Monday, April 8, 2013


The video may not even work...      We Believe we are about to say GOOD BYE  to WildBlue.    WE are now TRYING...    Verizon.        
    Our OLD email addy will be changed to
Frankiefurterprice(AT)gmail(DOT)com             ALL of our contacts will be LOST...    so be prepared to send us emails at this addy.... ESP. if you want to hear back from us...  heheehehe      We will let you know FOR SURE... in a day or so.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD..... IT WORKED...... and that Video and Picture BOTH were uploaded and ready to post in TWO MINUTES !!!!!

OMD... We think THINK we may be in business here!!!

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, your video worked great! I can even hear the music in the background. BOL Gosh, that place looks familiar. Hmmmm. Well, I say good-riddance to the technopeeps at wildblue...they were dumber with this stuff than my Mom. BWAR HAR HAR Hope this continues to work for you. So far, you look great!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, TechNOpup

Linda said...

Whoo I can hear someone crunching the goodies and music.
xo Cinnamon

Anonymous said...

Don't know if it worked or not, heeheehee, all we saw was two guys eating, and who were those nuts staring at us in the picture!

Thye Mad Scots

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Frankie sorry for the nightmare. Nothing worse than computer troubles
Benny & Lily

Lovable Lily said...

You came thru loud and clear! Wahoo!!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Idaho PugRanch said...

WOW We watched the video and heard you crunching!! hahaha. Looks like you should make the move!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Scooter said...

it worked great and Goodbye Wildblue, you were such a pain anyways!!! BOL

Jazzi and Addi

GizmoGeodog said...

Hey Guys the video worked here! We said adios to Brighthouse 3 years ago and have been with Verizon for our ISP since then...Except when the evil squirrels chewed through the line it's been good...They do try to schedule service appointments for 4-5 days out, but with some whining you can usually get service within 24 hours...Good luck!

Duke said...

Your video was great, Frankie and Ernie! We think you're in business!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

The video was pawsome and I hope everything else works for you. I hope Ernie didn't have any gassers when you were sitting behind his butt in the car(snickers)

Loveys Sasha

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We didn't even see the video at all...not even that there was a video.

Sounds like Wild Blue needs to head off into the wild blue. Hope you have better luck.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Dachshund Nola said...

I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get everything worked out with Verizon!! I think it will be a good switch!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh it worked! Hap-Pee Days. Now I gots to go change your addy!

GOOSE said...

I saw the video! It worked. Oh I sure hope this solves all your interweb problems. Maybe Bert can try it.

Shawn said...

We didn't see your video butt you picture in the car is pretty cute!!!

Your furiends,
Winston, Chloe and Cecil

Pat Wahler said...

We could see the video. If you're changing providers, good luck! That's always a challenge.

Critter Alley

Murphy said...

Great! BTW, did you see that Madi's dad has a serious injury? Facts from Puddles:

Furiends, I just wanted you all to knows dat Madi's mom's dad
had a fall and hit his head, it is a severe head trauma.
He has a skull fracture, 2 bruises on the brain, and subdural hematoma.
I believe at this time they are still waiting to find out if
surgery is an option.
They are currently still in the ER waiting on a bed for the ICU.

I knows your love and support and prayers will be most welcome right nows.
You can email Madi and her mom at
Or you can leaves them a message on their bloggie.

Puddles...Madi's Asst.

Unknown said...

What a cool food toy thingy...MOM LOOK AT F & Es COOL FOOD TOY THINGY!!!!

Your video worked by the way :)

Wally & Sammy

Unknown said...

It did work. See you on the new addy. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly