LISTEN UP FURENDS.... it IS true that on Easter... SARGE did come to spend the day with US... BUTT NO NO NO he Did NOT Fire his POOP Shooter On ME... He did NOT do THAT...
I'm Tellin' the Truth ... the
and I sort of ... got in his Line of Fire... BUTT it was ONLY his Pee shooter... not his POOP shooter... like ERNnn the LIAR tried to say... BUTT we DID come home and I DID have a BAFF... to RID me of the PEE...
MOM is gonna be FURIOUS with ERNnnnn when She finds out that ERNn LIZzzz about me on this Blog... YES!! ERNn LIZs and I have the PROOF... just you wait until TOMORROW and I will SHOW it to you!!!! The KID is gonna be SOOOOOOO embarrassed when he sees THIS ONE.... YEP! I will call it EXHIBIT A to Z....
This is your POOP PROOF Furend, Frankie...
I just hope the three of you can be friends again. I forgave my sister Katie when she peed all over me, and it was intentional.
Oh this is gonna be good!
ooooh that sounds as if the court of common fleas works at home too... counts that for a diy project when a lawyer and a judge have a home-case?
Oh my BOL..well i think someone aimed to please indeed ..we all have ...well hiccups ..and sometimes we aim to high..and sometimes we aim to low..but hey all comes out in the wash ;) Loves Fozziemum and gang ..who often have hiccups ;) xxx
Oh dear I finks this could all end up in COURT!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
MOL MOL MOL MOL MOL this has been the funniest series full of mystery, action, comedy, lying characters and I'm sure there will be lots of pee mail coming to your house and there is an Oscar in your future. When my human sis was a wee lassie had to wear glasses. She said she was vertically challenged, wore glasses and was left handed. At least you aren't left pawed and need glasses
Hugs madi your bfff
We see Ernie has adopted the favourite journalists' adage. "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story".
Toodle pip!
Hey Frankie!
Wow, thanks for setting that a little straighter! BOL. Gosh, I'm still really sorry about that whole pee shooter fiasco. Dang, that was so bad, bad, bad dog. My Mom made my ears ring by screeching and hollering at me. Thank dawg it wasn't as bad as Ern said. He was most definitely wanking our walking strings. BOL
BTW: I've been practicing my aim around my yard and I think I've improved....still might be a good idea to be wary. Just sayin'. ahem.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
BOL Frankie how traumatic for you but at least Ernie's lie has made it clear that it could have been much worse!
Okay, that was supposed to be "Yanking" our walking strings, not Wanking. Holy cow, what's wanking anyway?!? Sounds bad to me. BWAR HAR HAR Dang paws.
Oye! Poop would be a bit worse
Lily & Edward
BOL! It's happened to all of us from time to time, buddy. Don't worry.
Oh boy...what a thing to happen! Doesn't sound like it was a fun time...but at least it WASN'T Sarge's poop-shooter after all! YUCKOLA.
Uh oh, Ernie!!! When I was younger, I peed on Mya's head. Oops!
We cannot imagine what proof will be offered BUTT we are sure glad our computer does not have smell-o-vision BOL!
Keep Calm & Bark On!
Murphy & Stanley
Lying lawyer.
Well, of course he didn't mean it! It happens. The most important thing is for the three of you to stick together!
Hari Om
Crikey guys, things are getting rampant over your way... steady on there!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Well, we're glad to have the story straight now.
Jan says you two remind her of the way we behave toward each other.
So far NO ONE at THIS house has peed or pooped on me, and I am AMAZED at that cos I live with pugs. wienie
Oh-oh, Ernie is in big trouble now.
Isn't it kind of illegal to wee on a Federal Court Judge? :D
Dip and Elliot x
Uh oh, Ernie. You better be careful or next time Sarge will aim at you!
My ♥♥Ern♥♥ does NOT LI, maybe exaggerates a bit at times, BUTT it was a shooter from Sarge!
BOL! I was taking a walk with Robin and my friend Molly the Springer Spaniel the other day, and I almost PEED on her! I didn't mean to, but I almost did! She was like "Christmas, what on earth are you doing?" She's my girlfriend, btw.
Sibling Rivalry - oh oh - this could be trouble
Glad you cleared that up Frankie! We thought that Sarge had to be not well to "splatter" you.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
I don't think I'd want either one fired at me.
Thanks for clearing that up for us. Either way it isn't a good thing.
As long as no one suffered any damage, temporary or otherwise, we can move forward. Okay play nice.
Sometimes the poop hits the Frank
Oh boy...this is going to get "messy" BOL!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
Arty and I are doing GREAT on our road trip!! Mama says if we have another day tomorrow, like we did today, we will BOTH be coming the the BAR!!! XOXO Dory
WOW!! That musty have been awful. If ernie gets locked up..dont worry me and addi can break him out.
Oreo and Addi
Well, that was a heck of a big, fat, disgusting lie - for sure. Then again, it's April Fools Day, so I don't know what to believe.
Love and licks,
OMD! OMD! I am so relieved to hear it was only SArge's pee shooter what got you! snicker...snicker! It has happened to the best of us. ☺
hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay uh oh a pee bath!!! it is okay tho i yoozed to pee on my sister the beautiful trixie aksidentaly on purpuss and then dada wood hav to giv her a bath but reely i just peed on her becuz i luvd her and wanted evryun to no she wuz my sister and then dada had to go mess it up with the shampoo and stuf and i had to pee on her agin so he wood giv her a bath agin its the sirkle of life!!! or sumthing!!! ok bye
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