Monday, August 13, 2012

A Pressie from PUDDLES

WAY back Before the Blogville Olympics....  I had a Birfday... and Puddles Sent me a Super Pressie Package...  BUTT...   (BIG BUTT, MOM) would NOT let me Have my Pressie UNTIL Puddles Received HER Birfday Pressie...     WELL, guess WHAT... Her Pressie went on a World Wide Web Cruise instead of going to Puddles' house...   SOOOOOOO My mom said I could send her a REPLACEMENT Pressie Package and a NEW Card...    THAT Pressie Package DID arrive.... butt then it was Olympics time and I couldn't POST PICS of the SUPER STUFFS that PUDDLES sent to me... UNTIL TODAY.
HERE are the Pictures.
 Just LOOK at all all the grrrrrreat stuffs that Puddles sent to me!!!   
 I'm    NOT gonna let ERNIE near my stuffs beclaws... he is a little DEVIL and he tears everythingy up...   and Gobbles up all the foods.          Don't you think he LOOKS like a REAL Devil???
 WELL, I can be one TOO.         THESE are MINE and YOU Can NOT even SNIFF them Ernie.
I'm SERIOUSLY Sayin!!!
PeeS...  I think we kinda resemble Puddles and Sasha... butt I might be wrong.

If you pawticipated in the Blogville/CatBlogosphere Olympics.....   you have been Officially Declared          A     WINNER.        Please be sure to pic up your  Medal.    
     Just Snag it and Display it PROUDLY!!!   
I would like to PAWSONALLY THANK each and Every HOST... starting with Roo and Posie and going clear through to Oskar and Miss Finn...    From the OPENING Day to the CLOSING   you folks treated us to ONE GOLD MEDAL WORTHY TIME!!! 
        What do you think about doing a SECOND Annual  Blogville Back to School Bash  ?
We did it last year and there were LOTS of   Classes and Some SUPER FUN Events.    I was thinkin about  September 12th.  fur it.    INTERESTED???   THOUGHTS????     Want to "TEACH" a Class??? 


Finn said...

Love your pressies!! And the horns. I think last year I did the flower show, but I think I will pass this year. Too much with the olympics just ending.

How Sam Sees It said...

You got awesome presents - and we really love the horns.


Frank The Tank said...

Ohhhh Frankie Bow~Wow I'm Loving all of your wonderful pressies! You sure are spoiled! I love you both in those cute little devil outfits! Mum says that Ernie looks more like a devil than you do Frankie, he has an evil little glint in his eyes, just like my Ernie has sometimes! Have a great day playiong with it all!
Love, licks and Hugs from Frank xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Frankie thank you for such an awesome pawsome BO2012. We are sad it is over but what fun it was. Have a great Monday.
Best wishes Molly

ShellePenn said...

I love the back to school bash, and you can count on us to help teach a class now that our theatre thing is finished.

Great pressies.. we love the balloon animal squeakies!!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

The Websters said...

Umm...did those balloon animals pop in your mouth?

I'm a really good teacher. What sort of commitment is this?


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh you wittle weenie devils! You's so cute!

Thank you fur a JOB WELL DONE putting togedder da Olympic events. Just way too much fun!


You deserve a gold, gold medal fur organization!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Those are grreat pressies! They look like lots of fun.

Momma says she just wants to sleep for a while now that the Olympics are over, but I say bring it on! What's involved in the back to school stuff?

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Shiloh'n Shasta here -
LOVE your pressiez - they r sum cool doozie stuffz.

We had a great time at the Blogville Olympicz - kinda sad 'boutz it bein'over - we want tue pawtisipate in the bak to school thing BUTT since our modem iz not werkin' (u will b gittin'an email 'boutz it) not shure yet that we can pawtisipate. Our mom iz gonna call later tueday tue try an'git it fixed.
S'n S

Patrice and Higgins said...

Wow, what a great haul of pressies!!!

Blogville Back to School Bash...sounds like so much fun! Since I did not get to pawticipate in the Olympics because of mom's illness, I would love to teach a class!! Count me in!!


Anonymous said...

You sure got a lot of pressies Frankie! I think you all did a great job with the Olympics and are all very worthy of that gold medal. :-)

GOOSE said...

Looks like a great stash of gifts. That Puddles is so thoughtful.

Declan said...

What a cool presents mate! Deccy x

Peggy Frezon said...

Your gifts look like fun! You are going to share with Ernie, just a few right?! I think Back to School sounds like fun. Kelly maybe could teach about dieting and getting fit. And Brooks would teach reading class, since he does Brooks Books reviews!

Millie and Walter said...

What a nice pressie package from Puddles. I'm glad she finally got hers so you could show us yours. Thanks again for organizing the Olympics. It was a lot of fun and a needed distraction for us right now.


Agnes B. Bullock said...

Count us in! We will teach catch me if you can!

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie you know we are joiners but we do not know much about the After School Bash, classes etc can you maybe give us a Cliff Note version of the event?

I love your stuffies too
Hugs madi your BFFF

Dachshund Nola said...

Love the pressies! I think the back to schools thing would be fun

Anonymous said...

Whoa! That Puddles - she sure does know how to pick out pressies. And you know what? I think that it's A-OK to keep them away from Ernie. I mean, they are YOUR pressies. Not Ernie's. YOURS!

And thank YOU, Mr. Mayor, for coming up with the idea and helping to organize the Blogville Olympics. Gosh, was it ever fun. We had the BEST time! We prolly won't pawticipate in Bark to School cuz the Olympics kinda took a lotta our brain power and energies.

Wiggles & Wags,

stellaroselong said...

those are cool presents we have two of those and if trudie and i accidently (ha) step on one and it squeaks loud sam will howl...we accidently step on it often..hehheh
have a good one
stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Frankie what great gifts. Puddles sure is special
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, great barkday loot! You and Puddles both cleaned up. Love those devil pix...Mom says to tell you she "wants her demil shirt"! BOL. I'm up for Back to School. I'll host Decorate Your Backpack if we agree to do this. Sounds like fun!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Ruby said...

SCORE!!! Yowsa, you really hauled it in Frankie!! I just loved your devil costumes ~ I think you looked more 'devilish' than Ernie....Anyhu, I hope you enjoy your pressies!!
I wasn't around last year, so I can't put my two cents in about the back to school, so I'll de-fur to everyone else.



peess: thanks again for puttin' on such a fantastic BO2012

Sweet William The Scot said...

I remember the back to school bash, but I think I will sit this one out. The Olympics was great fun. You got some nice presents.
Sweet William The Scot

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think the back to school would be great.....even though September is comin' up to our end of school year.

We'll have to think of a class to teach. We loved the Olympics.

Great pressies, Frankie, you little devil.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

The Daily Pip said...

My dear friend, I just wanted to stop by and thank you SO MUCH for all your work on the Olympics! They were a HUGE success!

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: Sorry, I am a little late, but well they were having a two for one deal at the Cheeseburger Tent in the Olympic pavilion. I helped them clean up the leftovers.

The Daily Pip said...

My dear friend, I just wanted to stop by and thank you SO MUCH for all your work on the Olympics! They were a HUGE success!

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: Sorry, I am a little late, but well they were having a two for one deal at the Cheeseburger Tent in the Olympic pavilion. I helped them clean up the leftovers.

Duke said...

What cool pressies Puddles sent! We think you're right in keeping them all to yourself, Frankie!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

the teacher's pets said...

Love the devil costumes! Very cute!

Sagira said...

That sure was nice of Puddles to send you all that great stuff. :)

the booker man said...

mr. frankie!

hihihihihihiiii! you got a little bro while i was gone! how cool is that! (even if he might be a little pesky from time to time. teehee.)
those are some super spiffy pressies that you got from miss puddles! happy happy belated barkday!

the booker man

Bassetmomma said...

Your pressies are awesome!! But boy you guys in those horns sure did make me laugh! LOL!

Val said...

Woof! Yes, that would be great! Woof! Can I have the toys? Woof! I would not mind teachin a staring class! Woof! Echo.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Frankie ~ It is not at the end of the post. Look at the picture at the top. All of the clues are in that picture. Get your human sister to take a look now that you have guessed. I am getting some good answers.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow you got some cool stuff. I hope you can keep it away from Ernie, he looks like he could be kind of sneaky. The Olympics were so much fun. I have never gone to school, but I would like to so we will wait for more info about that and thanks.

Loveys Sasha

p.s we should totally start a devilish club and eat deviled eggs and stuff.

Scooter said...

Those are some cool pressies from Puddles. She's the best!!


marley said...

Happy lates burfdee my pal. Sooper prezzies. I ope you haz fun playin wiv em.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Sooper de dooper pressies yoo dids get Frankie, dems is reelly kewl. Wee lovs da idea ovs anuvva backs to skool event Yippeeeeee

Da K Krew
xxx xxx