This is OUR Azalea ... butt the Frost ate a bunch of its pretty flowers.

Now this is the Last picture and stuffs that Everybuddy can see. Trust me (Frankie Furter) you will be GLAD that You CAN'T see it. I'm just sayin. Pawbacks can be a real TWITCH.
From this point ON... it is fur PUDDLES EYES ONLY>>>
That means that only SHE can see this picture and stuffs.
Hey PUDDLES.... Remember when YOU posted the Picture of YOURSELF........................ Poopin at ME (Frankie Furter)? WELL, here is one Back at cha... your little long furred Twin.. Sendin YOU somethingy Special. I suppose you will want to Print it and Frame it and Hang it RIGHT NEXT to YOURS. I think he fur SURE is your Long Lost Brother. I'm just sayin girrrrrl.
BOL! Oh you got Puddles back butt good! ;D Hardy Har Har
Waggin at ya,
Hee hee!!
Of course, I saw "for Puddles' Eyes Only" and had to peek... silly me!
OMD...OMD...dis is just da most beeeeeeeautiful thing I has evers laid my eyes on. It just gets me all kinds of emotionals and...OMD, is I tearin' on up? I be so very proud of Ernie, him has da perfect form and execution. Oh my, dis foto deserves a real frame and no duck tape to sticks his foto up...in a place of honor.
Sorry Frankie I had to look too!! So does this mean you an' Puddles is all evens now??
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, what gorgeous flowers! Love that color. Perfect for Spring. I didn't look at anything else...I swear...I'm stickin' to that! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
We peeked also and loved the payback!
Today must be National Poop Day 'cuz that's the 2nd post I've read this morning that involves poop.
Lily Belle
BOL we will just stick with the pretty flower pics!!! :)
Great form, Ernie! We salute you as you salute Puddles! Kuster, especially, was very impressed!
Love the flower bush...butt the poopin not so much, hehehehehe
We just looked at the pretty flowers, we didn't peek!
Bol I didn't peak, I SWEAR!!!!
Dachshund Nola
Ha!Ha! Nice azelias. That's all I saw! LOL!
Hee Hee - how funny!!!
Love the flowers!
We didn't look any further either!!! Really!!! We are good girls over here!!!
Frost will do that to an azalea!!!
You will have to work hard to keep one going up there!!!! Good LUCK!!!!
I looked. :-0
You are braver than me, I would NEVER put a picture of Sampson doing his biz; he likes his privacy you know. :-)
Awww poo! I wish I could see Puddles special pikture!! Hee hee...
Our azalea's haven't bloomed yet so they have been safe from all our frosts. Poor Ernie can't get some privacy when he is doing important business.
Sorry your bushes got hit by the frost. Dog Dad is looking at replacing some that got damaged by storms.
What pretty flowers. Sorry the frost monster ate them.
What's everyone talking about on the Puddles-only picture? I couldn't see anything, 'cause it was for her eyes only.
Those are really pretty flowers!
PS: I couldn't see anything after that... woo..
OK I wasn't gonna look til I saw other comments then I just could not resist. BOL BOL! Frankie does have good form.
What pretty flowers, shame Jack Frost ate some. We couldn't resist looking at that last picture either hee he :)xx
Ok...we peeked. We think it's very very funny.
BOL! Oh Frankie... I think you got Puddles good!
Mom loves azaleas but we never had much luck with them in MA or CT. So she never got any here in KS. Maybe we should try again. Our neighbor just planted a whole bunch of gorgeous fuchsia colored ones. We will have to see how they do.
We are sorry but we were naughty and took a peek at Ernie. Oh dear, he and Miss Puddles make quite the pair, don't they?
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Frankie, I love the flowers but the temptation was too great and I had to look. Well...snickers...giggles...BOL BOL BOL...rolling on floor...ouch my sides hurt from laughing.
That was a good one, but remind me never to poop on you so to speak I don't want to know what comes out of you after eating Kangaroo guts.
Loveys Sasha
BWhaaahaha! You had us spill our supper :)
We had to look, too. You're 'can't see' magic didn't work...probably because we're so far away. So we had a HUGE laugh!!!! Well done , Ern.
We'll go by and send some positive vibes to April and Benji....it's a bummer to be sick on your birthday.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy
Ernie did it grrrreat!
Sure Puddles is proud!
Kisses and hugs
Poop on tape!!
Benny & Lily
Poopy photo! Woo hoo!
Ernie, Ernie, Ernie.... Geez, Frankie, he is becoming the Billy to your Jimmy Carter, isn't he?? :)
Shelle (Milo and Dixie just can't be bothered to get out of bed to comment at this time...)
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