Friday, October 10, 2014

Vakay # 8... Just Ducky....

OMD    GUESS WHAT..... I (Ernest vonSchnitzel)   Flushed out and DEADED a chipmunk...   I will show you pictures... another day... butt just wanted you to know that I am a MIGHTY HUNTER...

Now on to the VaKay...    It was a DUCKY Vacation fur SURE....  
    These ducks came to OUR DOCK and demanded CHEERIOS every day...

 We liked to watch and listen as they nommed up the Cherrios...     They didn't want them SOGGY so mom had to keep throwing Fresh ones in fur them...       FURST there was ONE and then there were MORE....
 When they Finished.... they  just Swam away...
And did NOT even say THANKS....    Ducks are RUDE...    Just Sayin.


WFT Nobby said...

Ernie, I am so impressed and more than a little envious of your hunting prowess.
Toodle pip!

Julie said...

What, no Thank You for Cheerios, such bad manners those ducks.
But Ernie, wow, you champion hunter you
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

My GBGV Life said...

Birds are rude, they dine and dash, aka fly, always! Congrats on the chipmunk, that is a huge accomplishment! I am super jealous!

GOOSE said...

What? No thank you??? That is just fowl manners.

Anonymous said...

yes, they are rude... like that Donald Duck bad that they are in the water...I would like some tasty duck breasts today.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We feed the big sand cranes that come to our house every morning fur breakfast. Geez...those guys are big! least they do say thank you...very loudly! All Day! :)

Congrats on the successful hunt, Ernie! That's one munk that won't be stealing your food!

Cowspotdog said...

well done = you deaded a chipmonk - we sure hope you have your plaque where you keep you deaded critters score

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wait, they got ALL those treats and didn't have to SIT or anything for them?! That's SO not fair!

Two French Bulldogs said...

ERNIE Ernie Ernie! A deded chipmunk! Did you at least make stew?
Lily & Edward

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Can't wait to hear all about your hunting prowess, hope you can give me some tips!

Kismet said...

Must be a rare species of duck. No self-respecting duck I know would swim away unless the Cherios ran out.

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Bravo on the chippy!!! What rude ducks! Huh!!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hmmm unsure about the act of deading; if need for feed, maybe okay. No question it takes skill though Ernie, so kudos for that.

Meanwhile, those ducks suck when it comes to manners, no doubt about it! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Unknown said...

LOL those ducks should learn some manners. So fowl. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Little Miss Titch said...

heehee that they are very rude,xx Speedy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, not even a tip for breakfast served in bed?

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, not even a tip for breakfast served in bed?

Anonymous said...

Oh...oh... ducks should say "thanks." Weren't you allowed to jump in a swim with them?

Hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

C.L.W.STEP said...

Did you get to have any of those cheerios?

stellaroselong said...

we have heard that about their couzins the geese ernie way to go buddy.
stella rose

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

They're very rude, that's why we bark at them.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to hear the story of the chipmunk. :-D

Ducks huh? Didn't Ernie want to chase them?

Poodle At Play said...

Ducks are cute...but as noted rude! Momma was feeding some herself by the lake at Poppa's and had the same thing happen! Dine and Dash ducks!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I love Cheerios, I don't know if I could share them. I am glad the duckies came to visit you and I bet they were happy, even though they didn't say thank you.

Loveys Sasha

Duke said...

Those duckies need to be taught some manners!
We are proud of you, Ernie! We're still trying to capture a chipper. We got a mole yesterday!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murphy said...

Yes they are! That's why I always chase them. I like sniffing their poops though. We are STILL talking about you deading that chipmunk! We are mighty impressed!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sagira said...

How cool that you got a chimpmunk

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, Ernst we are all waiting at the edge of our doggybeds to hear more about your Munk Mocking! Great bashing skills.
My Mom was soooo excited to see those duckies every day. She didn't even care that they were rude. Weird, huh! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Kinley Westie said...

Way to go Ernie!

Anonymous said...

Well thtas not very DUCKIE of them!

The Mad Scots

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That reminds Mom of when she was a little girl and went to the big park to feed the ducks. Her parents saved the ends of the bread loaves for the ducks. Nice memories of Sunday afternoons as a child:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Taffy said...

Frankie, you shoulda got one of those ducks so you could eat their feet! They do have scrumptious feet! I'm glad you guys had such a great vaykay.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow...that was VERY would thing they would at least have said thank you!!!

Can't wait to hear all about the deaded chipmunk!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Anonymous said...

Did the ducks leave you any candies in the grass?

Love and licks,

JoAnn Stancer said...

You are a mighty hunter, Gambler and Glory would like to be there and deaden those ducks.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Mebbe the ducks was just too stuffed full of Cheerios to quack "Cheerio!" as they was leaving.

Daisy said...

Ducks are very, very rude. We are not surprised that ate and left.

marley said...

Mite be rood Frankie my pal but they shure makes delishuss kibbles....