This is ME Frankie taking my sister Lori into the store. She doesn't even know where anything is. Heck, when I go in the door they always say, "Hi Frankie, how ya' doing." They didn't even "speak" to Lori. I think that may be beclaws they just knew what she was like.
This is ME Frankie Furter taking Lori to the front of the store. "Come on. I know you can move faster than this... even though you DO only have two legs."
My trip to PetSmart certainly could have been better. My sister Lori who thinks she is soooooo very much Ach OO Tee H O T stuff beclaws she's older and taller. She tried to be the big shot bossy boss. I showed her what I think of her Cat Crap ideas.
She is NEVER going shopping at M Y store with me again. I would rather stop down the road and get Jim the Grinch Guy to go with me.
Hi Frankie!
We go to Petsmart alot to, although Sadie thinks its funny to take a duke in every pet store we go to.
Needless to say we know were all the clean up stations are.
Wow Frankie!!! I will make sure Bilbo sees what a good job you did shopping for him!!!
We also went to the SAME STORE as you and Tank!!! But Mama didn't bring her flashy box....we hope she remembers to take pictures of us mailing the packages to Jack and Dexter!!!
I have one of them too!
It is about five minutes away as The Xterra drives!
Tank woo fur sharing your Bilbo-Adventure!
OM Dawgs Frankie, you need to hire a new shopping assistant! She will NOT do. $10 is like 1 zuke. Does she like, live on Mars, where there are only Cats or somethin?
wild dingo
Well, I hope you bought SOMETHING while there - I know I can't ever go without walking out with something...
Hi, Frankie!
I am sure you chose pawesome presents for Bilbo!
My dream is that one day I will have a pet store here!
Kisses and hugs
Too bad about your dumb as a dead squirrel sister... you crack me up Frankie. Dogs keep saying I should have bought that giant bone for Dory... even SHE said she wanted the giant bone! I know for a fact that she couldn't even get her mouth around that thing. It was HUGE. Looked like a dinasaur bone or something. So did you have any better luck than I did at PetSmart?
Shopping is most perplexing. So many things to choose from (and they cost many dollars). I can't wait for the big exchange. I need to get going on boxing up my gifts.
hahaha! That is funny that you said "the WORST!!!!!!" we did an entire post on that expression a while back-hehehe!!
that was really funny about Lori but she seems to be having lots of fun, c'mon Frankie, cut her some slack ;-) you are right that is so annoying that blogger puts everything backwards. we always have to write our posts out on paper just so that we can enter them properly in reverse--grrrrr
Hey, can anyone out there say "WWWHHHIIIINNNEEEERRR"??? Is he a weiner dog or a whiner dog?
What a crybaby you are, Frankie. Have some of your beloved dairy product cheese with that whine!
To all of Frankie's doggie bloggie friends...everyone say "poor Frankie" and go "awwwwww" for him. My Mom bought me things at the Pet shop and I think she did great. He's mad because she didn't get him anything. As for the PC use issue: Well, I know for a fact that Mr. Furter sleeps most of the day and couldn't use the Yapstop that much anyway! What a big faker. I think you guys are all a lot of fun and certainly were worth the time on the Yapstop. Just wait til Spring...I'll have some fun in store for you next time. I'll ask some of my raccoon, cougar, bear, bobcat, friends and especially my porcupine friends to be on the lookout for a small, twongy, black runt! I just don't believe that Mom and I deserve this kind of abuse...well, I suppose I do, but she doesn't. Ha.
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