Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pumpkin Show #3

Today is our FUREND   BARB's Birfday....  she lives in OZ and does not have a blog... butt she DOES read ours... and ROXY's...   (and Dui and Bella's).       HAPPY BIRFDAY BARB.

Now today we want to show you the GIANT Pumpkin that took the BIG   KING Prize this year..

 We get our pics taken with this sign every year...     Remember it Ernie????       OF COURSE I do Frankie...  
 They have huge wagons with every type and COLOR of pumpkins... and Gourds and Squash
 And every SIZE of each you can imagine...

 Every year they put up the PUMPKIN TOWER... we love that...
 The Circleville Pumpkin show BEGAN in 1903    and took 3 years off during the war...
    THAT makes this the 108th Year...
 The biggest pumpkin ever... was in 2009   and it weighed 1,636 pounds.... butt THIS YEAR....  they had an even BIGGER one...  
     LOOK AT IT FRANKIE.... the thingy is HUGE...
  It surely is Ernie...  it weighed in at a WHOPPING    1,964 #'s... which is 328#'s Heavier than 2009.

Mom could make a LOT of COOKIES and PIES with that thingy... FUR SURE.
 HEY DAD... your SHOE is Photo Bombing US...               The Second largest pumpkin this year weighed 1,714   and THAT was even bigger than the OLD '09 record...       Must have been a GOOD year fur Pumpkins.              NEXT year they will be selling the SEEDS from THIS big guy...  They do that Every year also...    
     We wonder how many seeds are IN there.
 Here are some more of the Pumpkin CRAFT THINGYS that were fur sale along the way...
HEY..... we have been getting comments from NEW FURENDS and when we click on their names... so we can go and find and FOLLOW their Blogs...  we get this STRANGE SCREEN that does NOT seem to actually be their BLOG and has no way we can FOLLOW...    
    Anybuddy know what to do about that?          The other day a new commentor  asked fur the RECIPE fur Pie Crust...  and we could NOT find a way to get in touch with them...  
     We like the OLD Blogger where you clicked a comment Name and it took you to where you could find their blog... EASY PEASY...      JUST SAYIN...


Unknown said...

Wow we loved the pumpkin tower. How cool is that? Sorry we can't help with the bloggy thing as we have the same problem. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
PUMPKIN !!!! Can't miss those beauts eh? Thanks for standing beside them guys, so we could get a sense of scale...

Now, I think you mean that the name takes you to the Google Profile which ought to show what has been posted. It doesn't go directly to the linkys and bio page, which IS a bit of an irritation, but minor once you know that all you have to do is go to the 'about' tab under the name banner and down the page you should find the active blog links (and tubular and whateva...)

Something I find strange is that some folks when the comment, come through with their email reply in place (like yours) so I can respond, when appropriate. Many though, come through as 'noreply blogger' and yet I suppose they have come through the same way as everyone else... can't figure it out. Hey ho... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

You boys look great w the great pumpkins! Your furs are very complimentary...BUTT...your Dad needs to better coordinate his paw wear.
Our search engine is Google chrome. The Google plus circle is probably what you are getting. When regular folks sign up to be members this happens! Mom always turns down the request to join the circle.
Madi your bfff

Cowspotdog said...

we wonder how bug the seeds are inside that pumpkin - gosh we have images of a 1 foot long seed - could you imagine roasting that to nibble on

Zoe said...

Now that's a BIG pupkin! Wunner whut else in inside it, aside frum seeds. Maybe like a pinata, filled with candy!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW!!! Think of all th pumpkin crunchies you could make with that big pumpkin!!!

Aunty YAM gave you some good advice with the whole Google profile thingy...
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Kismet said...

It took a lot of steroids to get those big ones.

Scooter said...

Gee...hope you guys took home that GIANT punkin!!!lol

Julie said...

Wow, look at all those pumpkins!
And that huge one….. how can you run off with that one !
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Millie and Walter said...

Those pumpkins are HUGE! Thanks for sharing all the pumpkin stuff. It looks like a fun place to go.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Guess they don't have to worry about anyone stealing that HUGE pumpkin!

We haven't had that blogging far. Butt blogger is always doing something strange....

Kinley Westie said...

Wow, dat are one huge pumpkin!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! That's a lot of pumpkins there! We haven't found any yet. Love Dolly

Murphy said...

Wow, that is a giant pumpkin and would make MANY pies! We have no idea about the name thingie as we have had the problem as well.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Poodle At Play said...

This pumpkin show thing looked lots of fun...WOW those pumpkins are big! Momma just asked me how I think they get them that big, what kind of plant foods does it?!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Happy birthday Barb. We love pumpkin. Can you send that giant pumpkin here? If you can't then we hope you got some

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, can you just imagine all the pumpkin biscuits Mom could make with that giant pumpkin!!! Might need a chainsaw to carve it - BOL

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hope your friend had a great birthday. Those are some huge pumpkins, those would need some big crusts!

bichonpawz said...

What fun that festival must be!! You guys look awesome! We have never seen a tower like that...very cool! We don't have any fun festivals like that in the fall here. Pretty much just in the summer. Xo a chloe and LadyBug

Duke said...

HolyMoly that is one big pumpkin! We love pumpkins because they make us smile and are fun!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I wish we had a pumpkin show over here. I sure would like to see all those Humungous pumpkins. You get to go every year. Lucky you two!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those giant pumpkins! Whoa! I can't believe you boys were allowwed right up there with them. Did you leave a pee-mail on them? That would've been hilarious!

Love and licks,

marley said...

I ope dere is a pie bein made from dat punkin Frankie my pal...