Saturday, June 18, 2016

BAR... Snicker Saturday...

OMD OMD    between where we STAYED at the Motel... and where the State Park was located we found this little TOWN....    SERIOUSLY...     we were in...

 YEP.... you are seeing it RIGHT....     a Small town named   GNAW BONE, INDIANA.
There were Several Businesses in GNAW BONE...

 WE wanted to STOP... and SHOP... butt PEEPS can be SUCH... Dictators.   RIGHT?
 They just WHIZZED  right by... hardly even slowed down enough fur us to get a good whiff.
 OMD OMD       GNAW BONE.....    a Whole TOWN of PURE DELIGHTS...   and THEY would NOT STOP....              
Gnaw Bone,  INDIANA...       Every Dog's DREAM DESTINATION.  


My Mind's Eye said...

That was soooooo funny. Mom cracked up every time she saw it!
Your pics are quite EXCELLENT especially since Gnaw Bone was no parking
BRAVO. For your mom's smartphone
Madi your bffff

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
BOL... it was a blink a d you miss it kinda pace... but your ma doesn't miss a thing! At least you have the memories guys :-) hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! OMD! OMD! That has to be the coolest place ever for a dog with the exception of BLogville! We want a tee shirt! How could the peeps NOT stop? You gotta go back.

Robin + Christmas said...

OMD sounds bow wow cool!

Your friend,

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, some peep was very smart to name a whole town for our favorite hobby! BWAR HAR HAR. Definitely a fun place to visit or live. I bet the foodables there are delish.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Hoke said...


Scooter said...

Hey..My mom spotted all the antique shops....luckily cuz of me...I saved Dad some money!! BOL


Lone Star Cats said...

MOL, what a funny name!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh how cool iz that. You really NEED tue go bak there an'gnaw on a bone while u iz in Gnaw Bone. Wunder if any store there givez out bonez tue gnaw on while u iz in Gnaw Bone. Oh I iz on a roll tue-day. HE HE I shood git my mom tue take me there so I can gnaw on a bone while we vizit Gnaw Bone.
Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

Julie said...

Hehe, thats gotta be a place to visit fur sure!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Kismet said...

Maybe you should take them to Dogsmurderpeeps, Wyoming.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We bet your peeps were worried you two would want to move to Gnaw Bone - one big move was enough for them. What a cool name for a town!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Duke said...

It sounds like the perfect town to spend some time in!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Yep you can spend a year there in a day. Seriously with the No Parking sign in GNAW BONE what's you going to park in front of?
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

The Army of Four said...

I want to go there!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE thinks you should have at least stopped enough to get the history of that place! We think it would be the perfect rest and pee place....with a bone, of course.

Jacobi said...

Wow, that sounds like my kind of place!!

Matilda the Boxer said...

We barked and barked when we furst passed through town. Jessie's still waiting for her bone!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! Some things you just can't make up! Gnaw Bone Indiana! We want to go there just to visit that meat market!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just loved driving through Gnaw Bone on the way to the park, but we could never get our Mama to pull over either!!
Dory & Arty

Wyatt said...

What?...your peeps wouldn't stop the car for a town that was OBVIOUSLY put on the map JUST for DOGS!?! Turn the car around....Bark BARK BARK!!!

Wyatt and Tegan

Mara said...

No stopping??? I mean I know it said no parking, but a short stop so you could at least have a little smell would have been okay!

Mara from Norway

Anonymous said...

GAH! I LOVE that town. I wish I could go there and gnaw a bone. Or just maybe eat a treat....

Love and licks,

Millie and Walter said...

Maybe that is where we can have the Blogville capital? That name is perfect for it.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love that name of the town.