Tuesday, October 17, 2017

more of what has been going on...

Hey Everybuddy...   Boy Howdy.... it is sooooo good to be back with you all...

   Furst we would like to introduce you to these guyz...
 This is Duck .. Duck... and Duck.       they are our NEIGHBORS... in Back of our house... butt they Come over to visit us... OFTEN....   Just on the OUTSIDE of our fence though...  we never allow them IN THE FENCED AREA... beclaws...  they POOP all over everythingy   they would eat up all our tender garden plants and our PAWduce...   We SHUDDER to think what they would have done to our MILKBONE plants...
Sometimes mom CALLS them and they come like a Flash...or a SPLASH or somethingy... she gives them some bread... or Corn Cobs... or...  SHIVER... some of our KIBBLE in a bowl of water.   it is pretty funny to watch and HEAR them slurpin up the stuffs...
    The neighbors got them EARLY in the Spring...  we watched them grow to full size... ....butt another day we will tell you a Sad thingy about them...  Just sayin.     Okay Bye.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...oh nose... don't tell us they's fur the chop?!! Oh OH I can't wait, do tell us soon!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My GBGV Life said...

We like to look at those kind of birds but not in our yard. They are so messy. Ducks and geese love to poop all over and that makes my mom mad.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Are duck, duck and duck going to get their goose cooked?

Julie said...

Hello Duck, Duck and Duck....how do you tell them apart?
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

easyweimaraner said...

oh that are the 3 ducks from duck tales, the nephews from scrooge mc duck, right?
we can imagine what probably happened to them...but it's good to see them in your garden (far away from your milkbone plants)

Linda said...

Oh do tell us their fate.
Hope they didn't become duck soup.
xo Astro

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Howdy duck, duck and duck...you look like a trio of fun guys.
We can't wait to hear what happens to them...or maybe we can....
Jakey, Arty & Rosy

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Uh-oh. Our mom iz givin'us sum most yummy food that haz peeses of duck in it - hope it ain't them. Did they go 2 ducky heaven? May-b they just walked off sumwhere so u don't c'em anymore. They didn't walk out here - we just git squirrliez'nwabbitz here.
Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad those ducks didn't get in your yard and eat all your good veggies. Like the others have said we sure hope they didn't end up on someone's dinner table.

My Mind's Eye said...

My Angel nephew Harley had tons of digestive issues...he could only eat cat food made from duck/duck meats and OMCs duck/duck meat is very dark and when Harley would groom his white chest his tongue was dark from the food and it turned his furs the color of dingy snow.

Moral to this story don't eat duck/duck meat and have a white chest.
Sincerely Madi(son) D Cat
Your bfff

Kismet said...

Birds are an asset to the neighborhood.

Duke said...

Boy O boy do I understand about duckies and poop everywhere and eating veges and flowers and whatever isn't nailed down! Thank goodness they're locked out of YOUR side of the fence!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh dear. I would much rather have a happy ending to the story of Duck, Duck and Duck.
Toodle pip!

stellaroselong said...

Guess what boys, we have four of them at our new house now, two white ones and two brown ones, and yes there do TEAR up the ground. dad moved them to the bigger pasture so they would stop leaving mud holes in Little Bills pen. Mom was told when they got them not to give them bread cos it turns to glue in their throats and can choke them, so we give them old tomatoes they LOVE them. So good to see you. stella rose

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wait, it's supposed to be Duck, Duck, and Goose, not Duck, Duck, and Duck! One of them is confused.

The Army of Four said...

Hi boys! We sure have missed you! We're glad to see you!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

C.L.W.STEP said...

We haven't had roast duck (with orange marmalade)at our house in years! If we ever do have it again, I would hope it's not one of your three friends.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

What the duck is going on at your house?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Duck, Duck, and Duck - can you tell them apart? That reminds us of the game, duck duck goose:) We hope those ducks' goose wasn't cooked.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

M. K. Clinton said...

A good friend of ours raised a dozen ducks when the mom laid them in her yard. She moved them to the pond in her town and now everyone enjoys them. She feeds them corn and they come when they hear her car. LOL!

Murphy said...

Tell your mom to google bread and ducks cuz we think it might not be good for them. You boys ever had duck soup?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

We see ducks swimming in our big canal. And we see the duck babies too! but now the canal is empty. But now we have the geese that fly over - just be careful not to look up when they do
Hazel & Mabel

Wyatt said...

Them ducks look best from behind, as they are walking away....BOL!
Just squirrels with feathers.

Wyatt and Tegan

Anonymous said...

If ducks are anything like geese, we get what you mean about the mess they leave behind. They ARE delicious candies, but Mom HATES them and never lets me even taste one. So rude.

Love and licks,