Sunday, August 12, 2012


To find the Closing Performance          Click HERE to go to Finn's Blog

To find the SPECIAL PRESENTATION      Click HERE to go to Oskar's Blog  
              All HOSTS will receive a token of our combined appreciation.....

Below....   Please see My (Frankie Furter's)  Closing Speech

 This is a Sad day my furends...   I wish the Olympics could go on EVERY DAY. 

Ladies and Gentlemen
 I stand before you, this glorious day, to say that the 2012 Combined Blogville and CatBlogosphere Olympics were a complete success. 
 From the Astounding Open Ceremonies, to this Fabulous Closing, you have enjoyed the BEST of the BEST that both our villages have to offer. 
     Our Hosts brought you Astounding Venues where athletes were able to demonstrate their prowess in so many varied ways.  
    At this time I would like to ask all HOSTS.... to STAND AND BE RECOGNIZED (Please click on the LINK at the top of this POST... to take you to where you can see them, as they receive a token of our APPRECIATION.)
   You were just treated to a marvelous Closing Ceremony and you are joined in this stadium by Both the ATHLETES and their EVENT HOSTS. 
        This is their time to sit back and bask in the glory of their OUTSTANDING Efforts. 
 Let us stand together once again in Recognition of Each and Every ONE... they are ALL WINNERS in the eyes of Blogville and Catblogosphere. ....870 seconds of Standing Ovation... Cheers of jubilation....................
.................. I now declare the 2012 Blogville and Catblogosphere Olympics.......
......... CLOSED.

 THANK YOU To Iams fur giving EVERY SINGLE HOST a special Olympics BANDANA
 AND... THANK YOU Oskar fur making the Arrangements fur Us to Receive this special Reminder of the 2012 BLOGVILLE Olympics.   


Finn said...

Bravo Frankie, bravo!!!! Grrrreat speech!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mayor Frankie


Unknown said...

Cheer cheer cheer Frankie. Brilliant event. Have a fabulous fun filled Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Scooter said...

Hey Committee Chairman Frankie!
Wow, these games have been the mostest fun ever! You have been an amazing chairman and I thank you so much for organizing this event fur all of us. Great speech and I think all of the hosts and athletes did a wonderful job. Hip-hip-huraaaay!
Grr and An Impressed Woof,
Sarge, Athlete

Duke said...

Everyone did a brilliant job! We had so much fun and we wish the Olympics could go on every day too, Frankie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Reuben said...

Whoo hoo! This was my first Olympicals and I LOVED IT! Thank you Mr. Mayor for doing officials. I is already looking forwards to 2014!


GOOSE said...

Thank you Mr. Mayor for putting on a most excelent event. LOVED IT!

Millie and Walter said...

Excellent speech Mr. Mayor. Thanks again for organizing this amazingly fun event.

Cindy & Nina

Shawn said...

THANK YOU, most Honorable Mayor Frankie!!! Wiffout you, and our Mawvelous hosts, the games would not have been pawsable!!!!!!


Winston, Chloe and Cecil

ShellePenn said...

What a FANTASTIC Ceremony for an even MORE FANTASTIC event! :)

Thanks for being such a great host and to all of the hosts and hostesses who made this possible!


Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

The Army of Four said...

Well done, everyone!!!
Huge applause!!!
Play bows,

Ruby said...

Thank you sooo much Mayor Frankie! You have put together a magnificent Olympics, and I applaud you!!!! I loved your speech, and bow to your excellence.



Anonymous said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow frankie that is wun amayzing soot yoo ar waring!!! nun of my soots ar that sharp!!! no wonder yoo ar the mayor!!! ok bye

The Websters said...

I can't believe it's over! Big thanks for organizing it!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We have been busy watching the events, Frankie...the organization alone was FEN OM EM AL....

We terriers bow to those who put all their hard work and time into this production; and we stand and applaud all the athletes for a job well done!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley

Bailey Be Good! said...

It's overrrrrr... So sad!!

Thanks so much for such a fun time! :)

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Sheltie Times said...

Great speech. Can't believe it's over. Thanks for getting us involved.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Great speech Frankie.
Bring the 2014 Winter Games on. We're ready!!

Just s Texas Dachsies.

Sagira said...

You all did a great job!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie, we are very sad to see the Olympics close. Thanks you for your wonderful speeches. We send you congratulatory slobber! We will be very sad to see it finished cause it has made mum smile to see all the athletes. They, and the Hosts, are all WINNERS. Yay for everyone. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What a good speech! These games have been so much fun!

Dachshund Nola said...

clap clap clap! Loved it Frankie! Bravo

Berts Blog said...

Mr. Mayor, I just want to add my adulations for all the hard work done, for all the incredible athletes and especially for all you did to make it come to pass. WE will miss the Olympics, all the excitement, all the activity.
Thanks for letting us participate.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Once again every buddy worked hard together to make this such a great success. Paws up fur a job so well done! :o)

Matilda the Boxer said...

Mr. Mayor, I'm just so excited and PROUD of all of our Blogville athletes AND spectators who put on such an amazing game!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Yay, Frankie. Great speech.

We had so much fun each day seeing all the events. Blogville does indeed have TALENT!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wonderful speech, Mayor. And great job whoever coordinated the events.

Wyatt said...

Yes, it was a Pawtastic 2 weeks! The thrill of victory and good sportsmanship!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank you Frankie and Ernie! Job well done
Benny & Lily

K9 Katastrophie said...

*CHEERS* Pawesome! Just pawsome!


Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie, sniff sniff, oh sorry I am really choked up right now. I just want to say, sniff, that this has been so much fun. Thank you for making this all possible. I am sad that its over, but we all need a rest now I think. Those events were very strenuous and tiring. I hope you can relax now my sweet pal(pthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzz,sorryhad to blow my nose). Frankie you are the bestest ever.

Loveys Sasha

WFT Nobby said...

Hooray hooray. Brilliant speech and brilliant Olympics. Thank you so much, our most worshipful Mayor Frankie. what more can I say?
Toodle pip!

sprinkles said...

That was a most excellent speech, Mayor Frankie! Bravo, bravo!!!

My boys and I really enjoyed the Olympics. We're sad it's over, and can't wait for the next one.

Wow, 150 athletes - that's astounding!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful closing speech my furiend :) Thank you for everything! This was one Major Mega Masterful Event! :D Raisin all 4 Paws to Ya!

Waggin at ya,

Frank The Tank said...

Such an amazing closing speech Mayor Frankie!
I am really sad that the Blogville Olympics have come to an end, the Closing ceremony was wonderful, Finn did such a good job and it really made me feel emotional!
I love that we have such a marvellous community and through the Olympics I have made new furiends! Thank you to all my new followers and thank you to all the wonderful hosts, especially to you Frankie (and Ernie) who made these Olympics possible! Love, Licks and Hugs from Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxx

FiveSibesMom said...

Five sets of canine paws, one set of kitty paws, and a set of hu-hands all joined together here in applause for a great closing speech for a great event. Well done by all!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Dis wos a most marvyloss extravaganza, wee has luvved all da events an wee dids luuuuuuuv hostin our event. Wee kant waits fur da next one shames it is soooo longs to waits

Da K Krew
xxx xxx