Tuesday, April 9, 2013

BABY Daffy Dills

FURST.........     I am actually going to make the switch to VERIZON for my intermutt provider.
     HOWEVER.....   I need a HOOOOOOOGE Favor from ALL of you....       would you PLEASE take the time to Shoot me a quick EMAIL  at this NEW Addy...  frankiefurterprice(at)gmail(dot)com                      ALL of your email addys are stored under the Wildblue thingy... and I am too stupid not able to figure out how to get them to hop over to the gmail acct..             
WHEW.......We THINK that Spring has FINALLY ARRIVE on our hill.       We found these BABY style Daffy Dills Blooming   THEY come up before the BIG ones do...        Our BIG Daffy Dills are not even showing the blossom Buds yet!!!

 The Weather Blabbers are all saying that the plants are all 2.5 to 3 weeks BEHIND where they SHOULD BE... beclaws Winter lasted WELL into SPRING this year!!!!  
 As you can SEE these little yellow GEMS come up so EARLY that MOM the millstone around our necks has not even had time to get the Deaded Leaves outta the flower beds...


Unknown said...

Spring has sure sprung your way. We had two days of it and now it is grey, cold and raining. Big Sigh! Will send you an email. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Mollie said...

Same as Molly, we thought our Spring had come, will pop email over now :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie!
Such beautiful photos!
Spring was really slow to get to us here too, we had a few nice sunny days over easter and all our Daffs started to peek through the soil but now it is back to the gloom of rain! The UK weather suck tail! Ugh!
Just sent my email to you!
Love your Furiend Frank xxxxxx

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Frank.

You are so lucky tha t spring has arrived on your hill. It is still snowing up here.

Love Ruby & Penny

Marg said...

Thanks so much for coming over and wishing our old Person a Happy Birthday. We so appreciate. We really like your daffodils. Ours have come and gone already. HOpe all of you have a great day.

Lovable Lily said...

Send some cooler weather our way. Its getting way too hot here in Florida for all of us. Getting up near 90 I tell ya - Yuck!

Our intermutts is down this morning too. So imagine how hard it is fur me to be typing this on mommys smart phone. I'm ALL paws. We will email you when we can.

We love your little flowers. very pretty.

Lily Belle

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, a big congrats on the new internet setup! Crossing paws that this is much much better for you now. Love those daffies! It was 70 here yesterday, but supposed to be in the mid 40's this weekend. sigh No pretty flowers here yet!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We nose ya'll have on your hap-pee faces since you's gettin a new inner-nut! Hope it'll be good to you and much tamer den da WILD one.

Love your purrrty yeller flowers. They's not fur eatin though!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hiya F and E - The signs of Spring are pretty - I'm liking your Daffy Dills a lot. We are starting to get some cold evenings here - we even had to cut our BBQ on Monday night short (that's when Scarlet and Zoe bring their dad over) because we were gettin' a bit chilly !! Oh well, I suppose the leaves on the trees will now start fallin'.

I'll shoot you an email - I hope you know what you are doin' - my mum doesn't like internuts changes...... she's a little challenged in the in telly-gents department with that stuff!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Idaho PugRanch said...

Our beautiful easter weekend was apparently just a tease as it is 25 degrees, snowing and blowing this morning. BLAAHH!
we will get an email to you ASAP
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

stellaroselong said...

Mom was just whining and complaining that she hasn't got her flower beds cleaned up yet, but it is supposed to rain all week, and we heard maybe even snow again...what!!! We love daffodils at our house, we think they are beautiful!! we will send you an email...
stella rose

Linda said...

Those are sure pretty flowers.
Spring hasn't showed up here yet in our hood.
My mom will shoot ya a g mail today.

xo Cinnamon

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love the first sign of spring! Enjoy it guys!

Matilda the Boxer said...

I just loves dillies! I haven't seen any coming up in our yard yet, but I think that's because Momma is lazy and hasn't cleaned out all the leaves 'n stuff that are choking them out! Good help is SO hard to find.

GOOSE said...

So glad you found an interweb that will work for you!! Woo Hoo I say. And MOM says woo hoo to the flower. It is one of her favorites.

GizmoGeodog said...

You're so lucky...Momz loves Daffodils but it's too hot to grow them here and we can only get them in pots or as cut flowers...had momz send you an email

Millie and Walter said...

No blooms around here yet but the daffy dills are growing and some might bloom soon if the weather cooperates. I will have my mom send you an email as soon as we finish this comment.


Dachshund Nola said...

What pretty flowers! I'll send a quick email.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those daffy dills sure are purrty
We are shooting an email from our cannon
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Spring may still not have completly sprung, we gonna have a freeze for Two Nights, and its comming your way!

The Mad Scots

Pippa Sheltie said...

All of our daffodils are still growing too, they are not yellow yet!
Was there good scents around that walk?
pippa :)

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, our daffy dills are disgracefully late this year too. Look out for my post on this dreadful situation later this week!
Toodle pip!

Charlotte said...

Oh, we love your daffy dills!!! Mama says we have two lips starting to peek up thru the ground!

Spring is such a pawsome time of year! (Dad calls is dog poop & mud season!! lol!!)

(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar & Schatzi

Murray's Mouth said...

Love seeing those pretty spring flowers! It's slowly getting nicer here, but no flowers yet.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

So happy Spring seems to be coming. Hope the lateness won't affect your Milkbone crop this year.

Roxy can't even wait for this comment to be written because we MUST send Ernie our email address. Sheesh.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Going to send you a g-mail now!!

Duke said...

We see mini-daffies on our walkie. They are the cutest little things and so cheerful!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie, pretty spring flowers. We are startig to get pretty autumn leaves. It's funny when we think of you having the opposite seasons. Don't know why, it just is. We'll send our addy to you. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie, I sent you an email so I hope you get it ok. Our daffy flowers are coming up too. I am most interested in your milk bone tree. When does that start to bloom?? Do I need to fertilize it??

Loveys Sasha

Murphy said...

We just sent you an email. We thought Spring was here but today is winter and winds gusting to 50 mph. But tomorrow should be better . . .

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Ruby said...

OMD! Those are lovely DaffyDills! I can't waits to see the grown up ones come up!
I'll be shootin' you an email now...maybe the Verizon will be nicer to you guys...

rottrover said...

Well, your daffy dills sure are pretty!


Jo's World said...

I don't know anything about Wild Blue, but with Outlook Express you can print off addresses. That way you wouldn't miss a-one.


Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Scooter said...

Gee...yours have flowers already , we just have the greens here and they just pooped outta the ground.

Jazzi and Addi

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

B-Ute-E-Ful daffies!
Have a sunny day.
BabyRD & HOotie

LetterstoAndrew said...

We used to have daffydills at our old house, they were right in the front and got the full sun so they were always early and at least once every couple of years, there they would be their bright shining flowers laden down with snow.

I miss the daffies.