Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh MOM ...

GET that FLASHY BEAST outta my FACE Mom!!

 THAT's BETTER....    Butt 
 We can't even have a nice CLINER Cuddle... without this woman shovin the Beast in our faces.
DON'T LOOK AT HER Ernie....        It just encourages her insanity.  

Do you have this trouble at YOUR house???   


3 doxies said...

Are you kiddin'? Of course I has dat problem...but then again, I does like havin' my piktures taken.
I can't believes Ernie is lookin' right smack at da beast though. He may need some retrainin'.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yep, except HER camera makes a noise, and we stop doing whatever SHE wants to photograph and come sit in front of HER. Drives HER mad.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

O...M...D...YES! But she doesn't use a camera, she uses her phone which is ALWAYS with her.

Honestly...what does a dog have to do to get some privacy!?

Wally & Sammy

GizmoGeodog said...

Heck yeah...Momz is always waking me up from good naps with the silly flashy thing...Silly hoomins!

Lovable Lily said...

Same problem's here! Mommy is never without her Smart Phone and is always snapping away. I'm practicing my Camera Avoidance 101 skills.

NO one should have their picture taken when in the Cliner! That should be against the law. Maybe we should talk to Sarge and Madi about that.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

The flashy best is everywhere. Mind you we get treats for putting up with it so it not all bad. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem.... even when I sleep. No more private sphere.... I'm always haunted by the Stalker-Mom and this popping of flashbulbs...

Anonymous said...

There is no peace and quiet at the HOward house. Any moment the flashy beast can appear!

Millie and Walter said...

You two are so cute all cuddled up in the 'cliner chair. I don't get assaulted by the flashy beast too much...yet.


Scooter said...

You tell her Frankie and YES we do. Just who do they think they are anyways!!

Jazzi and Addi

Marg said...

I am bringing you a message from Puddles and Allison. On their way to our house, they blew a tire and are now limping to a tire place and so they aren't going to make it to our house. We are very sad. We don't have your email, so we are just leaving you a comment to keep you up with the activities of Puddles.

Anonymous said...

Nope, Bites has the chair I got a whole chouch, but not WE share MY dog house, Heeheehee

Your Good Pals
The Mad Scots

stellaroselong said...

Whatever you do DO NOT LOOK INTO THE LIGHT (flash)...moms pictures usually turn out like her hot
stella rose and mags

The Websters said...

YES! They're trying to steal our souls.


Bailey Be Good! said...

Happy Wednesday! :)

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

My Mind's Eye said...

YES Frankie and Ernie I DO...I'm trying to find a pair of kitty size Foster-Grants.
Hugs madi your BFFFFFFF

Sheltie Times said...

Privacy, they don't know the meaning of the word. She thinks she is so stealthy with that phone of hers. Yeah right.

Pippa Sheltie said...

Of course! I just turn away, show them my tail, and they get the point after a while!
Oooo, try throwing toys at them, it always works!
Have a good snooze!
Pippa :)

dan said...

We have the same problem at our house! Seriously, my mom is ALWAYS putting the monster on my face! Even in the morning, when I'm eating and that's when it's really annoying.

Bunk said...

Wow.. went in from my dad's email. We have the same problem at our house! Seriously, my mom is ALWAYS putting the monster on my face! Even in the morning, when I'm eating and that's when it's really annoying.

Ruby said...

Oh YES!! Then she bribes me with liver treaties...okays, that part isn't so bad.
Stay strong guys!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I feel your pain my sweet pals, but you do look nice all snuggly with Dad. I am glad you are home and I bet you need a good long nap. Enjoy! Please stop by tomorrow and bring a wonderful memory of Remington. Lets celebrate the life of a gentle giant together.

Loveys Sasha

The Army of Four said...

ALL the time, buddy. ALL the time!
Play bows,
PS: I think I have the video all set now!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We thought that was your Siamese twin imitation
Benny & Lily

Mollie said...

We all have that problem..BOL Our humoms need us, so we should make them pay, wiff loads of treats..Agreed :) xx00xx

Idaho PugRanch said...

Yes we have that problem with the flashy beast and it got worse when we started bloggin. Do you think there is a connection?
Bailey, Hazel , Greta

Duke said...

We normally come running when we hear the camera going into action because it always means treats for us, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Smile With Your Tail said...

YES. I think camera machines should be on a curfew, only allowed out for a few minutes a week!


Murphy said...

Yeah, sometimes we do too. Mom makes us sit together for pictures and sometimes in high places!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Dachshund Nola said...

All the time! Except I lap it up.

rottrover said...

Well boys, yesterday I DEADED a ground squirrel and I was carrying it all around being all proud of myself and stuffs and did that stoopid woman have a camera on her??? Oh no..All she could do was look for the paper towels in order to grab it out of my jaws of doom. Later, when I showed her the severed head she STILL didn't have a camera!! Sheeeesh is right!!


Hoke said...

Well don't you look all snuggly!! I would NEVER sleep next to the Monster like that!!! NO WAY, NO HOW!!!

LetterstoAndrew said...

Oh yes, we have the same beast. :-) Cute pic of the cuddle.