Saturday, July 19, 2014

Picked FRESH and COOKERED Immediately....

It does NOT get any better than a FRESH PICKED GREEN BEAN...
   Even though we PAWfer our green beans to grow a bit BIGGER than these were.... we just could NOT stand the WAIT another 87 seconds....    so we took MOM and the Bucket and headed fur the BEAN ROWS....        
We ate about 87 POUNDS of them... right FRESH and RAW from the vines....    Mom said we could!!!   As long as we let HER pick and hand them to us...  
    By the time we ate OUR fill there were STILL enough young tender FLAVORFUL green beans in the bucket fur mom to cooker up a batch fur THEIR supper...      (WE PAWFER OURS RAW)..
    She pulled up a couple of green onions to put in the sauce pan too...  that is the white that you see...

there was enough fur a Side dish fur mom and dad...    and they declared them to be DELICIOUS.
Summer TIME.... and the EATIN is DANDY.      Just sayin.  

PeeS....   since we were showing you the SNAKE yesterday... we thought we would tell you this story about MOM...
   She USED to go pick green beans in her BARE PAWS....  not any more...     NOPE...    Socks and PAW COVERS are MUST WEAR ITEMS now.  
      Beclaws one year.... back before US when there were only the three short hairs (Angels  Baron, Lisel, and Sarek)....     she was pickin away and ....  a SNAKE crawled over her bare paw...   YES it DID...      THAT is a FACT.
           Now we don't know if THIS pawt is True or just a Blogville Legend... butt we have HEARD it said that when she SAW what was tickling her paw...
   there was                 NO NEED TO WATER THE BEANS... fur days...    
   Butt like we said ..THAT may be a Blogville Legend... you know how stuffs gets started around here.  


Cowspotdog said...

those beans look so good.....our dad loves them fresh like that sauteed with some bacon and onion - Mom does too but they are now on the list of foodies she can't eat. We can imagine the legend about you Mom 'might' be true - having a snake tickle the foot would be enough to start the river nile flowing :) :)

Lovable Lily said...

Yum, yum, yum, yum!!!! We love our green beans too. Can't believe how many you picked yesterday. Bet they were totally delicious too.

We tried to comment yesterday on your slithery story, butt Mommy's skin was crawling bcuz she can't even look at those creepy things.

We love Reilly & Denny's comment about the Blogville Legend and the nile river flowing..... We snorted a little reading that!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Ruby and Penny said...

You are too funny Frank.

Those beans look delish.

Love ya.

Love Ruby & Penny

Zoe said...

Yummy fresh beans! Fur yu guys an yur pawrents!

Oh! Snakies! A foot tickler would have my Mommy passin out!


Sagira said...

Oh my gosh, now that our mom is eating better those are making us drool. Bet they are delicious. :)

GOOSE said...

Don't ya just love the refreshing things of summer. I do. My MOM to has had a run it or two with a snake in my yard, yet my MOM is not as smart as yours, mine still goes bare pawed.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Vegies are delicious! We just put them in the steamer for a couple minutes.

Duncan said...

Delicious!!! I don't have a garden but maybe I can at least get my mom to get me some at the Farmer's Market!!

Unknown said...

You 2 are super duper lucky to have your own green beans whenever u want ... We want to live at ur house !

Millie and Walter said...

Those beans look super delish. We hope your mom never has a snake crawl up her leg again.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Legend or no legend.....{shiver} yuck!

Your beans look great! Make sure none of them are...moving!

My Mind's Eye said...

Gorgeous delish and yummy green beans!! Love the cooked that way too.
MOL MOL MOL if my mom had been bare pawed in the garden when the slithery snake came calling she would have watered and fertilized the garden. And that is not a legend that is the gospel truth. She does not like snakes. Once when she was a wee girl she and her peeps went to a cabin with friends. Mom and her wee friend had a black runner (snake) chase them up a hill. No was not a harmful snake but both girls were (and are) city slickers...screamed like little girls too
Hugs madi your bfff

Idaho PugRanch said...

Green Beans!! mmmmm drooling here!
One of our favorite veggies
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

If the happened here, the beans wouldn't have had to be fertilised for a long time either!

We'd love some fresh green beans....sigh.

Duke said...

haha - we bet that's a true story and not a legend about your mom! You would have heard our mom's screams all the way from our house to your house, Frankie, if it would have happened to her!
Your beans sure do look yummy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

I dont think our mommy is gonna check on our garden bare pawed anymore.

Ruby said...

OMD!! That story abouts your Moms is HILARIOUS!!! I thinks it's true that your Moms 'watered' the garden, cause I hear that's what happens to the Moms when they gets scared...Ma would do that if she saw a spider...just sayin'!
Ruby ♥

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are on our way!

PeeEssWoo: FrEYEday might just be khristmas in WOO-ly - khomplete with one of THEM - just sayin'!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I reckon the legend is probably right but if it happened to my Mum there would have been more than a watering happening!!
The beans look great by the way. I have beans EVERY day. I LOVE 'em!! They don't look as good as your beans though. Soooooooo fresh, aye?

Anonymous said...

I will get green beans today too (from our neighbor, our back yard is more a nuclear test site than a garden). If that "senaky adventure" had happened to my mom I bet she would scream till today... or she would still run away. Have a super sunday and enjoy the Big Bean Band tonight.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. And also uh-WHOA. Paw covers are a must for snake protection! Your green beans look yummy. I hope Mom gets me some (no garden, but from the store). I would like to taste one and possibly spit it out on the rug after it's chewed.

Love and licks,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hee hee....our Mommy watered the bushes one time when she was a little girl picking blackberries and dropped her bucket on the snake's head. She never went berry pocking again.


Bunk said...

Those beans look delicious! My mama is not a big bean fan and so whenever she eats mixed vegetables, I get to steal all of the beans from her! YAY!

marley said...

Dis is why I send I staff to da supermarket Frankie my pal….risk of sneks in da veg aisles…too dangruss for da king of terriers….