Tuesday, January 22, 2013

ERNIE HERE with somethingy...

Now my furends....    (you are MY furends Too, RIGHT?)    Did you hear that I have a DATE fur Mollie and Ranger's       VALENTINE's BALL???      NO????    WELL let me tell you    I DO fur sure have a DATE with the FOXY BEAUTIFUL  Miss ROXY       and I am so EXCITED.
    Did you know that ROXY sent  ME and only ME... not FRANKIE FARTer  ME a super duper thingy fur  Christmas???      Well,    trust me... this was NOT somethingy that was EVER gonna go to building with the SnowFreaks...    BUTT then I got to thinking...    I'll just do somethingy SPECIAL with it...   and THAT is just what I (Ernest vonSchnitzel) did do...     CHECK IT OUT..
 I took the KANGAROO Ornie that ROXY and her sisters sent to us ME    and I MADE a NECKLACE of it...      LOOK FRANKIE... Do you see what ROXY GAVE TO ME???
 Humph... he doesn't seem to want to look....    BUTT...  YOU DO, Don't you?
 OHHHHHHHHh     It makes my CHEST feel all WARM... thinkin that I have MY Foxy Roxy's Kanga so close to my heart...

F.F.        OH >>>> GAG me with a Squirrel Tail.....        GACK...
 E...      YOU are just JELLY Frankie FARTer.  
F.F.      OK Ernie...  I do admit that the Kanga DOES look good next to your furs...  
BUTT  you gotta QUIT Braggin and stuffs or folks will start going   Pbbbbbbbbtttttttttttt  everytime they see you are talkin to them.     I'm just sayin.  
        E.    OK...   butt Roxy     IS     Foxy.       
AND... we  DO have an arranged time to do somethingy.. TOGETHER... every day at 5:30 PM.(my time)   .. EVERY DAY...       BUTT I'm not BRAGGIN about it.   JUST SAYIN.    


Sketching with Dogs said...

We love your Kangaroo tag, so cute!!
Hope you have a wonderful time at the ball with your beloved :)
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh, I agrees, Ernie! Frankie FARTer is just green wit jelly!

Unknown said...

Oh my the Kanga tag is well cute. Frankie we can see why you might be a little envious. The Ball is going to be pawsome. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Remington said...

Ernie....I do believe you are in love....so sweet!

Remington said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, that kanga sure makes a nice necklace!!

I think everybody has a date but me! I need to get to work on this.

stellaroselong said...

Oh Ernie your necklace looks really nice on you....Stella Rose

Ernie, this is maggie I just wanted to tell you I am glad you have a date with roxy, kirby and I and ryder are all going as pals since we are kinda little...do you think tho you might save one dance for me?

Sweet William The Scot said...

Ernie girls they say like the big silent type guys. Shut Up. Bawhahaa
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome next to tour furs, right jelly FF. Noe Ernie, just calm down, and quit all that hollering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Pals
Sus & Bites

My Mind's Eye said...

Ernie sometimes we just have to TOOT
our own horns. I love that you are a sensitive guy and are wearing your tag close to your sweet Doxie Heart.

Tell Frankie that the Dwarfs called and they want Grumpy to come home.
Hugs madi your bfff

GOOSE said...

Roxy and Ernie sittin in a tree..... Your tag is very sweet.

Mollie said...

Youz are so funny :) Wez got somink for you..Come running :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

The Websters said...

Foxy Roxy! You'd better make sure she doesn't con you...i hear foxes are cunning.

That kanga does look really good on you though.


The Army of Four said...

Ernie! Who knew?!?!
Good luck, dude!
Play bows,

Berts Blog said...

Ah Ernie, young love......

Bert's My Vickie

WFT Nobby said...

Now now boys, just sort it out and be friends, OK?
Toodle pip!

Millie and Walter said...

Hey Ernie,

You look cute with your kanga necklace. I saw what you said over at Murphy & Stanley's blog yesterday about bringing a box of squirrels to the ball.

Now don't go getting my date and his brother in trouble by causing all kinds of mischief. We girls expect you boys to act dignified and no monkeying around! I'm sure Roxy would agree with me.


Murphy said...

Ernie, as you can see I cannot in good conscience go in with you on the squirrel plan. Mom saw the message yesterday and threatened to tell Goose's mom! Oh my dog, so much trouble and I didn't do a thing! Besides, our dates have spoken and mom taught us to obey a lady's wishes. Sorry buddy!


Ruby said...

"Frankie FARTer" BOL, BOL!! Oh, Ernie you are a funny dude. Roxy is gonna be rollin' laughin' at your jokes!
I do loves the Kangaroo ornie ~ and it looks good ON you too!
Lucky doggie..

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You look soooooo handsome, Ernie.

87000 licks, roxy

Frankie, we sent that to ALL OF YOU! Ernie is just like Roxy trying to make everything hers!

XXXOOO Daisy & Bella

marley said...

You lookin pawsome Ernie...dont let old Frankie FunCrusher getcha down....

Unknown said...

Your kangaroo looks FABulous on your neck furs
Love Milo :)

Smile With Your Tail said...

..and they called it puppy looooooove!


Dachshund Nola said...

You're tag is so cute!

Two French Bulldogs said...

cool tag! There better be a chaperone there!
Benny & Lily

Pee S
We want to be in the circus!!

Scooter said...

hey Ernst!
Wow, buddy, you are totally SMITTEN! Good for you. Roxy is definitely cute and that roo is great. :)
BTW: Tell Frankster to mind his own beeswax! BWAR HAR HAR ahem.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Two French Bulldogs said...

Could be be a part of your stuffie tamer?
Benny & Lily

Ziggy Stardust said...

Ernie, I am excited for you. I know just how you feel. I was just like you last year before my first date with my sweet Remington. I hope you have sweet dreams.

Loveys Sasha

Scooter said...

Aww dont worry bout Frankie, Ernie!! We both think it looks very nice and that was thoughtful to keep a part of her by your heart!!

Jazzi and Addi

Unknown said...

Nice bling Ernie. You and Foxy Roxy really do sound like a match made in heaven!

Wally & Sammy

ShellePenn said...

We LOVE the kanga tag.... you look ADORABLE!!

You are absolutely smitten, aren't you?

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,