Sunday, March 19, 2017

30 day American Journey post #2

Hello Dear Furends.
   Today we will be telling you about our 1/2 way point in our Chewy.Com American Journey 30 day Challenge.  
   We have eaten Blue Buffalo Kibble fur like 87 Centuries.    We get different Toppers on our suppers butt the Kibble is almost ALWAYS some variety of Blue Buffalo.  
   So when Miss Natalie asked us to take this Challenge we were a bit...  Concerned.   BUTT we LOVE and AMERICAN JOURNEY is Chewy.Com's OWN BRAND of Foodables and Snacks and such...   so we felt that we were going to be in good paws.  
   Once we decided which FLAVOR we wanted to review... we Emailed Miss Natalie back and less than 87 naps...  it was on our front porch.    It was sent to us at no cost...  in exchange fur a FAIR and HONEST review.  

WE inspected the INGREDIENTS...
 Discussed the Flavor...  which is    BEEF and SWEET POTATO Recipe
 Everythingy seemed GOOD to Us...
THEN we told Mom to fill up our  Selfie Feeder... so we could have a small taste...     and we Instantly knew that it was Delicious...
Once it was Supper time we had mom add our TOPPER

OKAY....   here is what we know SO FAR...   WE are totally Satisfied (full) after our suppers.  We are not going to our Selfie Feeder any more often than we do with our usual kibble.  AND   WE LIKE   AMERICAN JOURNEY.
   AND  here is what MOM has to say about it....
She says our Poops are PAWFECT.   We don't have Stinky Breath (or PHARTS).   She also says that she has been watching our Skin...   and we have no signs of dry flaky skin.    We have not GAINED or LOST although she says we NEED to do THAT any weight.
   This one  really Surprises her...  There is ONE type of Topper that we don't like much...  butt when it is on the AMERICAN JOURNEY       BEEF AND SWEET POTATOES ...        WE EAT IT RIGHT UP.   NO ARGUMENTS or COMPLAINTS from Either of Us.    
      To Sum it up.... at the 1/2 way point....   this is GOOD STUFFS ...  we have Lots of PROs and NO CONs so far.            We will be doing ONE Final Review of AMERICAN JOURNEY at the END of MARCH.  

Now while we are talkin about stuffs from     we recently went fur our annual physical... and to get our Flea/Tick and Heartworm medicines...     and GUESS WHAT OUR DOGTOR told us...?????        Are you Ready fur this???    
    OUR DOGTOR said...  " HEY...  you can order THESE from CHEWY.COM and it will be CHEAPER.           AND I want to THANK YOU fur telling ME about CHEWY.COM....  I have started ordering MY Dogs' Foods and things from them.    I am really impressed with"    
    WE think that THAT is a REAL testimony fur our BELOVED   CHEWY.COM .   Don't YOU???        When a DOGTOR says She uses and Likes Chewy.Com...    you KNOW just how fabulous REALLY IS.         JUST SAYIN.  


Zoe said...

Wowzers! Thanx fur tellin us 'bout this stuff! Mommy gets our treats an' fuds frum Chewy(luv 'em!) but we had no idea 'bout this new stuff. We are gonna give the lamb kind a try!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
quite the endorsement!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sounds like pawsome food! We need to look at food toppers. We haven't had any ever!

My Mind's Eye said...

American Journey ...whew I thought you all were hitting the black top for a trip. MOL

Mom is gonna check Chewy.come to see if my flea/tick/heartworm is available there
thanks for the info. We also learned from Reader's Digest if your pet is taking a 'human' check with your pharmacy it might be cheaper there than at the Vet.
My once weekly Adequan shot is a human med so mom is gonna check it out.
You are informed so we are informed...
Hugs madi your bfff

C.L.W.STEP said...

That looks extra yummy!

Kinley Westie said...

Looks good!

M. K. Clinton said...

We enjoyed Chewy's American Journey line of food and treats too. I'm glad that it is working so well for y'all. That is really cool that your vettie is using now too! ☺

Murphy said...

Your poops are pawfect! Now that is something to be proud of fur sure!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

Sounds like you boys are enjoying this taste test. We eat Merrick and it is beef and sweet potato flavor too. Maybe we would like that food too.

The Daily Pip said...

No cons so far is pretty good news! Sounds like the new food is working out well. Hope the trial continues to go well. I didn't know that you could order flea and tick meds through Chewy. That's great news, too!

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are sure glad that you two are like the American Journey kibble because we asked mom to get us some to try. We picked out the Lamb flavor and it should be here this week!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

sprinkles said...

I've not heard of this product before. We'll have to look for it.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow...this is a great review of what sounds like a pawsome(and nommy) foodable!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Duke said...

This sounds like you have a winner here! Excellent review, guys!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Boy that stuff sounds fantastic
Lily & Edward

Anonymous said...

For sure Chewy is our friend, as well. Mom has my treats delivered on an automatic schedule so I never run out.

Love and licks,

Unknown said...

Looks yummy sweet furiends! Glad you're enjoying your new kibbies!

Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest