Sunday, January 24, 2016


LOOK at the Price of GAS here in Pencil Vane E Ah...  

A     BUCK     87     $1.87 !!!!   can you believe it?

This picture was from Sat. January 16, 2016         just South of Erie, Pencil Vane E Ah.  As you can SEE there Was some Snow... butt not MUCH.. by Erie's Standards...  

We filled Jessie Jeep to the BRIM...  even though we didn't need MUCH fur doing that... butt HEY....  a PENNY saved... is a PENNY ERNIEd..          
    More Green Papers fur him to spend on BALLS.. RIGHT?


My GBGV Life said...

The 87 part is nice, but we've got 1.59 here! Unbelievable!

Zoe said...

The peepoles get all 'sited 'bout Gas!! Usually, us furs get blamed for the gas round here. Sigh

easyweimaraner said...

wow that's not bad! I would bring all empty waterbottles and all buckets as long as it is cheap... and I even would fill my bowl... naah wait that's too much, not my bowl... but maybe the bathtub :o)

Unknown said...

BOL! What great timing for you that gas was $1.87!!! I hope you are not freezing your little legs off pals.

bichonpawz said...

We did the very same thing!! Filled to the brim! $1.87 is awesome! Of course ... we always think anything that says eighty seven is awesome! BOL!!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Our gas is not that cheap, but it is like half the price it was!

Cowspotdog said...

we filled up yesterday for $1.69 :) :)

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

Woah that is pawesome!

Bell Fur Zoo

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ours dropped a lot recently; the equivalent of $1.41 was what I paid last week! Ninety-nine pence... dunno when last fuel was below the quid!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Kismet said...

You probably get an even better deal there if you pay cash. The price would really drop if they eliminated all the taxes on it.

My Mind's Eye said...


Collie222 said...

We are north of you, and our prices are higher. Hopefully we will see our gas prices drop some more.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Should have been in Ohio it was a $1.59!
How high is the snow Frankie.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Sketching with Dogs said...

Holy cr*p! We pay more per LITRE than that :(
I am emigrating!
Lynne x

LBJ said...

Chicagoland special pricing means our gas is usually higher than everywhere around us but Mom paid $1.74 a gallon to top off the Bat Truck yesterday. More money for treats!

Abby Lab

The Daily Pip said...

Saving green papers is ALWAYS a good thing!

Two French Bulldogs said...

HOLY MACARONI....Its 2.87 here
Lily & Edward

Marg said...

Just wanted to thank you for your good wishes for our Mom. Our gas prices are even lower. It sure is nice.

Poodle At Play said...

WOW that's a good price! In the northern corner where Mom lives gas is still WAY high....over $2! She refuses to buy gas when home in PA for that reason...especially since just over the bridge in NJ by dad it's MUCH cheaper...1.87-ish just like you've just posted!

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow,anything 87 is wonderful! BOL All of our peeps are doing the happy dance over $1.87 cheapy gas. My Dad didn't think we'd ever see it below $2 again. Surely is nice for travels and a good reason for peeps to take their pooches for extra rides. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

87! That's great! We hope you're getting enough snow to pack in your cooler thingy for the hot summer, just sayin'.

Murphy said...

We heard that this summer it might be under a dollar! Can you imagine???

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

The Army of Four said...

87! Ha roo roo roo!!!!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie. That is amazing. Here in Oz we pay by the litre and if mum's brain has worked it out correctly we pay the equivalent of $4.12 a gallon . It's $1.09 per litre X 3.78 litres in a gallon. Hope you are keeping safe with the snow storms we've seen on TV. No worries and love Stella and Rory. X

C.L.W.STEP said...

You're right about more green stuff with which to buy squeaky toys.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom says ours is down to $1.619 - not bad at all - so where are all the treats she could be using all those saved green papers for???

Happy Sunday.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Wyatt said...

We know! How cool is that? More road trips for us dawgs!♥♥
Wyatt and Tegan

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow it looks like everyone is cheaper than us - we are at $1.969

Anonymous said...

It's always good to have some $$$$ left over for balls. And treats!

Love and licks,

Duke said...

Saved $$ for treats and balls is ALWAYS a good thing!

stellaroselong said...

It is getting lower here also, butt our mom thinks our groceries is going up...go figure.
stella rose

M. K. Clinton said...

Our gas prices are about the same. It is hard to believe.