Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day # 16 of our annual Night Squirrel...

Today we will have a GOOD thingy and ... a NOT so Good thingy fur you..
   Let's go with the GOOD furst... and then if you wish, you can HIGH TAIL IT... Before you ruin your eyes have to see the Snow Freaks...  OKAY?

So...  we are LATE in getting this posted about...   butt Our Dear Furend  Miss Sydney of FAME...  sent us a SURPRISE Pressie Package... and GUESS WHAT?????????????

 SEE????  not a Single Freak in the mix...  Just GRRREAT fun thingys to Play with...
 And to EAT and to make our house smell PRETTY...      
 We LOVED that BOX...     that had NO SNOW FREAKS...  and we Love Miss Sydney and  and we THANK them from the Bottom of our hearts.......      BUTT....
 THEN....    YESTERDAY....   YESTERDAY we got ANOTHER Surprise Pressie Package...  that was NOT from  and it was NOT from any of our FURENDS....  it came...  From ...ONE OF OUR FUREND's MOM...         Who OBVIOUSLY ...  put her Paws on OUR FUREND's ADDY Book and  .... WENT CRAZY...  

WE KNOW that OUR FUREND would NEVER have given up our Addy... even to his Mom...  if He had KNOWN what sort of HORROR she intended to inflict upon us...
      GIRD your LOINS and Close your Eyes...   
HERE is what was sent to us...

 NOTE:    there is CLEAR ADMISSION that this was NOT done BY our Dear Furend EASY RIDER....   THIS is the Work  REVENGE    Doings of his PEEPS...    
 Can you BELIEVE IT????     THEY fumbled around in EASY's Addy book... and Found us... and   then PURRRRRRRpatrated this Travesty of INJUSTICE on Us...    REVENGE we are sure of it...  a VENGEFUL act...  in ReTAILe A SHUN   fur   MY (Ernie the Attorney) fine representation of MY Client... Easy Rider...
AND  against JUDGE Frankie Furter... fur his Excellent Ruling in the case...    

They Sent this      SNOW FREAK....   to US...
Without Easy's Knowledge or Approval...      So since Easy says it right there fur ALL to see...
   SUE HER...      
and HERE will be our    EXHIBITS....
    WE can't stand to look.....
 OMD     HURRY FRANKIE.... let's PEE and see if it will REMOVE the evil one....
 EASY....  it's ME... YOUR ATTORNEY.. ERNIE...      I can tell you now that All of Blogville will KNOW that YOU are totally INNOCENT...    and that  SHE.... is in DEEP shi SNOW with all the PAWspective JURORS...
 THIS will not be the ENDs of THIS.
We just want to let you know that our MOM is Thrilled with this... and SHE claims that it was a Wonderful surprise and that she is OVER THE MOON  totally  LOONY   over it.

PEE S.   Tomorrow we will show you ANOTHER example of how  MOMS can turn Traitor, when We are not watching them...    so furends....  Keep an eye on YOURS...  

Note to Self:      Have Roxy start Court pawceedings....  fur the furst trial of 2016.


Cowspotdog said...

those were some wonderful surprises you got - even if one did have some snow freaks in it

My GBGV Life said...

You guys need to overcome your fear of snow freaks. Have you watched that tv show called Frosty the Snowman? It might help you understand them better.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Sue the furs off 'em!!!!!!! BOL BOL BOL!!!


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Holey-bediggity, whateva was Easy doing that his peeps managed to snickle past him and pawpetr8 such horror????????? Drink lots of water.... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

The Daily Pip said...

Well, I about to congratulate you on no snow freaks in the package from Miss Sydney ...but then I saw the second package. Sigh ...

easyweimaraner said...

oh yes, sue her.... I tried to control the damage with sending a bottle of pee, but SHE! said that's not allowed.... maybe next time La Poste can send the mail via OZ, so eventual snow freaks will melt away?

My Mind's Eye said...

Well for sure we all need to gird our 'collective' loins to file Class Action Suit against the moms!!

Woohoo I love pumpkin 24/7 never ever tire of pumpkin or the lovely aroma it leaves when baking.
Hugs madi your bfff

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We agree with Madi, class action, class action.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Well, Mr. Chewy got it right anyway! As for Easy's Mom....hmmmmmmm The holidays must be getting to her. A Snow Freak Flag...Really? My Mommy thinks it great BUTT me and the pack do feel your pain..... SUE!

Unknown said...

Well, I am glad one surprise package didn't contain any Snow Freaks. Go! I fear you may be getting a lot of Snow Freak hate mail now that you have offered your lawyering services to Blogville. Oh dear dog...

Unknown said...

How nice of Sydney…and how cruel and unusual of Easy's peeps! Go get 'em in court…by the way I mentioned you in my blog today - but be forewarned, it is one big advertisement for how great snow freaks are!!!

stellaroselong said...

Good grief!!!!!!
stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow what a cool surprise!! We see the snow freaks followed you to your new house
Lily & Edward

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, Miss Sydney sends super goodies to us! OMD that snowfreak pressie is just wrong. Definitely time for a new lawsuit. Better dust off your briefs and gavel. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Matilda the Boxer said...

That's absolutely terrible!! But Frankie, my momma says that when a judge is one of the INJURED PAWTIES, he can't be the judge on the case. Who's going to hear this terrible case against Easy's pawrents??

Sketching with Dogs said...

What awesome pressies Frankie and Ernie!
Dip and Elliot x

Idaho PugRanch said...

Casey has a good question!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

sprinkles said...

How cool you gots TWO suprprise pressies!

WFT Nobby said...

I am beyond shocked at That Card…
Toodle pip!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Definitely case worthy. Can't believe what Easy's mum did. A flag....sheesh!

Poodle At Play said...

What on Earth were Easy's peeps thinking, sending that thing to your house!? Terrible!

M. K. Clinton said...

This is why we associate directly with other dogs. Humans cannot be trusted and think terrorizing innocent pups is some sort of game. It is totally twisted and I doubt Santa will visit any people. All toys and treats will be for us! Your pals, Bentley & Pierre

Murphy said...

Yeah, we need to get that court back up and running! We love that Chewy pumpkin, don't you?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Isn't Ms. Sydney and the BEST!!! And we are sure that our dear pal Easy will find a way to handle this matter:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Casey is right. Some else we'll have to be judge !! Not to worry we're sure will get the punishment she deserves.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Dawg. Poor Easy having pawrents who would do such horrifying things. Snowfreaks, shudder, shake. Any holes in your new yard you could bury them? If ya sent them to Oz we could melt them. It's been three days of 42C (107F) and a couple more to come before a cooler change. Hope you are all well. No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You bring our case in front of Judge Angel Foley Monster and she will surely find in your favor. Not only out of friendship but she hates snow too

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie I am so sorry that you have to go through this torture. I know Santa Paws will be very good to you to make up for it. My Mommy did something sneaky on the envelope of the card I sent you. I had nothing to do with it!!! I swear

Ziggy Out!!

Duke said...

We got the same wonderful stuffs from Miss Sydney and Chewy! Aren't they just the bestest♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Moms are like that. They think if they show you the scariest thing that you won't be afraid anymore. Wrong! Seeing the scary thing IS what makes me afraid. Moms. Ugh.

Love and licks,

The Army of Four said...

Here's something I recently might have learned. If your mom sprays that wonderful-smelling thing on a quilt you've been laying on, you shouldn't try to lick it all off. I know - I have no idea where these rules came from, but apparently it's right up there near the top somewhere. Sigh.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher