Thursday, May 5, 2016


HAPPY    SINK O    DaMAYO    to all of you....

OMD this was SOOOOOO funny....    I found this INTERESTING Booth...  and  told MOM to bring ERNIE over ....   to get MEASURED... fur....

A    BAFF Robe....
 BaaaaaaaWaaaah....      isn't this funny???    He was SOOOOOOO embarrassed....
OMD  he thinks he is like Casey and Jessie...   a BOXER...
 THIS picture was taken at HOME.....    AFTER a... BAFF...          BaaaaaWaaaah
Tomorrow we will show you somethingy from the PetExpo... BARKing Lot...


easyweimaraner said...

ooooh run Ernie run... a bathing robe has always to do with water :O)

Julie said...

Oh poor Ernie....having suffered the indignity of a BAFF you then get dressed up as casper the friendly ghost!!!
Loves and licky kisses
princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

He looks good in a bathrobe!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my stars a hooded robe like that have at the fancy pants spas. Ernie strut your stuff good buddy!!! Mom is kinda jealous she likes it
Hugs madi your bfff

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
bwwhahahahahahah,,, sinko demayo.... baahahahahahahah....

Now Ernie - I reckon you look like a boxer getting ready fur the ring in that thing!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Unknown said...

BOL BOL Happy Sink O DaMayo to you too! A bath robe?!? That would be great for after a swim too!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Sink O daMayo!! That bathrobe is adorable!

The Florida Furkids

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, Ernie, you TOTALLY look like a boxer in that robe!! Are you going to be entering our BOXING event in the Pawlympics??

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are so funny!!!
Lily & Edward
Pee s. We thought you were KKK

Robin + Christmas said...

Can I have some of that mayo?

Your pal,

C.L.W.STEP said...

We'll have to send that Cinco de Mayo picture to Dad. He loves puns! That was a good one! Sorry about the bath robe, though.

Kismet said...

Nothing about baths is funny.

Sully said...

Buenos días, pooches!

Aroo to you,

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

BOL!!! it's CUTE :-) on your doggy bathrobe. Golden Woofs SUGAR

stellaroselong said...

Your momma is so funny but we did love that robe. we want one in yellow with ducks on it.
that's what the baby has.
stella rose

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You look very cute in your bathrobe!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


We think you look very debonnaire in your new baff-robe! Sorry about the baff tho...
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Unknown said...

Awesome read, thanks for the post.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey, you never know when Ernie might get the chance to meet President Obama, just like Prince George, and now he will have the perfect robe!!!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! We want bathrobes too! Ernie, you look just like Hugh Hefner of the PlayDog Mansion! Barharhar!

Backcountry Brodie said...

OK, well Ernie should has piddled, BOL!

The Army of Four said...

Hey, you've got some Mayo in your ---- ohhhhhhhh, I get it! Ha roo roo roo!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Murphy said...

If Ernie has the right attitude it could be kinda cool!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

LBJ said...

Somehow I just don't think of Ernie having a "Spa" day and enjoying it.

Abby Lab

Brinley Westie said...

Luvs da baffrobe...(giggle, snort, chortle....)

I gits baff ev'ry coupla days cuz of my allergeez... yeah, my Momma is a sadist.

Ruby said...

BOL!! OMD, SINKO de Mayo!!! BOL! Oh Ernie, I loves you bathrobe! And I agree with Ciara and Lightning, maybe you can meet the Prez in your new FABulous Robe!!!
Ruby ♥

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Sinko De Mayo boys! We have to say that Ernie does look kind of cute in his robe.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

My Ernie looks like he's in a straight jacket! Get that thingy off him, right now! But he does look sorta cute.


Duke said...

You sure won't get chilled in that robe, Ernie!

pilch92 said...

You are too funny :) Happy belated Cinco de Mayo!