Thursday, July 19, 2012

I am REALLY.. PEED Off...

So here's how it went...  I was bizzy workin to get stuffs caught up in my Mayor's Office...   and it was HOT and I was drinkin a LOT of water and Workin like a ....  well, like a dog,  and I didn't have TIME to be foolin around.   So, after all that WATER...  I had to PEE...  and I didn't want to waste time runnin CLEAR Over to     The PEE Tree...   so I thought I would just use the bush that was close to the Door and SAVE some time...    and     THEN I heard it...
      YUP....    that   screamin   SIREN SOUND..

 And THERE was ...... YOU KNOW WHO....   my CUSSIN  Sarge...   and he gave me a TICKET fur    ImPAWper Pee Placement....     
               I wanted to Scream......    Ohhhhhh    CRAP...
I am in DEEP POOP NOW.......   like CURB POOPER DEEP POOP...   

  I just hope that my WIVES don't see this in the Blogville Chronicle....    Front Page ABOVE THE FOLD...      THEY will NEVER forgive me.   They will be sayin stuffs like...  FRANK,  WE are very DISAPPOINTED in you.  Or  FRANK...   you have           M Bare ASSed          US ... Again!!   Whine whimper SOB  WHINE WHIMPER.....          OMD   OMD....     {{{BLUSH}}}
I really am PEEd Off at SARGE....   He COULD have just let me off with a WARNING... butt NO Not CUSSIN Sarge...   he just HAD to throw his weight around and give me a TICKET.     
I guess I will just have to Pay the Fine and Learn....    from the experience...
         When you Gotta DO ... SOMETHINGY...  take the TIME to    DO it in the RIGHT place.   
Butt I am STILL   PEEd Off about it.     I'm just sayin.


3 doxies said...

Um, just gives Sarge a cup of coffee and tells him da Governor pardoned closed.


Declan said...

Well you can't trump Pudds can you? (no pun intended...ahem) Deccy x

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh dear, I'm glad Sarge isn't around to see my pee faux pas...

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Geez...... Sarge is tough isn't he??? Glad he can't just rock up here.....

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL appears that your cuz's (MOL that is a funny looking word) head has swollen from too much authority. Shame on Ernie for not having your back...or at least peeing with you so you could have entered synchronized peeing event. MOL
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Lovable Lily said...

Goodness Frankie, whatcha gonna do? That's such a bad spot to be in (no punn intended.) I think that maybe you should try giving Sarge a bribe. Or would that land you in the pokey? Geez, I just don't know now......

I was hoping he's too busy with the Olympics and all, but guess not!

Lily Bele

HoundDogMom said...

He must have a sneaking camera on your estate for sure. We want you to know it is so much better to be PEED off then PEED on. BOL Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, would one little donut have killed you?!? Just the promise of one even?!? Mamaw's cookies?!?
I bet Judge Remington will let you off easy and if not, Puddles has your (long & low) back. BOL Besides, you want me doing my job, right?!? Right?!? Hello, is this thing on?!? ahem.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Chief Of Police

Matilda the Boxer said...

Hey, don't be mad at Sarge for it! The police do a very important job and keep us all safe. We shouldn't yell at them when we get in trouble -- even mayors aren't above the law!

Ruby and Penny said...

Oh Frank Furter, how could you. We will never be able to show our beautiful faces in Blogville again. The shame!
Love ya
Ruby & Penny

Busy Buttons said...

Hey, when you gotta pee, you gotta pee. You couldn't help it! I'd dispute the ticket...

Frank The Tank said...


Unknown said...

Very funny and that will be all your bone money going to pay the fine. Have a good day.
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

NO!!!! This sounds like an abuse of power to me. There are NO LAWS about peeing on your own property! On a police car or in a public park or school, maybe! But a dog has a right to do his business wherever he wants on his own property!!!

This wrong, I tell you!

Your pal, Pip

GOOSE said...

Og Dog I better watch out. I thought a dog could pee where ever he or she wanted to on their on property. Sarge must not come down my street very often cuz you would be able to wallpaper his office with all the tickets you could give me. I will do my peeing in the cover of night from now on.

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL I better start watching my back!

Finn said...

Yikes! Isn't he your cousin or something?? tough family!!

Sheltie Times said...

Maybe that's why Katy only will pee in the yard. She's heard about Sarge's ticket book.

The Websters said...

It's time to instate another pee tree in your yard!


Ruby said...

Oh, dear! That doesn't seem right! I say fight the ticket!! Or, you can just bribe him with a donut...oops, now I think I'M in trouble.....Just Kiddin' Sarge!



Jans Funny Farm said...

Um, what state do you live in, Mayor? We want to be sure Sarge won't be lurking outside our house.

Murphy said...

I totally understand. Sarge should have just given you a warning ticket. Sometimes when you have to go you have to go NOW! But mom says a ticket is better than a pulled groin muscle.

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Remington said...

Well THAT'S not good! Being the Judge and all I will see what I can do about this....

Duke said...

We didn't even know there was such a law! When it's raining, both of us pee right outside the back door so we can get back in before we get our heads wet. Maybe not anymore?

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

OH MY DOG! I didn't know there was a fine for improper peeing places. That Sarge, certainly takes his job seriously. Sorry you got busted Mr Frankie. We're with Rubie, we hope he can't see all the way to Oz. He can't can he?? Oh oh. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Asta said...

Sheesh Fwankie
That was hawsh. Cussin Sawge is stickin to the lettew of the law too much.(pawhaps yoo coold have some donuts in yoow pocket fow the next time he dwives by like that and ummm, bwibe him(i can't believe I just said that. Now I'll pwobably going to be thwown in the slammew..sheeehsh. That poopew scoopew is the biggest I've evew seen. I think it might have taken the wong tuwn fwom the Mango estate..just sayin'
Smoochie kisses

Sagira said...

I can't believe that Sarge gave you a ticket, how rude!

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Well, we are pleasantly surprised to see a powerful elected official actually taking responsibility for his mistakes and admitting that he is not above the law. So good on ya, Mayor Furter.

We are sad that our desktop computer died a few days ago, with all our photos on it, so we couldn't enter any of the Pawlympic events. But we're looking forward to watching and cheering from the stands.

Jed & Abby

Sankissjuice said...

Hehe, you really got me grinning and then laughing. I guess Sarge is what we call professional. Too bad, mayors are not exempted from minor misdoings. You should propose that it be changed.

I'll be back,

Stewey said...

I think somebody needs to have a little talk with Sarge!

Anonymous said...

OMD Frankie I actually chortled out loud on that one and I cannot believe you put a picture of you pinching a loaf on your blog, this my friend is PRICELESS~~~~~ I love the poop stuff too. :-)

Sally Ann and Andy said...

That's not good Frank, I hope Ernie didn't see you getting a ticket. We still think your a good doxie mayor.
Sally Ann and Andy

Ziggy Stardust said...

For Petes sake, with all the work you are doing, I think he should let you off with a warning. I guess family connections don't count here, it is nice to know that Sarge is fair. Sarge, I appeal to you, give Frankie a break.

If that doesn't help, maybe you could try the I was sleepwalking defense. Good luck

Loveys Sasha

Berts Blog said...

Mmmmm I am sorry Mr. Mayer, I am kinda on the fence here. I mean Sarge is my superior, and you are both our superiors but you know, you did break the law...but it does seem kind of extreem on sarges part, yet....oh my goodness, my badge is twisting around in circles out of confusion.

Deputy Bert

Two French Bulldogs said...

Bribe Sarge with a donut
Benny & Lily

Bassetmomma said...

Geez! That's too bad! I'm glad Sarge isn't around here to see Fred and Gloria. It would cost us a fortune! Will he be patrolling the Olympics for wayward pee'ers?

Unknown said...

they look so funny on your pictures, I'm sure that they are having fun.

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

Posie said...

Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! so funy! heeheeheehee love n likkers, pdorg xoxx

marley said...

Uh oh....I ope i never meet Sarge. I takes a lot of tabblits for my heart probs wot make me do lots of peemail and quite often there is puddles RIGHT ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR!! He would be ticketin me all day long.

Moose said...

I hope sarge doesn't come to floriduh... i pee on everything! Hope you make it thru this scandal untarnished!

sprinkles said...

That picture of Puddles never gets old!

You'd think that Sarge would have given you a pass, since you're related and all!