Then she grabbed
Flashy Beast and started takin pictures of my TV 

and THIS is what was on there...
YES, it really WAS a story about SOMETHINGY 

happening in the TOWN where PUDDLES LIVES!!! 
The TV 
tawkers were telling all about.... PUDDLES TOWN.
I nearly POOPED....
All I could think was.... PUDDLES.. Funeral Home... Digging EVENT fur the Olympics.... OMD OMD....... WHAT ???? WHAT has SHE done NOW???
Has Puddles taken her DIGGING EVENT to a whole new LEVEL???
I admit that I DID DRIBBLE a bit...

SPECIAL... if it REALLY DID make the 
NEWS at my
Folks..... I can't make stuffs like THIS up... and the PROOF is in the FUR REAL Pictures of MY TV... ... PUDDLES has INVADED my HILL... Aiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee.
If you need Email Addys for ANY host you can go HERE which is my July 12th. Post
If you need Email Addys for ANY host you can go HERE which is my July 12th. Post
Blimey! Puddles digs the grave and you can grab a coffee while you wait to die. Death might turn out to be fun.. hehe! Deccy x
Didn't Puddles say something about wanting to go on holiday? I fancy Australia myself, I'd simply take the most direct route and dig straight down from England - boom - arrive in Australia, its a holiday trip for sure, makes perfect sense to me, (its just Puddles always has to break outta jail first, must be a bind that but its not as if they are not used to it ey!) Love Barnie x
Wow! That would be a lucrative job, grave digging, for us digging enthusiasts!
Who wants some COOOOOOOOOFFEE!!!!!!
Coffee is fun, it make you bouncy.
And it makes yo a wee b it hyper...I needs to be on da news...wheres da news peoples! I needs anudder cup of coffee...I likes to bounce...bounce...bounce! What is in dis stuff?
MOL MOL MOL Frankie and Ernie we had not even thought about Puddles Olympic Digging extravaganza.
We are just a hop skip and a jump away from PuddlesTown. I'm surprised we didn't have that on our news...kind of wish we had.
Oh we will have fun with this for years and years. I think Mrs. Puddles Mom needs wire herself with a hidden camera and to take a field trip
Hugs Madi your BFFF
Frankie FYI I met your wives over the weekend.
It was on Channel 8 here from Cleveland- we thought that we were seeing things_ Puddles, what did you do now was WHN's reaction. Dad just wanted to know if there would be a liquor license so Puddles could finally get herself her own beer without anyone knowing!
What that's you say (jumping up and down) sorry, can't seem to sit still. I had one too many of those crazy coffin coffees. I am little JITTERY, bouncing off the walls ...somebody get me a cheeseburger so I can calm down.
Maybe I should challenge Bunny to another race - this coffee just might give me the edge I need.
Your hyper pal, Pip
Why you wants it to go? You don't wanna hang out at da funeral home...and looks at caskets? What's wrong withs you? I thought dat would be a normal NOT weird thing to do.
I needs a refill!
That will sure be a hole lot of digging for an olympic event. I'm pretty sure there is a certain requirement for those kind of holes.
Puddles invasion, aaaaiiiieeeee!!!!
I told Puddles that I would rather have a bar in my funeral home... Nothing adds the fun to Funeral like a bunch of drunk folks... I mean, the widow could come in all fly and stuff and leave like Cinderella.. a hot mess missing a shoe!
A hot mess... yup, that's our puddles!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
You must have been so shocked to see Puddles town in the news! I'm sure you did dribble a bit. A funeral home with a Starbucks......hahaha!
Who in their right mind would come up with an idea like that! Must have been a hooman bcuz we know a d-o-g would never go THAT far. Goodness what is this world coming to!
Lily Belle
What will they think of next! How funny that the news story from Puddles town was shown on your news. Must have been a slow news night your Ohio.
OMD, Puddles is so famous!!
Crickey! Have a great Monday.
Best wishes Molly
I read Puddle's post earlier this morning and then Googled the story and just laughed, smiled, and shook my head in disbelief! I can't wrap head around the idea of having a Starbuck's in a funeral home! To me, a coffee shop is too commercialized and takes away from the funeral itself but then again I don't hang out at funeral homes so.....
HILARIOUS! We should all meet up there for a conference or something!
Are you aWAKE or does you needs to try da Arise and Shine?
aWAKE...get it? Oh good grief I kills myself.
Puddles...Starbuck's Rep
The pawparazzi must be following Puddles around town
Benny & Lily
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, this is the funniest thing ever dreamed up by a peep! How very delishiously tacky! BWAR HAR HAR. How about a Hearselnut Blend, maybe an Irish Wake Cream, or even a Decoffin Dirt Special?!? Oh, there has got to be a million possibles here! Teeheehee.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Coffee, anyone?
I cannot type a commenty coz I is BOLing so hard my eyes is all leaky, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It nefur occurred to me that "Puddles taked her digging event to a whole new level" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Wowzers! There's never a dull moment, is there?!!?
Play bows,
Yep, that's our Puddles. Always into something.
Wonder who they hope to sell the coffee to - the corpses or the visitors? Kinda tacky, we think.
Hey Frankie - I just visited your friend, Puddle's blog, and I sure did BOL over your pawsome coffee names :)
Bwhahah, what a coincydink!
Frankie and Ernie, you had me scared, I also thought"what is Puddles up to now?" Thank dogness everything is ok with the Puddleduddledoo. Do you think they will use little shovels instead of mixing spoons and serve the coffee with or without worms?
Loveys Sasha
Frankie, there seems to be a different day in 2 areas for my Boxing event. Your page says August 9th and another one says August 10th. I have had peeps asking which one it is. Can you let me know please and thank you.
Loveys Sasha
That might be caring the spirit of collaboration a little too far!
Critter Alley
Too bad Puddles wasn't interviewed for the news report! Then Puddles would be famous too!
Your friends,
Murphy & Stanley
Oooooooooh how I has to pee nows...but I needs a refill of Mortuary Mocha...good stuff...good stuff...hey there is a squirrel...I needs a refill....Oh, come heres little squirrel.
Dis stuff makes me all bouncy feelin'.
Puddles and BOkeh are becoming famous on these Columbus news channels huh? Glad she didn't do anything in the funeral home though. :)
Ha! You guys are funny! Glad no funeral involved...we hope!
Ha! You guys are funny! Glad no funeral involved...we hope!
Funeral home and digging event! YIKES!
WOW!! What a thing to see on TV.
Dropping off some woofs & huggies!!
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
I wouldn't want to live in a funeral home, but I wouldn't mind living in a Starbucks!
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