Thursday, June 19, 2014


It was NOT a Mass....   

Here is the Diagnosis:
      POSTERIOR SYNECHIAE of the LEFT eye and DRY Eye in BOTH eyes...
 Now what that MEANS....     Frankie's TEARS were OUT OF WHACK
    Tears are made up of three Parts    Mucus, Water, and Lipids.... 
 What LOOKED like an Infection was NOT that...  when the three parts are Not producing in the proper proportions.... it can cause a Yellow Green Discharge...    The Eye Drops  DID help with that, however it did not cure the problem.   
     ( Frankie has ALWAYS had what we call EYE BOOGIES ...   and those were actually caused by his tears not Ever producing in the CORRECT Proportions)  All this time .... I just thought it was NORMAL ... for Frankie.       It was actually a Symptom of the tears being incorrect.
    NOW for the "MASS"
 Posterior Synechia Means that the IRIS gets stuck to the LENSE and distorts the Pupil...     It was the RUMPLED and IRIS (BROWN in Frankie's eyes, Blue in some dogs)...    THAT Dr. Hustey and Dr. Welsh saw... and said looked like Brown Cauliflower ...    TODAY the Doctor used some different instruments to look at it and discovered that it was NOT Thick      NOT Growing   and NOT BLACK    Any One or More of those would indicate a Tumor/MASS... which was NOT the Case...          
     THAT condition can be caused by One of Two Possibilities..
1. Previous inflammation INSIDE the eye due to Trauma or Immune Mediated (Body Attacking Itself)
2.  Previous CYST...  inside the eye...  and THIS is what she suspects it was caused by.       She said that when the Cyst ... Collapses on itself... it PULLS the Iris and causes it to get   STUCK TO THE LENS. 
TREATMENT:     He will need to have "DROPS of Ointment" in his eyes Twice a day (Perhaps for Life).       THAT will put the TEARS into the proper ratio.
    The Iris that is STUCK to the Lens will Need to be Monitored...  to make sure it does Not get Worse..   (She does NOT believe it will)  
    We have to go Back to MedVet for a check up in one month.
Frankie did NOT have to have an ultrasound of his eye...   Dr. Webb had Several Instruments that a REGULAR Vet. Practice Does NOT have.   It was One of those (I don't know its Name) instruments that enabled her to get a GOOD LOOK at the Stuck Iris.      
I can NOT tell you how RELIEVED I am....   I had expected Frankie to lose his eye.    THAT will NOT happen NOW.        I believe that it was the POTP that all of YOU sent to Frankie...that made ALL THE DIFFERENCE In The WORLD.        YOU and your Positive Thoughts and Prayers and KIND WORD...   SAVED Frankie's EYE.
He and Ernie were VERY well mannered and Frankie was So EASY for them to Work With.   
     I am both RELIEVED and PROUD.  
There will be pictures on the Blog... butt NOT tomorrow...   We will be CELEBRATING the GOOD NEWS,  and APPRECIATING  our WONDERFUL FURENDS.   


Bentley said...

So Glad for your GREAT, GOOD, WONDERFUL News.
POTP, Bentley

Sheltie Times said...

Prayers of Thanksgiving being said. Oh Frankie we are so happy for you and your family.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...


XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

Lovable Lily said...

Mommy is crying tear of joy for you and Frankie! Thank the good Lord for sending down his POTP too.

We're gonna celebrate your EXCELLENT news tonight with some yummy bones.

Way to go Frankie!! Eye drops ~ Easy Peasy :)

Hugs & Love,
Lily Belle, Muffin and the Gang

Unknown said...

This is the bestest news EVER!!!

Marty the Manx said...

WOOOHOOOO POTP!!!!!! This is the best news of the entire week !!!! We are so excited here at our house we are all doing a little happy dance for Frankie!
Marty, Mom and the Gang!

Unknown said...

That is good new Frankie! Glad your eye is saved and all you need is some eye drops to help maintain the moisture.

I think this calls for some cookies, don't you?

Lorenza said...

Very good news!
I am so happy to know everything is going to be ok with Frankie's eyes!
Thanks for letting us know!

C.L.W.STEP said...

We are so glad you're OK!

Ranger said...

YIPPY!!!!!! Dat is such good news!

Murphy said...

Whew . . . so glad that turned out okay buddy!! We sure had our paws crossed for you!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

stellaroselong said...

Stella rose

Linda said...

Thats the best thing i heard all day.
We are so HAPPY for all of you!!!!

xo Cinnamon

Shafinaaz Kamrul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bunk said...

That is such great news- go FRANKIE! :) It also sounds like you are now really knowledgeable about the little droplets coming out of your eyes. I hope your family is celebrating by giving you some kibble tonight!

Millie and Walter said...

That is such fantastic news. We think all of Blogville is doing a happy dance tonight.

kmp said...

What a RELIEF!!! so happy you are okay, Frankie!

Edgar and his mum

Idaho PugRanch said...


sprinkles said...

What a relief!!! My boys had their paws crossed and I've been praying too. This news makes me smile. :) I'm so thankful that Frankie won't have to lose an eye.

Duncan said...

Yippy yay yay yay! That is pawsome news!!!!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

WAHOOZIEZ COOL-DOOZIEZ!!!!!! Such FANTABULUS NEWZ!!! Sooooooooo furry much happee it wuz not a mass. Pawt of our mom'z eye truble iz dry eye on the rite an'she hazta uze sum eyedropz tue! She haz uzed'em since she wuz 20 an'uze'em the rest of her life. Yep - great reezon tue SELEBRATE!!!!!
Shiloh' Diva Shasta

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie, we love, love, love ya.
So glad the news is grreat!
NO WORRIES, NO WORRIES, NO WORRIES, and love, Stella and Rory

Scooter said...

That is great news and we are doing the super snazzy happy dance here!!! Yay. yay and YAY!!!!


Kinley Westie said...

Pawsome news!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

So HAPPY for the GOOD News. Woofs to you Frankie. Golden Woofs

Anonymous said...

Frankie, I'm so happy! Think that's worth to open a bottle of bubbling water. And I'm so glad the dark clouds of woe are gone and your whole family can enjoy a wonderful weekend.

WFT Nobby said...

Well that does seem like good news, what a relief. And thank you so much for the detailed update. We are wondering if the iris thing will affect Frankie's eyesight at all?
All the best,
Gail and Bertie.
PS One of the collies in our agility club lost an eye at the end of last year, following an infection that was deemed untreatable. One wonders whether it really was untreatable, but that aside, the dog is thriving and still manages to do agility surprisingly well, given the lack of binocular vision.

Mollie said...

Yep FAN-BLOODY-TASTIC!!! We are doing the Happy Dance xxxoxxxxxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Unknown said...

We are THRILLLLLLED for you. Blooming fantastic we say. Now Lana and Frankie have an easy day and catch up on some rest. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

*HaPpY DaNcE* *hApPy dAnCe* *HAPPY DANCE* OMD! We are SO HAPPY!! This is the bestest news!!
Have a PAWSOME weekend F & E!
Wally & Sammy

Duke said...

We are happy dancing here this morning, Frankie! What wonderful news to wake up to!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Asta said...

Oh my dog..i am unning awound doing a happy dance! Thank dog ! Fow this wesult..fwankie is soo bwave and so loved and I know that he will now be well and stay that way..oh, Fwankie, I can't tell you how welieved and happy Mommi and I awe
Smoochie healing kisses,Asta

The Life of Riley said...

Yay again. We are still woofing in New Zealand about Frankie's good news.
Love Riley and Enzo

Dexter said...

Wonderful news, little legless dude.


My Mind's Eye said...


Zoe said...

So Happy!

Thanks fur keepin us in the loop.

Unknown said...

Tears of joy and thankfulness!!!

"E" and the Tribe

Cowspotdog said...

that is the bestest news.....we had images of Frankie being a a pirate - he would of made a very swash buckling one.....but better to have tow eyes if you can :) So glad it worked out well

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

All of us at my house were sitting on pins and needles (ouch!!!) all day yesterday waiting for news! And WONDERFUL news it is. Once again POTP to the rescue!

stellaroselong said...

Okay nows mom can type more than two words cos at night hers has to use her kindle. Wesa so so so happy that you all had good news. You know we all were waiting on the edge of the cliff for news on you Frankie, that is how much we all loves your family. If love could cure all, we would nevers be waiting on the edge would we?!! I have to have eye drops and ointments everyday, Mom says to watch that Ernie doesn't try to lick them out tho, cos that is what the crazies try and often do wif my eyes. That is why I get to sleep wif my momma and daddy more cos that way no one bothers the medicine in my eyes at night....whoohoo....hugs from all of us.
stella rose

Unknown said...

WOOF-HOOOOOOOOOO! I knew you would be all right, Frankie. I just knew it. We were all thinking of you and praying for could all those good vibes not have an effect on you. I am so happy, I may zoom-Zoom-ZOOMIE all day long!
*high paws brother*

LetterstoAndrew said...

THAT is the BEST news!! I'm SO glad that it is simple (?) and treatable!!

WOOT, WOOT for the POTP!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

This is such great news! So happy for you and for Frankie.

Two French Bulldogs said...

All we can say is Thank You Jesus!!
Don't scare us anymore Frankie Furter. We were sick
Lily & Edward

The Army of Four said...

We are so, so, so, so, SO super happy to read this!!!!!!!! We're going to celebrate tonight with cantaloupe!!!!!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Pawsome Frankie, just totally pawsome dude! I needed some good news after just hasing been ofur at Puddles' place. They got any good belleh V-E-Ts ofur at your eye dogtor place coz she be needing one BIG TIME!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... how good is that??? Onya Frankie!! Mum and I are doin' happy dances too. WAIT!! Better get Nan out of bed ... She'd be fun to watch doin' a happy dance!! That's just the BEST news, aye?? No worries, mate!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie, I am so happy that I am jumping up and down and spinning!! I am so happy. Frankie is ok! Frankie is ok! BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL!!

Loveys Sasha

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This is wonderful news, and makes us soooo happpy that we are celebrating!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

SOOOoooo happy for Frankie. We love you guys.
Now, have a great weekend.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Furry Bottoms said...

Doing the doggy dance, so happy to hear the good news!!!!

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...


marley said...

Bak from I oliday today pal and I first fort was to chek out ow you is doing…dis be da best news….*appy dance*