Sunday, March 8, 2015

Did you remember to turn the Clocks AHEAD an Hour?

THIS is our Favorite day of the YEAR....  our Supper comes an HOUR EARLY....  
    Yesterday we went to see our furends Sagira and Tempest at the Agility thingy.... Sagira has recently Earned her MACH   and she got a BIG MACH Stick Pole thingy... and we gotted to Sign it...
the top pic shows here NAME on HER MACH Pole...  
In THIS pic her mom was holding it up so you could see how LONG it really is...  
    AND GUESS WHAT???  WE gotted to have some of her CAKE...

GUYS..... the Wimmen of Blogville seem to think that THEY can have FUN too... butt WE all know that Wimmen have FUN .... WRONG...           Do you have your thingys sent in yet?  

Walter   Yard Zoomies    cindywelch(at)

Lassie and Benji   BOWLING  teresius1(at)aol. com

Sarge   Joke Room    Lfurman1987(at)

Oz    Foodables... eat fest    oztheterrier(at)

Casey   Texas BBQ     dreagoddess(at)

Ranger   Best BEARD   scottieranger(at)     Real or Otherwise...   

Murphy and Stanley   Pharrrrting contest   cecampbell(at)

Zaphod   Hunting Somethingy in the Woods  leeandphod(at)Bell.Net

Edward    Poker Pawty  he needs your NAME and Blog link sent to

Speedy   is going to supply some Foodables   rachel.dejong28(at)   

Joey and Chester   Mud Fun......   christinersm(at)      anythingy to do with MUD

Oreo   Scratch and Sniff       dcraftsalot(at)

Jakey, Bilbo, & Arty   Muddy Paws   bethblog(at) 

Since this is Ranger's    BE NASTY Day.....   We just gotta say  THIS....
GUYS  PEE and   Wimmen   Tinkle    BaaaaaWaaaaah...


Julie said...

I did try to put the clocks forward but then I got told off 'cos ours don't change for another couple of weeks! Oophs, but that didn't stop me waking everyone up at 4am, well if a girls gotta tinkle, a girls GOT to tinkle!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Big yawwwwnnnn and ssttrretttchhhh...this lost hour is already killing me and I just got up. The dumbest idea ever messing with clocks and father time!

Cowspotdog said...

Mom just went through the house changing all the clocks.

The Florida Furkids said...

Most of our clocks change on their own. We're not sure about that but Mom says it's okay.

The Florida Furkids

Unknown said...

Yes we have another couple of weeks before ours changes and we loose sleep but gain dinner early. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Ugh...this Spring ahead is terrierible for my sleep and naps! But, I do look forward to eating an hour earlier. That is a plus. Oh, and Ma got your email but was still at the Pet Expo so she couldn't answer you back. She said she will be emailing you tomorrow because....she needs help with that, she thinks. OK...have a great early supper Sunday!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... ohYEAAAHHH????? Women may glow and men chunder..
but wait you, now - can you hear the thunder???
..You better run, yes, you better take cover....

Power-hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Kismet said...

Wait a second-we don't do that here in Arizona. Yesterday we were the same time as Denver and today we're the same time as San Francisco. It's a mental adjustment. New York is now 3 hours ahead instead of 2.

easyweimaraner said...

we can wait till 3/29 with faking the time. butt you're right I will get my lunch earlier then... good thing!
my dad laughed ad your pee-r quote... he thinks that's the reason why girls always occu-pee the bath room for 87 hours :o)
easy rider

My Mind's Eye said...


Duncan said...

The clock thing really messes the help up! Hahahahaha! Oops. Shouldn't tick her off til she helps me get all my submissions in for the boys night!!

Duke said...

We hadn't thought about breakie and dindin coming earlier! Good thinking, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We hate the spring ahead day cause it makes our peeps cranky. But it means spring is coming soon. Yay!

Murphy said...

We got about half our thingies send in. We haven't gotten many entries for the Pharting though.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We can't Fall Back until next month and it is DARK in the morning. Luckily, we've had that full moon with us on our early morning walks.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, this is another sure sign of Spring here! Mom's smarty-pants phone set itself. BOL I'm so proud of Sagira and it's cool you got to see her again in the furs. I have 7 furiends telling jokes already for the Joke Room! Woohooo
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Murray's Mouth said...

We sprung ahead, but it still snowed today! We thought springing ahead meant SPRING was headed our way!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We remembered and we were surprised that it was still dark when we were having breakfast.

We are so proud of Sagira and her Dad - they are champions for sure!!!

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Army of Four said...

We are SO proud of Sagira!!! That's cool that you got to sign her pole!
Isn't starting the day an hour earlier GREAT?!?! Why are Cam and my mom giving me that look? Hmm...
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Jo's World said...

No, I did not fall back with my clocks! I see the computer did so at least we have the right time in ONE place. So now we go do the rest!

Cheers, and hugs,

Stella, Zkhat and Jo

Two French Bulldogs said...

We know you can jump higher, BOL
Lily & Edward

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I have been busy taking care of a sicky Mommy the past few days. I am most distressed to read that there was a possible attempt at sabotaging my pizza truck for the Mayorz Marathon. Thank you for your justice. Will I be provided a little extra security at the event??

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Pee and Poo on boys, pffffffffffft!!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Rhette the cat wasn't sure if kitties were invited or not. Love Dolly

M. K. Clinton said...

We remembered and are loving that it is still daylight at 7:00!!!

Kinley Westie said...

Dinner an hour early sounds good to me.

sprinkles said...

Yep, I remembered to set my clock ahead.

How cool you got to see Sagira and Tempest again!

Taffy said...

My mom hates the spring clock change. She says it gets harder every year. She is not a morning person and having to get up an hour early really messes with her! I'm certain your peeps aren't like that, right?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We changed ours...but Mama forgot to set the one in the living room and was an hur late starting hers and Daddy's dinner BOL!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo