Thursday, April 4, 2013

I got STUFFS from ROXY

Hey EVERYBUDDY...   It's ME... ERNIE and wait until you see what I got from my beautiful ROXY.
    It is our FURST EASTER together... as Girrrrrrlfurend and Boyfurend. 
This is all the stuffs that was in the box...   Do you see that Chocolate BILBY???   THAT is fur mom and dad...         They LOVE it...      Butt the REST of the stuffs is fur ME.      Look at my beautiful FOXY ROXY...  She made a CARD and it says DREAMING of you, Ernie on it.   I have been Sleeping with it...      And I dream of my ROXY.
 THESE are KANGAROO BITES...  OMD OMD... they are DELICIOUS.    Mom made me share some with Sarge and Frankie Farter.     BUTT I got MORE than they did.     YUMMM
 I have not even OPENED my Crocodile Bones yet...   I am saving those fur a day when I can RELAX and really ENJOY those babies!!  
 OMD THESE are delicious... they are PUFFED Pig Ears...  We have never seen anythingy like these before...    I was FORCED to share ONE with Sarge and One with Frankie...    they made our mouths water.   
 HERE is a Close Up of MY Roxy...    and the card she made...  I will admit that it is a bit wrinkled NOW... beclaws I keep rolling over on it at night... to keep FRANKIE AWAY.    
 This is a picture of the Kangaroo Bites and the Croc Bones...       Be careful NOT to drool on your keyboards...
 Here I am checking out MY GIRRRRRRRL.
 I can smell her sweet scent on the card...   Her toes smell like Heaven.
 Butt I love YOU the MOST...
 THANK YOU Sweetheart.     Here is a Kiss fur YOU and ONLY YOU.  
87 bazillion Kisses and Sniffs


Asta said...

youw bootiful guwl, Woxy is not only lovely , but shoowe knows how to pick out the most wondewful pwessies. I have nevew seen such yummie delicacies..I know you will enjoy evewy bit of them and that pictoowe of Woxy will shoowely make youw dweams sweetew
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Wow that is so kind of Roxy. Pawsome swag bag there bro. Enjoy. Have a terrific treat filled Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Billie-Girl said...

Hi Ernie & Frankie!
Roxy is a lucky girl to have a sweetheart like you! What a wonderful Easter surprise you got! Kangaroo bites? Those sound delish. Mom and Dad bring me sushi from the sea sometimes, and that is my all time favorite. A lady in California just sent me Sea cucumber Glucosamine Chondroiton (that's a mouthful) treats...they taste better than they sound. Isn't it fun getting surprises! Sniffs from the Bahamas!

Sheltie Times said...

Ernie that girl takes good care of you.

Lovable Lily said...

You're one lucky little man Ernie! That Roxy loves you so much too, isn't that just pawsome.

Those are some really cool treats she sent you. We would love the puffed pig ears I'm sure of that. It was very nice of you to share with Frankie and Sarge.

I bet that Roxy finds it most special that you are sleeping with her beautiful card.

You're turning out to be such a Casanova Ernie :)

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

Ernie and Roxy sitting in a tree

Barbara said...

Wait, WUT? Yew is eatin' KANGAROO and ALLIGATORS?? Ware did Roxie find dis stuff? Dat's exotic foodstuffs!

Millie and Walter said...

You sure are one lucky boy to have such a great girl friend. I'm glad to hear you did share some with Frankie and Sarge.


Mollie said...

Oh my what wonderful stuff. Youz need to watch your figure eaten all those yummy treats..bawahhaaaa xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

GOOSE said...

Well she really spoiled on you Ernie! Kangaroo and croc yummies. It was to late when you told me not to drool on the keyboard.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ernie you have extremely good taste in girlfriends!! That Roxy is some shopper.....if you see her post today you will see that she is one tough cookie to so you better watch your Ps and Qs and walk a straight line...yada yada yada
Hugs madi your BFFF

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow that Roxy really knows how to take care of her man!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Two French Bulldogs said...

Roxy is a keeper!
Benny & Lily

The Army of Four said...

Wow, she sure was generous! I hope you enjoy everything!

Bunk said...

Oh my goodness. Now that's what I call a good girlfriend!!!! AHH!

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh yum yum!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

My Dear handsome Ernie, glad you got most of the treats. I know we're suppose to share. SHE cut the lamb jerky in half..would you believe so it would last longer!!! Totally unfair, and I had to share them. I snuggle with my mini Ernie.


stellaroselong said...

We don't think she bought those things at the local petsmart that is for are one lucky guy ernie and I know that you know that...and guess what...Roxy is one lucky little girl!!!!
stella rose and the ever jealous mags

Murphy said...

Wow Ernie, she must love YOU a lot cuz that is some great stuffs! Are you gonna get married???

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

GizmoGeodog said...

Ernie you stud you...Youze got Roxy wrapped around your manly paws...I bet Frankie is turning greenz with envies...Must be your pawsome physique pal...*highpaws*

Duke said...

Roxy sure knows exactly what you like, Ernie! Enjoy all of your wonderful treats!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Pat Wahler said...

You are one lucky dog!

Critter Alley

Scooter said...

Oh Ernie!!
What a great girlfriend you have. I am drooling here and so is Addi!!

Jazzi and Addi

Ruby said...

WAY too late ~ I have drooled all over the keyboard!!! OMD! That Roxy sure knows what a fella likes Ernie!! Oh, ALL of them look amazin', I especially love that pic of Roxy...thou I thinks it was meant to be 'private' from that sexy pose!! BOL
Great pressie Ernie, and you were so nice to share...

Dachshund Nola said...

Aw, how sweet!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

That is just so cute!!! So happy for you Ernie!!! Love is so wonderful!!!
The kittens are loving there new tree tower!!! Tom shouldn't have spent that much money on them but they love it so,,, I juess we will just have to except it!!!

Jessica @ said...

I have never heard of croc bones. They sound exotic and potentially delicious though. We'll take your word for it :)

Berts Blog said...

somebodies in love.....

Ziggy Stardust said...

Ernie, wow you got some great stuff! The best was the beautiful picture of course. I am sure you are snuggling with it by your side. Have sweet dreams of Foxy Roxy.

Loveys Sasha

Wyatt said...

You lucky, lucky dogs...Crocodile exotically delish!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Unknown said...

Holy cat bon-bons Ernie, you really got spoilt! Those puffed pigs ears sound drool-a-licious!!

Enjoy your Easter loot!
Wally & Sammy

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

OMD, Little Ernie, you are just the most spoilt boyfuriend ever!! Your Roxy loves you for sure! Enjoy your treats mate and sweet dreams with Roxy. Maybe one day you will come visit Oz to see your Roxy??? No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

marley said...

Is there no ends to your loot Mr Ernie! You sure has a sweet mamma dog looking after you....

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That Roxy sure sent you some wild and yummy stuff! I've never tried any of those. You are one lucky dude Ernie :)

Waggin at ya,