Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Flavor Ice....

 FLAVOR ICE...... another furst fur ERNIE...   This is what they look like when they are FRESH from the FREEZING THINGY...
 RECIPE...   You have your Peep put your favorite snack in a plastic cup thingy and add WATER..    THEN they go in the Cold Box Freezing thingy fur like 87 hours.   AND when they are ready....   Pop them out of the cup and....    Get to Crunchin and Munchin..     
     Below I am showing Ernie what to do... beclaws he didn't have a CLUE...
 Come ON ERNIE....  it is like 87 degrees and this is gonna REALLY be Cool and Freshing. 
 WATCH ME NOW....    Start by puttin your nose on it..   THEN your tongue... OOOOOH soooo Cold and deeeeelightful.    That's RIGHT...   NOSE furst.
 YEP... It is gonna make your tongue TINGLE.
THIS didn't take any time at all fur Ernie to catch onto.      Let me tell you... He went WILD fur his VERY FURST EVER       Flavor Ice.                I hope that as the weather heats up... YOU will get some of these Wonderful AWSOME TREATS. 


Declan said...

We think we'd die of hypothermia at the moment if we had those!! Deccy x

Oskar said...

Ooh, what a tastee treat!

Nubbin wiggles,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Yummy!! Now let's see of Mommy will make us some.

Lovable Lily said...

What an awesome treat! Sure does look like Frankie is getting to be a pro at things!!

Lily Belle

Bassetmomma said...

Fred and Gloria love these with carrots and apple chunks inside! I hope Ernie didn't get a brain freeze! LOL!

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, you know Summer is finally here when the flavor ice shows up! Delish fur sure. I make my Mom put a tiny sprinkle of that broth powder stuff in the water with my treat so the ice even tastes good. YUM YUM YUM. Enjoy your treats, guys.
Grr and a Drooling Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wowzers, Tasty Tuesday for sure, this is the second yummy recipe we found today. We are going to try them too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Deborah said...

This is a great idea! It's been so cold and rainy here we will have to do this when the sun is shining!!
Have a great day!

houndstooth said...

I like having mine with frozen yogurt, too! I'm glad Ernie is learning about frozen treats. You don't want to neglect that important part of his education!


Debbie said...

What a good idea. We give our dogs frozen beef rib bones in hot weather too!

ShellePenn said...

Those frosty cups are smart!! Our mom has to make them for us. Its gonna be a hot summer, so we need to be prepared!

Yeah, our garden is a bit advanced, but we haven't had any frost for 6 weeks or so. The rabbits got our romaine lettuce, which is our little boys favorite lettuce of all. :(

Mom hasn't planted parsley, because they didn't have any parsley at Lowe's or Southern States when she went to get herbs. Now that the romaine has disappeared perhaps she can plant them there!

We found some black raspberry bushes and a black mulberry tree toward the back part of the property while we were cleaning up (it was seriously overgrown).

We have a combination of Japanese Pink, Black Cherry Patio, Beefsteak, a hybrid roma, and we don't remember the name of the yellow tomatoes planted (total of 26). The summer is the only time any of the family will eat tomatoes :)

Mom will post pictures as often as well allow... after all, we dachshunds have to shine!!
Woofs, Milo and Dixie

GOOSE said...

Flavored ice. Oh dog I am so going to try this. Nose first you say? I can't wait.

Sheltie Times said...

We have ice cubes all summer but Mama never thought to put anything in them. You are so good at helping Ernie get along.

Finn said...

Good idea! I give Finn ice from time to time, but never with a treat in it!

HH and The Boys said...

Do you actually chew the ice? HH says that would make her teeth ache to listen to the boys chew the ice. Otherwise it looks like a great idea.

pawhugs, Max

The Websters said...

WOAH! You keep these excellent ideas coming. This will make summer more bearable!


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

That's a pawfect idea Franks - mum has always hogged the ice for her gin and tonics.... I gotta get my treats in there furst! ....or it might be awesome to see her with kibble in her cocktails!!

PeeS: You gotta go over to mums blog - there are awesome pics of foodables there from her holiday - yea the one I wasn't invited to!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OOOOOH! Tasty! And did you pick dos tweets from your very own tweet twee?

Remington said...

What a great idea! Thanks, my friends! Enjoy your day with your yummy ice....

Murphy said...

Oh, that sounds good, especially on a day when me and Stanley have been working hard running all over our hill! Thanks for the tip!

Your friend,


Dachshund Nola said...

I'll have to have my Mom make these for me!
Dachshund Nola

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz haf a little bunny in our yard that our mom triez tu shoo away B-4 she letz us outside cuz she knowz if WE git there furst it may-b bye bye bunny, fer good. ANYWAY, we gitz hot an'tired tryin'tu keep our kingdom safe frum this introoder an'we just furry much betz that sum of theze furry most sumchu-us lookin'treetz wood b just the thing tu cool us off. AN'they look furry much eezy tu make so we betz our mom cood make thoze.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Matilda the Boxer said...

That looks great! My mom makes special ice cubes for us with broth or yogurt. They're so yummy nummy!

And boy, you got me pondering something fierce with that upside down or downside up. I need to put my thinking cap on and consider it.

Duke said...

What a great idea! We're going to tell our mom about this! Thanks, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Patrice and Higgins said...

I think I will have my mom make me some of those!! They look so yummy!!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Mr Frankie, we're gonna have mum make them when we get Summer back again. Little Ernie is so glad to have you show him all these stuffs. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sagira said...

Yum! I remember we had some of this at our meet up last year. That was so much fun, we need to do it again. :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

thanks for those instructions on how to eat that stuff.
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

wow, I will ask my Momma to do that Frosty Ice for me, Ernie really enjoy your treats for them :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

Berts Blog said...

What a wonderful idea. My Vickie learns so many cool things from you

K9 Katastrophie said...

We have never heard of that but we will give it a go!


Scooter said...

You are such a great teacher Frankie!! They sound yummy!!!


Anonymous said...

Nommers! What a great cool treat idea! :D Ernie sure does catch on quickly to your lessons Frankie :)

Waggin at ya,