Thursday, April 23, 2015

Some Stuffs from the PetExpo...

We got some GRRRREAT stuffs at the PetExpo...

Like THIS....      ANOTHER    Cooling Pad fur putting in Jessie Jeep during the hot summer months...     We say ANOTHER beclaws we ALREADY had Two of them....      See our harnesses...   we wear those and they are clipped to snaps and a strap that holds us Safely on the Back Seat...     NOW we will be both    SAFE and COOL...

 These CAN be put in the Fridge to help them cool FASTER.... butt that isn't really necessary...  
Mom or Dad just Flip them over and they sort of ReCharge...    and sometimes when we only had TWO.... mom would put them in our Ice Chest thingy... while we were out checking the trees and getting drinks and stuffs....  THAT makes it SUPER cool...      
 Whenever we stop some where.... fur us to get a Potty and Drink break...  the cooling mats get Turned OVER and they start cooling us all over again....  They work fur two or so hours...  at a time...
 You can See that they are nice and big...
    Now this does NOT mean that we get LEFT in the Car in the hot weather...  They are just fur making sure we are REALLY comfy...    even if the PEEPS don't need the AC on...    beclaws they don't have FURS like WE do...
We like our Cooling Mats.... A LOT....     BUTT this next thingy that Mom bought fur us...  Not so Much...

Our MOM uses this PlaqClnz stuffs on our Teefs  all the time....    IN CONJUNCTION with Brushing our Teefs...   The PlaqClnz  really helps to keep our Teefs Clean and White...
       BUTT.... we do NOT like it....         Our teefs paste is GOOD...  it is chicken flavor...    Butt this came WITH our PlaqClnz and we have not tried it yet...   So we don't know the flavor...   HOWEVER, we are SURE it tastes BETTER than the YUCKY stuffs...     AND there was a teefs brush in there Too...    ALL fur LESS than what Mom pays fur JUST a bottle of PlaqClnz from the Company that makes it...     NORMALLY only GROOMERS or the Company Sell it...   Mom has NEVER been able to get it any other places...  
REMINDER:    Auction Items to help Amber DaWeenie's Sister are still needed...      If you would like to put an Item up...   email   margaretmsan(at)gmail(dot)com   with all the information.     
      WE have Already put an Item from CLARA'S COLLARS in...      
   We want the Auction to be a Big Success...     

AND.... Don't furget... Friday is FFHT (Fractured Fryday Hairy Tales) day...    We love doing those... and reading all of YOURS...        The INCLUSION fur April is...   IT SMELLED LIKE...
     BUTT WAIT... there's MORE...  have you gotten your  Soccer UNI Picture set fur posting on YOUR blog...  for SATURDAY?  


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
So not all treats in the no-walkin' wagon then? Guys, this means that your peeps are REALLY looking after you though.. and I am certain there were treats in there!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Julie said...

Mum is trying to teach me to brush my teefs now. Like yous I luffs the toofpaste butts I do tend to grab the toofbrush and run off wiv it! Well, its plastic and ALL plastic thingys should be and MUST be chewed !!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Fozziemum said...

Frankie and Ernie i think that is a great mat! those furs do get hot in for the toothpaste..well i am a total woos when it comes to teeth off i go for a dental tomorrow at the Vets..i think i am losing a tooth keep brushing ! paw pats Doc xx

Fozziemum said...

Frankie and Ernie i think that is a great mat! those furs do get hot in for the toothpaste..well i am a total woos when it comes to teeth off i go for a dental tomorrow at the Vets..i think i am losing a tooth keep brushing ! paw pats Doc xx

My Mind's Eye said...

I need a cool tummy gets really hot sometimes...that was on really fun expo you all attended and I heard you two got lots of loveys from the ladies!!
Hugs madi your bfff
PS Roxy no worries..Ernie was Frankie's that he is single.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, those pads are totally...well.. COOL! BOL Nice to feel comfy in the warm weather. I hate that clenz stuff too. Gee, why isn't it chicken flavored too? BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

stellaroselong said...

WE had one of those cooling mats, Maggie or Gussie peed on it cos they have no class, so mom washed it in the WASHER, what was she thinking.....yep blue goo came out of it cos it spilt the seam, now we have to get another one...I liked laying on it. We hates brushing our teefs. We have our cheerleader pictures all ready....stella rose

easyweimaraner said...

maybe you can use that cooling mats for your wagon too? I like this pads, it's great to place your belly on such a pad when you are a hot dog :o)
easy rider

Murphy said...

All we can saw is that we are still jelly!! I mean JELLY!!! We want to go to an expo so bad!!!! Thanks for the reminders!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

Maybe we don't want an expo if it means teeth brushing stuff!
Just kidding - it would be great to see all the cool stuff
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom had always hope Ciara would like those cooling mats because they are good for seizure dogs, but she isn't too fond of them at all. Mom thinks using them in the car is a super duper idea!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Sketching with Dogs said...

You got some good stuff at the Pet Expo. Bridgey used to love her cool mat :)
Dip and Elliot x

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow...that cooling pad looks like a wonderful idea!! We may need to get a couple for the back of our car too!!! Thanks for telling us about them (and for all the reminders too)!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Oz the Terrier said...

Wow! I love my cooling pad. I can't believe you have so many! Lucky dawgs, you. As for the auction, I may have something but not sure. Does it have to be something for people? Dogs?

Duke said...

Those cooling mats sound wonderful for the summer! Mom says she's going to check into them for us!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well, first of all. Can't believe you're thinkin' of STAYIN' cool, after the WINTER you just had! But, we're sure you'll need it...

If you got teefs stuff, we hope you got lots of treats, too.

Laika said...

This is a cool mat. Wish we had something like that ourselves:)

The Army of Four said...

Oh, wow, does that cooling mat sound like a really great idea!!!

Millie and Walter said...

Looks like you boys sure got some good stuff at the expo.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Those cooling pads are pretty neat. I hope they help you guys keep your butts cool in the car. There is so much coming up in Blogville again. Ruby asked me to get the pizza truck out for Sully's birthday so I hope to see you with some pizza.

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a heat pad, instead of a cool pad. I love to feel hot hot hot. Oh well, I guess that's what street naps are for....

Love and licks,

marley said...

We iz gettin wun of dem mats fur sure Frankie my pal...fanks for dat informayshunz