Sunday, January 25, 2015

OUR Furst Big CASE....

ROXY????    Let's sit down and go over our Stuffs fur Murphy and Stanley's case...     we gotta be sure we have all the FACTS and the EXHIBITS before we go to TRIAL tomorrow...
     You know how Judge Farter  Furter is....    Gotta have everythingy Just RIGHT...

Okay ERNIEKINS Ernie....   I have their Testimony right here...  and the Doods are all Prepped fur going on the stand...  AND we have the VISUALS ready to go...
    Let's look over everythingy that they gave us...
Testimony....   given by Murphy and Stanley....:
Something very disturbing has been happening at our house.  First of all I have to tell you how it USED to be.  Then I will tell you what has happened.  Now if I start sounding all legal or something, it is because I am sending this information to my furend Ernie the Attorney.  I hope he will consider our case as being worthy of hearing at the Court of Common Fleas.  

EXHIBIT A:      This is how we have been sleeping for nearly 3 years:

As you can see, Stanley has to move around so he doesn't get a cramp and I am tight against my mom, where I SHOULD be!  BUTT mom decided that since her acid reflux was not getting better that she needed to follow a dumb doctor's advice and sleep with a "raised head".  What the dog is that anyway?  So . . . dad said he can't sleep with a "raised head" so mom said, "Fine, we need a new bed that I can adjust."  So they bought a split king adjustable bed with a memory foam mattress.  

Me and Stanley were fine with that.  Our old bed was a king size memory foam so we thought these changes would NOT affect us.  Then we started hearing mom talking about her wanting to "sleep on her side" and then she accused us of "hogging the bed".  These words burned my heart!  Then when we thought it couldn't get worse she did this:

Oh My Dog!!!  What is she thinking?    So we tried a couple nights with the "new rules and new bed".  I took a little nap on the quilt and it wasn't bad was horrible!  So Stanley tried balancing on the tiny edge of the bed that mom was allowing (cuz SHE was hogging all the space AND making the bed tilt so we'd slide off) and Stanley didn't sleep a wink for fear of falling to his death!

I spent all night staring at mom BEGGING her to move over so I could cuddle her and hear her heartbeat.  She said I could sleep on her other side BUTT that isn't MY side!  I tried balancing on the inch she left open on MY side but I couldn't even squeeze in there!

Okay Foxy.... it looks like we are Ready fur TRIAL...        UMmmmmmm Ernie, you had better be careful not to call me FOXY in the courtroom...   we will both get FINED....   
    You did your USUAL Grand Job of getting thingys ready ,  MISS ROXY...      is that better?

SEE EVERYBUDDY in COURT tomorrow....   


Cowspotdog said...

it is going to be a tough case but we are sure you can do it

WFT Nobby said...

Can't wait to read how this one develops...

Unknown said...

If anyone can you can Ernie. BOL we have every faith in you. Have a serene and easy Sunday
Best wishes Molly

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh exciting; your first court appearances... I am sure you will put forth valuable arguments and sniff out resolutions for all parties! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

Well one thing for rules should not change w/o a vote from all affected by said new rules!
Oh and FYI: 10 lashes w wet noodles will get their attention

easyweimaraner said...

can't wait for tomorrow... I'm curious if humans can land in the dog house too or if they aren't allowed there....
Easy Rider

Kismet said...

The Doctor is guilty.

Lovable Lily said...

First we gotta say, we bet the parents LOVE their adjustable bed. We have them in our NY house and think they are pawsome. Mommy raises her side up and we just move around until comfy. Doesn't bother us a bit.

It's a shame that the Doods are no longer allowed in the bed and have to resort to sleeping at the stinky end. We bet that the Dood's are gonna win this case loud and clear. Ernie the Attorney, we know you will fight hard. Good luck and we'll be in the court room cheering you on.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Murphy said...

Gosh Ernie, this looks like a slam dunk case! But you never know, something could go wrong. I wanted to mention, in case you didn't notice, mom said in her letter yesterday that she liked me sleeping next to her! That is like a confession!

Last night I slept between mom and dad. I tried to get into my rightful pawsition on mom's right side but she wouldn't scoot over. Once again poor Stanley was balanced on 2 inches on the side of the bed! We are really looking forward to getting to trial and seeing justice served!

Your Clients,


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hailey is preparing the jail.

My GBGV Life said...

Wow! This is terrible getting kicked out of a bed like that. I think you guys can win this one.

Charlotte said...

We say you got a pretty good case....but it could go either way...

We'll be crossing our paws for ya!!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just hope Judge Furter is in a good mood.....better be extra nice to him today Ernie!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Little Miss Titch said...

its a tough case,can't wait to see the judgement,xx Speedy

Duke said...

We hope this doesn't get nasty!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

I know we're all set......but did I tell you how dreamy you look, Erniekins? XXXXX Roxy

LBJ said...

Your first big case and I bet justice will prevail!

Abby the Lab

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Our Pawrents CANNOT push us OUT Of OUR USUAL sleeping spot just beclaws.....This case will be a BIG WIN fur da Doods and fur Ernie da Attorney!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Ernie, we were at the river for ages. I hope I'm not too late for our ron-de-vooooo. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Roxy

Charliedownunder said...

Erniekins ..... Foxy????? You blokes sure you've got your mind on the job?? It's VERY important you know ....

Kinley Westie said...

Ernie, here's a tip. Pay off da judge. Bet some milkbones will win da case for ya.

Linda said...

This is going to be Front Page News in the morning, I can't wait to see what happens. Hope no one goes to jail.
xo Cinnamon

Marty the Manx said...

OMC that is going to be one rough case! Good luck!

Poodle At Play said...

Sounds to me, what with all the evidence and the solid case you've put together, that this is a clear open and shut!

Ruby said...

OMD!!!!! OMD!!!!! You guys have GOTS to win this!!!, I mean ROXY,you are doin' a FABulous job helpin' Ernie prepare! If you need any sustenance, I have some Squirrel Pizza left overs, I can send it over...what am I SAYIN'????? Never mind that last part..I don't have any pizza...not anymores..not after...
nopes..all gone.
Anyhu, I am sure you are gonna win the Doods case! I have every confidence that you will beat the peeps!!
Ruby ♥

M. K. Clinton said...

We have followed this pre-trial. We will be in the courtroom observing! Good luck Erniekins. *snicker~

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD, this is such an impawtant case, it could be something that will affect all of us at some point. Get lots of rest and have a good breakfast tomorrow(nothing that will make you toot in court).

Good luck

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this one, E. Tough case. Not being able to feel a mom's heartbeat is CRIMINAL!

Love and licks,

Unknown said...

Good luck Ernie & Roxy, if you win this case the new clients are going to be scratching down your door!!
Wally & Sammy

Scooter said...

Wow, excellent preparation for the big trial! You're ready fur sure...just watch out for the big gavel. {thwack} BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

My Mind's Eye said...

Yes Ernie the Attorney add neglect and starvation to my growing list of
Hugs madi your bfff