Friday, February 24, 2017

Franklin On Ice # 14... Finale

OKAY....  you all KNOW that ERNIE has this NEED FUR SPEED thingy goin on...    You will NOT believe HIS method fur going down the Slippery Ice Slide...  
   Sarge's Mom helped him to go around to the steps fur His Turn...  

I went up TOO so that I could Watch...  
Ernie checked out the Platform and the Slippery Ice Slide Course... and he made his PLAN...

He backed up and LAUNCHED himself off the platform...  and   ZOOOOOOOOOOM
   Off he went like a ROCKET...     BUTT WAIT... there's MORE... he is INSANE
Half way down he FLIPPED Himself around and went down   A$$    BACKWARD.
     OMD OMD   it was a WILD RIDE...  
It was sooooooo Fast... and  DANGEROUS....   MOM was SCREAMING....    She though he would end up like Road Kill...           Ernie is INSANE I tell you.  

MOM was SOOOOOOO   scared SPITless   worried when He got to the End and went AIRBORN fur like 87 cm.  .           ERNIE, Was THRILLED with his ride...      butt the Peeps NOT SO MUCH.
We BOTH wanted to get in line and go AGAIN.... butt after the Crazy Ride Technique the HEADCASE   Ernie used...  MOM said     NO WAY...    

OKAY.... we won't be around much over the weekend so we aren't going to have a Sat. or Sun. Post.
     BUTT WAIT...  there IS More..
We are NEARING our   3,000th Post...  and on THAT day we are going to have a Contestical..     We love Contests of all sorts...   Don't YOU?   
      It will be a COMMENT-A-THON... and EVERYBUDDY who leaves us a comment... will be put into a DRAWING (not a Picture) ... we will be DRAWING One Name from the list of those of you who leave us a Comment on our BIG DAY...   will be DRAWN and we will send a Prize Pressie to you...  no matter WHERE in the world you live.   



Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Poor Ernie, that doesn't look like fun!
Can't wait for post 3000!

Julie said...

OMD Ernie!!!! Whooosh….you sure nose how to SLIDE!!!!
Oh, oh, can I haf a go…pleeeeeeeease?????
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
PeeS 3000th post, that is sure a thingy to celebrate BIG time

easyweimaraner said...

wheee! I love that slide... I want one to slide in my bed :o) 3000 posts...that's more than 87 right?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
Struth Ernie, sliding a wild one there little mate! Grand finale indeed... and I shouod be back in the bonny land for the contesticle!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Matilda the Boxer said...

Way to go, Ernie! Pour on the speed!

C.L.W.STEP said...

That was a good report of all the pretty ice sculptures! Hope they're not melted by now. They would be if they were around here. We broke a record high temperature yesterday!

My Mind's Eye said...

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ernie I heard you all the way down squeal with glee.
3000th post OMCs.
Have a good weekend
Hugs madi and mom

Two French Bulldogs said...

Airborne!!! BOL oh my! Bet those ears helped you land safely
Lily & Edward

Mara said...

That ice slide looks so exciting and I can totally relate to Ernie: I screamed and squealed today as well...

And a commentathon. How brilliant. So, we could win? Brom and Miss Oswin are excited already!!

Mara from Norway

Kismet said...

I thought you two had the big snip and didn't have any contesticles left.

Duke said...

You are our hero, Ernie!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW!!! Ernie you are one wild and crazy guy!!!

Looking forward to post 3000!!!
Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

Kinley Westie said...

It looks like so much fun!

The Army of Four said...

Oh, thank goodness we're here in time for the big finish! We've just LOVED seeing these icy pix -- and wow, would I love a turn on that slide! ...or maybe 87 turns! Thank you for sharing all the pix with us!
Sorry we were MIA - Mom got way behind on stuff and had all kinds of stuff she had to do but didn't want to ... so our computer time got shortened.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Murphy said...

Ernie, you are a mad dawg fur sure! Way to represent dude!! 3,000? Wow, that is a lot!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

LBJ said...

That looks like fun! When Mom was a kid in the 60's, they had REALLY tall slides and Mom and her brother would use wax paper to make the slide more slippier so you could get more speed.

Abby Lab

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

I just knew MY Ernie wouldn't be conventional! Free style sliding, that's MY BOYfriend! Go ERN! Smooches

Poodle At Play said...

Ernie, you sure are a brave pooch! WOW. Don't think I'd have to guts to go and do that!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Poor Ernie must have turned around to see if he could climb back up:( Our Mom says she would have been scared too. But we bet you two had a great slide!!!

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wahooo!! Ernie! what a fun wild ride on the slide
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

smoki2 said...

OMGoodness, E. you must've scared everyone - including your brother - half to death. That was some wild ride!! I think you are very brave.

Love and licks,

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Ernie that sure was a wild ride. Have a great weekend.

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

OMD Earnie is a dare devil!!

Matt & Matilda

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow ernie that luks like gud praktiss for the loodj!!! ar yoo going to be in the winter olimpiks nekst time they happin??? ok bye

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! Ernie you are a wild man!! That looked like a crazy ride and we're so glad you both survived! 😂😂

Scooter said...

Hey Ernst!
Wow, what a Zoomie! Who knew ice could be such fun. Bol. You get an Olympic score of 10 for the creative technique.

sprinkles said...

That's a cool slide! I'm not sure I'd want to try it though, I'd be afraid of falling on the ice.