We are dreaming about EACH OTHER. SssssssssMoooooooCH.
Then one day I got to thinkin about my Cussin Frankie and went lookin High and Low until I finally found him. Then when I tried to get to his wedding to the beautiful Ruby and the lovely Penny.. I went towards my Right Paw where Frankie said I was to go to my Left Paw.. and POOF after a few days I found myself in NoMore Leans.
You know that City where they Dance like there's no tomorrow. Well, I got hooked up with a super Poodle and she taught me the ART of Dancin and how to make some SERIOUS green papers and to score some grrrreat gifties.
Soooo I came home from NoMore Leans... a very Comfortably Set Dachshund.
I'm currently havin a Dawgie Haus built. It is gonna be HOOOOOGE.............
I'm thinkin maybe a certain Fella might want to VISIT ME sometime.
Now... I'm gonna be havin the Thanksgiving Feast thingy with Cussin Frankie so he won't be all horrible sad and missin his WivesS and stuff.
Hope you all have a Wonderful THANKSGIVING .
Kissy Face to you... Rooney Wooney.
Coffee Spewing Alert!!!!
Me and my momma were reading thru ALL these wonderful stories......when all of a sudden, I says to my momma "hey, that dog looks familiar"!!
Low and beholds...it IS brudder Rooney dreaming of his Loverly Francine!
Bwahahahahaha! That is when my momma 'lost' her coffee
I had to go wake up Rooney with da quickness and have him come look at this post! He loves it!
We prolly gonna have to read it to him again and again and again today sigh.
What a great story! Still we think the family resemblance is remarkable!
Francine, I believe you win for the Most Unusual About Me story! I hope there's a prize, but it sounds like you're pretty set anyways.
A most Happy Thankgiving to you and Frankie and the whole family. I hope it's the best ever. I know it'll be totally delicious.
lotsa licks, Lola
Do you think you could teach me to dance - or maybe my sister Rosie? I hear the money is good in Nomore Leans.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Your pal, Pip
Oooo... sign me up for those dance lessons too!!!!
HA HA!! Love 'dis... too funnies!!
Happy Thanksgiving Frank..ehem..Francine...snorts!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Hi Francine
Would you like to be adopted. Mom says she will adopt you. You can come live in Thunder Bay with us.
Love Ruby & Penny
That is a funny and a wonderful story and yes, you are one resourseful girl!! WTG. Have fun with cousin Frankie!! and chasing the bunnies.
Whatta story! Dogs dancing for a living in the Big Easy, finding family, what could be better.
Well, no one else told a story like that! Love how you turned it around on Minna there!! Hey Francine - could you pass along a Happy Turkey day from us to Cussin Frankie??
Brutus & Carmen
Oh dears, Francine is like my mum when it comes to directions...dis ain't a good thing eithers.
I thinks it wonderfuls dat Francine can still dance with them short legs...who would haves thunk it.
Poor Rooney ain't gonna be da same fur da rest of da day.
What a nice story!
Happee Thanksgiving
Benny & Lily
Happy Thanksgiving my friends! I hope you had a wonderful day!!
PeeS: The secret was reviled on my blog today!!
What a story!
Thanks for sharing it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kisses and hugs
OMD, I truly had no idea that you were never adopted. Poor Cussin Francine, always an orphan. I'm so sad for you. But I'm happy that you found Cussin Frankie and that you two get together regularly. Maybe if you ask all sweet like, he'll let you live there all the time.
Hey Franki..er uh...Francine!
Love your story. You're a free spirit, pure and simple! Just take to the open road...no leashes required! Bet you're a great dancer.
Grr and Woof,
What a great story! :)
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