Thursday, March 26, 2015

Toy Room Tour Continued....

BUTT FURST........    our furend     SHILOH   is celebrating his 12th. Birfday today....    he and Shasta have not blogged much lately since their mom Miss Kim... has been suffering some Bad Eye Issues...     BUTT we wanted to say HERE....   HAPPY BIRFDAY SHILOH !!!!       and to send POTP to their MOM.

THIS is ERNIE's STASH of    Balls....  he doesn't think much of Tennis Balls butt loves these crazy ones....    he hauls them around fur 87 hours... by their Ear or Foot....    then he starts and Skins them like a Squirrel...
This is a picture from a CALENDAR that mom had about 87 years ago...
    and the Big Blue Sign says....   DOGS Laugh with their TAILS....    
Mom and her furend MADE that sign...    

The pic UNDER the Blue sign is ANOTHER one from that Calendar....  I (Frankie Furter) look EXACTLY like the one on top.... and the one on the Bottom is a SPITTING IMAGE of Angel BARON   who went to the bridge.... 5 days before I came to the Hill to live.

NOW THEN......  we just had BOYZ Night Out and that was FOLLOWED by Wimmen's Night Out...

      I gotta tell you that WE GUYZ has ourselves a GRAND and GLORIOUS GOOD time..
  We have NO IDEA what kinda time the Wimmen had....  since THEY would NOT allow US in to check on what they were doing...         THAT's RIGHT Furends..... We TRIED to get in to all the events to..... WISH THEM WELL...and stuffs like that...... butt everytime we KNOCKED or Scratched or Rang Their BELL....  they REFUSED TO LET US IN !!!!      TURNED AWAY...   SHUT OUT  ....     SHUNNED .......      SNUBBED....            We had like 87 doors ///SLAMMED/// in our faces.           BUTT WE ARE NOT BITTER....  WE are NOT ANGRY.... WE are NOT HURT....  WE are NOT SAD...        NOPE not a bit of it...    WE are just gonna stay here on our hill and enjoy all the goodies that we were GOING to give to YOU mean  spiteful  WONDERFUL  WIMMEN.        Just Sayin.      


WFT Nobby said...

We love the 'dogs laugh with their tails' sign too. Although Gail says I laugh with my whole body. Of which the tail is, obviously, an important part.
Toodle pip!

My GBGV Life said...

I like that sign. I'm getting some good decorating ideas for our neglected toy room.

Julie said...

Oh Happy Burfday to Shiloh. I do miss Shiloh, Shasta dn Mom Kim.
This Princess is green wiv jellyness at you having a WHOLE room for toys and I only has a crate! Where's the justice in that...I'm a Princess, shouldn't I haf a WHOLE Palace full of toys??? That would make my tail do waggy smileys!!!
Loves and lciky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

We are truly impresses with those tennis balls. Wow what a collection. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

I love your play room decorations and your ball stash! I can just see you walking around the house with your treasures

Happy 12th to Shiloh!!!

MOL MOL MOL Frankie and Ernie...we girlz take our private time very seriously! But I guess you know that now!!
Hugs madi your bfff

marley said...

Ello Frankie my pal...sorree i haz been a paw pal dese last few weeks...haz been diffycult to be reedin da blogs wot wiv da werks an all dat....ope yoo furgive I....we iz off on oliday tomorrow too so will be sum times befaw I iz bak reedin yore ventures....ave a good week my pal...and da Ernie too...woof

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh your room is really superb, with all the stuffs you need and lots of 'we love you' types of things on the wall... Every year I get the Highland Cow calendar and each year I take the best of the best of the pictures out and mount them, either in frames or just straight onto my bedroom wall.

It's getting a bit embarrassing really... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

FnE my mom wants to know what time your mom went to bed last night or was she up all night?
Hugs madi

Ranger said...

If dat is true about our tails...... I laugh all da time. hehehe

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I'm still overwhelmed by all of the barkday posts and comments yesterday! Thanks again so very much.
OMD you guys have the coolest room. Love that crazy ball collection, Ernst. I wiggle all over when I laugh. BOL Darn those gals were really serious about their big day! I bet your snooters are still sore from the slammings. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

stellaroselong said...

First Happy birthday to Shiloh and we sure hope his momma is doing so much better...we love looking at your toy room, wow you have your very very own toy was funny what you said about us girls....stella rose

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Since our Mommy is a girl, she snuck by and was reading the comments at Girls Night Out! She said your Francine and Ernestine Comments were hilarious! Trying to sell Avon and Tupperwear and being a Build a Bear Stuffie Representatives comments were pawsome. Too bad so many doors were slammed in your face!

Unknown said...

First...Furts, is your middle name really "Oscar" like my full name?!? If so, that explains why we just get along so well!

And yes, I saw many a door slammed in your faces during the Women's Day Out! Honestly, I thought the girls would've had a bit more class than to just shun us like they did. Oh well.

Have a great Thursday on the Hill!

easyweimaraner said...

I love your toy room and I wish I had my own room too... maybe Ernie the attorney can help that the staff is no longer allowed in my bed room?
Oh boy that Ernestine and Francine were you? ... uh oh... I just wrote a letter to that girls with a poem... hahahahaha but that was a smart trick, Chapeau!
easy rider

Little Miss Titch said...

hehehehe that toy room of yours looks so much fun!xx Speedy

Matilda the Boxer said...

Boxers don't laugh with our tails. Those little nubbins aren't nearly enough to express true BOXER joy. We use our WHOLE bodies!

Anna the GSD said...

Balls with feet?!?! Oh, it's so on!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a cool room. And don't worry about us women
Lily (& Edward)

LetterstoAndrew said...

AH HAHA, I thought you guys were worried about the wimmen trying to get into your bachelor digs, and it was YOU doing the digging!

Cowspotdog said...

you are so lucky to have your own room

Kismet said...

If you were nicer to them, the girls would have included you.

Murphy said...

We were thinking about Shiloh's mom just yesterday! We will have to pop over there. Yes, you tried VERY hard to get through the doors to the wimmen's activities. No one can say you did not give it your best shot. We thought they were rude slamming the doors in your faces!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Duke said...

Those are some very crazy looking balls, Ernie!
Happy 12th Birthday to Shiloh!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's very magnanimous of you, to acknowledge that wimmen can have fun WITHOUT you.

We have old calendars filled with scottie pictures, but SHE hasn't done anything with them, so they're collecting dust on the shelf.

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a great room! We get a basket in the corner for our toys, not a whole room - soooo jellies.
Dip and Elliot x

Idaho PugRanch said...

Although we have just a toy box for our toys - they are spread all around the living room and kitchen and bedroom
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie, you very well knew it was Girlz Night Out!! Now Francine and Ernestine would have been very welcome. Why did they stay away??? Girlz gotta do what Girlz gotta do and you mind your own bees wax.

Respectfully, Loveys Sasha

The Army of Four said...

Oh, look at those TOYS!!!! I'd sure love to rip into ... I mean "play with" those!!! What fun! You guys are so lucky!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Anonymous said...

Hey we gots one of the big balls with ears and tails....Mickey and Bites share it...they grab it...shake it and toss in around then go jump n it..........they are nuts!

Da Sus

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We love your tails and laughs sign. We sure do wish we could get Phantom to laugh with his tail again, but he is still working on getting it better.

Happy Birthday to Shiloh and good thoughts to Mom Kim from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

LBJ said...

We love the sign and all the boys. What a fun play to live and play!

Abby Lab

Millie and Walter said...

You boys sure have a fun room. We did have to laugh at all your rejections from the girls day events.

sprinkles said...

You're lucky to have a whole room for your toys. My boys only have a basket in the corner for theirs, but Shiver drags everything out and spreads it all over the place. You'd think he thinks that the whole house is his toy room. bol

I've been wondering how Kim is doing. Hope her eyes heal up soon and that she can get back to blogging again.

Unknown said...

Are my eyes deceiving me, or are those balls all spanking, brand new? Mom! MOM! Take a look at that photo...see? A WHOLE basket of brand new balls...I NEED one like that too!

Wally & Sammy

M. K. Clinton said...

We really want to come play in y'alls room. You have like 87 bazillion cool things.

Ruby said...

OMD, I LOVES those squeaky balls!!! And those EGGS!!! Oh they are the bestest!! They fit pawfectly in the mouth and squeak and squeak til they don't squeak no more!!
Oh, and I didn't knows that you and Ernie were tryin' to INVADE our Girlz Night out...hehehehe
Maybe next time, you need to go to the costume shop...or talk to Bruce Jenner ~ cause your disguises stunk! BOL
Ruby ♥