One last bit of checking.
I had a grrreaat time shopping and wrapping for Bilbo.
I would like to thank my furend Woody for the deep discount he gave me on one of the things. I would also like to thank my mom's very good friend who owns a specialty store and lets my mom buy things at huge discounts. I couldn't have stayed close to the budget if it hadn't been to these two grrrreat folks. Their help made it even more fun for me to choose many fun things for Bilbo. I love them for helping me truly have the JOY OF GIVING !!! Special licks and wags to you both. Love, Frankie
We helped MOm and Dad wrap gifts for under the tree. It was our fist time helping too. OK, so our helping was supervising and walking all over the paper while Mom or Dad tried to fold it onto the package they were wrapping. (We have our standards- we don't work)
We love your work ethic! You do a fabulous job on wrapping.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Looks like you got all wrapped up in your job!! I am sure that Bilbo will have a blast opening all the gifts, maybe Dory can help him out a bit. Good Job Frankie
Woo really should do this professionally!
Hi Frankie!
It looks like you did a great job and you, I mean your gifts are ready to send to your friend.
Hi, Frankie!
Not having pet stores here made our task very difficult!
But sure you found very good presents!
Kisses and hugs
Gosh, Frankie! You are such a giver! I bet Bilbo cannot wait until he gets your presents. Speaking of, you should be getting something in the mail soon! ;o)
I'm sorry, it seems as though I am always playing catch up. Mom always has all these excuses....blah, blah, blah. I have loved seeing your snowman things. Thanks so much for showing them to me.
I hope you didn't get any of that tape stuck to yer paws!
Hey Frankie,
Mommy said thanks so much for tellong me that she needs to rest but I get so excited that I just can't wait.
Did you ask your Mom if I could send you a little token. One of our DRoH ladies made a bunch for us dachsies and had some extra. It is a little bandana that you tread your collar through and it's gots lots of jolly snow men's heads of it. I wear mine all the time and have one just like it cause Mommy says dogs with black hair look good in red.
What a hard worker you are. Maybe Santa should hire Dachshunds instead of elves?
I know Marge would like you to come and bring her presents this year!!
Dear Mona, YES !! I would LOVE to have a Snowman neckscarf. That would be just wonderful. I could wear it and HIDE in mom's snowmen.. She would NEVER find me. hehehe I can be such a little devil... even when it is NOT Howl o weenie... heheheh
Man we haven't been able to visit anyone, dang pooters. You are deeply talented what with all the just so wrapping! And verrry cute.
Now mom has to say something
You have no idea how touched I have been with the response to my favor. Thought it might go unnoticed, then I saw that our pals Opy, Greg and Brooke had actually put it on DWB news.(we've been penpal friends for several yrs)
Then YOU. Offering your connections with your sister, besides finding it in your heart to send a card yourself. Thank you. You really have no idea how much it means. Many times my son has felt forgotton by America. Thank you. Truly this is going to be the best Christmas gift I have ever received. And I know Mommy & Daddy will take a look and be so very pleased.
About the green papers. Really, I was not and am not asking for anything but a card/note and stamp. Please know that that is all I am asking for. I don't want anyone to think my intent was to ask for anything else. I am not saying do not follow your heart, what I am saying is it really is not necesary. Aw gee-I'm having a hard time saying what I am thinking. So, do you know what I mean? Do you? Because I appreciate you very much.
Thank you, let me know if you are not understanding what I mean and by all means if I have offended you in any way, I would be soooo upset. email me and let me know, ok???
the texas sundog at g mail dot com
Frankie, I must tell you that I just LOVE long-nosed dogs!
OMD Frankie...I am sooooo excited!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work getting all of this together!!!
I see you wrapped yourself and will be delivered soon. I did wish for a hot dog..
You look great in gift tags! :)
Oh my goodness, what a lucky doggie! You did a great job! xoxo Frankie Mae
They never let me help with the wrapping, but I think it would be fun!
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