquet and speakers and stuffs FINE. If You would like to Speak... and are Not a cabinet member... THAT is GRRRREAT TOO!!! Everybuddy is WANTED and WELCOME at a Blogville event. I hope that everybuddy will post about their bestest MEMORY of the Grrreat Race!!! NOW THEN... PLEASE spread the word on YOUR blog... We don't want to miss anybuddy. Sat. 26th. and Sun. 27th. BOTH DAYS... to allow fur plenty of excitement.
ALSO... The organizers would appreciate any help that you would like to offer. EX... Photoshop work and food prep. Etc..
ALSO... The organizers would appreciate any help that you would like to offer. EX... Photoshop work and food prep. Etc..
I am SO EXCITED for the banquet. Everyone knows, I love a good party. Of course, I will bring some food and drinks and anything else that might be helpful!
Can't wait! Thanks for organizing this event, buddy!
Your pal, Pip
OO, fun! Another event! I can't wait! I'll see what I can bring and do! If you need a DJ fur this event, you know who to call ;)
Now that's my kind of garden! You must send your planting and growing secrets to Mom. Pawlease??? :)
A banquet and banquet. Kind of like a formal picnic? :) I'll wear a napkin as long as I can rip it up after ;)
If anyone needs anything off my blog from the racing event, they have my pawmission to take it. Have them email me or leave a comment if they need something they can't get off the blog :)
FUN! :)
Waggin at ya,
Just look at that bumper crop of candy canes! I know yall will be eating good tonight!
And I can bring my Macky Mystery Casserole to the banquet if you like..
Oh goodies....anudder pawty! YIPEE..I had so much funs at da last one. Can't wait!
I don't tink da Milk Bone bush would last until da harvest. My pack woulds have dem gone in like 87 milliseconds.
Frankie, your peppermint crop is so awesome that we want to try to do that next year too. We checked with our local K-Mart for some seeds, but they said they were so overwhelmingly popular that there would be no more until next winter:(
TD wonders what your secret is to growing those milkbones. He tried unsuccessfully to plant a stuffy foot one time in the hopes of growing a stuffy tree and he failed miserably.
We hope to be able to attend the banquet - a great way to honor those two wonderful pups Pip and Bunny.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
wow Frankie
That is some great harverst that you had there. I must get some of those seeds for sure!! How excitin....a PARTY!! WIll get things posted.
Ohhhh a banquet!!!! How fun!
I'm getting me a Cat a Log, to order some of those milkbone seeds.
I would like to plant around 2 acres of milbones this year, instead of tomatoes!
Oh boy, a banquet! I'm on it!!
Oh boy, I have to find a Milk Bone plant!!
you have the best crops!
Great crop, my friend....what am I suppose to do....on the 26th?
Hey Frankie!
Wow, that's one pawsome crop you got going there. Gotta watch that the candy canes don't get stuck to your fur! You, Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs really have green thumbs...or dewclaws, or whatever! The banquet sounds wonderful. I can be on duty and have fun at the same time.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
OMD, Now Rudy wants to grow his own crop of doggy treats...
Hi Frankie, I always wondered how you grew the milk bones. I may give that a try.
Oh, gosh, there I go again. Being all drooly over those fresh milkbones. I sure wish I had the green paw that YOU have, Frankie!
How exciting abouts the banquet! I can't wait!
Wiggles & Wags,
So that's how to grow this stuff! I been wonderin' how to make my own. Thanks, Franky!
We tried to grow a bone bush; but we ate all the seed bones....
Since you've been away so long, did you remember to pack away the snow ready for the hot weather!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
I didn't know you were such a good farmer Frankie!
About the abused dog mom had to call own...last she heard the owner is not releasing them so looks like it will be a court battle. :(
Hahaha! Frankie, you might be the only dog I know with a green thumb. Oh wait...dogs don't have thumbs, do they? sure grow good crops anyway.
I think you has a bumper crop of candy canes because all of that snowman poo makes grate candy cane fertilizers. Or so I hear.
Oh Frankie we will be there and we will post about it on Saturday, Febraury 26. Did you mean 87?
Benny & Lily
Wow, that is quite a crop of candy canes you got there! I am very impressed. :-)
Oh Fwankie
Pleeez wemind me when it gets closew to the banquet..I am so fwazzled twying to owganize Katie and Bewtie's Biwfday pawty this weekend..thank you fow showing up. you look vewy spiffy!
I wish I had a yawd to plant one of those faboolous milk bone twees sheeesh, some doggies awe lucky..I can only get the canned ones
smoochie kisses
Hi Frankie! First, a question -
If you plant the pieces that end up at the bottom of the Milkbone box, will they grow or does it have to be a whole Milkbone?
Should we bring beer to the banquet? There always seems to be a big call for beer when Blogville has a pawty.
Wow! What a great milk bone tree! The party sounds fun.
Very interesting about the MilkBone planting! We must try that when we get back up to N.Idaho. About the banquet. Are non-cabinet members invited? We've never been cabinetized for anything.;>( AND finally: Franky you need to send us your address for your prizes!!
BabyRD and Hootie
That banquet sounds like so much fun! And really, it's just around the corner. I'll have to mark it on my calendar so I can remember to have my boys attend.
Oh, WOW, we'd better get our tails in gear. Lots going on! Where is the darned "PAUSE" button???
The Road Dogs
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