Friday, August 12, 2016

Easy Day at the Pawlympics...

OMD   OMC...   yesterday's Events were OUTSTANDING, weren't they?    We loved all the Excitement and the CROWDS were   HOOOOOOOOOGE....   there must have been 87 bazillion up there Cheering the Pawlympians on to   87 Carrot Solid Gold Medals...  

Now TODAY is gonna be HOSTED by    EASY RIDER       TUNEFUL PHarting....     Hope all the pawlympians are Chompin down the  Beans and Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts... and LIMBURGER Cheese....  

Ernie and I surely have ...  

BTW....     Ernie can let out   an      E Flat    and    I can proudly let fly with an   F  SHARP.   

To get to Easy's Venue....    CLICK         HERE   

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    WE are  COVERED OVER with Garden Goodies and are having to do TONS of hard work... so THAT is why we haven't left COMMENTS ...   BUTT NEVER FEAR....  WE HAVE seen EVERY SINGLE EVENT...  

We are SOOOOOO far behind that ERNIE has not even had a chance to THANK HIS BELOVED ROXY fur all the super stuffs she sent to him fur his Birfday....     he hasn't even had time to PLAY with the EGGSciting new TOY she sent to him....   BUTT  not so bizzy that he hasn't been having a bit of ROO SNACK every Evening...    OKAY he shares with ME too...   We are LOVING the Roo CHEWS...    


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sounds like the garden has got you too busy. Hope you are done with the boring stuff soon:)

My GBGV Life said...

You boys are like farmers during harvest season. I think your garden is about as big as a farm!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Golly, I am not doing any harvesting or canning and am still finding it hard to keep up with all the events, so I admire that you are even getting time to spectatorise!!! It has been a fangtastic first week... looking forward to so many more... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

how pawsome to load all weapons with beans&onions and other musical stuff.... no wonder that you perpharted the tunes so great :o)

Julie said...

I did Buttie Pillars did you see?????
Haf funs in your garden
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

Oh wow! You boys sure have been busy! We have been busy too but have seen many posts from the Pawlympics!

Robin + Christmas said...

Easy is an interesting pup!

C.L.W.STEP said...

That was a hilarious Pawlympic event!

Kismet said...

Between the gardening and the farting contest, you guys have been dealing with manure all day.

Matilda the Boxer said...

We should've worn gas masks for this event!

Murphy said...

Oh, that pharting event will go really well with our poop post today!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

We are having a fun time at Easy's Pharting event today although our eyes are burning a bit.

LBJ said...

I asked if I could wear Mom's hazmat suit with the respirator and she said no - that was just for work.

Abby Lab

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...The Pawlympics are really "exploding" today...BOL!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Ewww....what was that? Did one of you guys let out a d-flat?

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, our furiend Easy hosted the most stinkeriferous pawlympic event ever! BWAR HAR HAR I'm checking to see if the grounds crew can bring some ginormous fans into the arena. YIKES
Grr and a Sporting Woof,
Sarge, Athletic Pooch

Linda said...

F & E what a fun competition that was.
I can't say standing behind you was pawsome pee whew
xo Astro

Ruby said...

Can you believes Ma forgots to enter me in this most FABulous event??!!! I most certainly would have taken 87 gold medals!!!!! BOL
Ruby ♥

sprinkles said...

Shiver makes me laugh and laugh whenever he has a tuneful fart. He'll toot, then he'll look at his bum in complete surprise. Every.single.time!!!

Duke said...

We totally enjoyed the pharting event and thank goodness for clothespins!

M. K. Clinton said...

You guys are rockin' the Pawlympics. I can't wait to see what all you are getting from your garden. How's the Milkbone crop this year?