CHECK him OUT..... it is FLYING ERNIE... He is a WILD and CRAZZZZY Guy!!

Here we are together NOW... Look at him. I'm tellin you Ernie is HOOOOOGE.
Mom and dad say that I really got my Green Papers worth with Ernie beclaws he USED to be THIS Big (****) and NOW he is THIS big (***********************************).
I'm thinkin that maybe he isn't EVEN a Dachshund. He might be a Basset In disguise .. What do you think???????
What a difference six months makes indeed! He's such a big guy now!
Nooooooooooooo hims is all Doxie fur sure, looks at hims lines, nice n lows to da ground, floofy feavery ear furs, button nose, shiny eyes hims is no Basset him is pure Doxie frew n frew.
WOW tho him sure nuff has growned up a lots butts wee bets it makes da wrestlin more funs now hims is bigger.
Uji, Izzy n Ziggy
xxx xxx xxx
Ernie does look longer than you in that picture. That's a good thing. He can double as your bodyguard.
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
Time will tell, my little legless friend. He might not be done growing yet.
Nope, he be a true doxie through & through but he sure is getting big.
Maybe he'll be a standard.
Sniff ya'll later.....Weenie
Hmmmmmmm...interestin concept you has theres Frankie. Howevers, him has dat most beautiful white falme on his chest and dat means he is a doxie. I knows dat fur a fact. They say da ones withs da flame is da coolest EVERS too.
Wow Ernie, look at you jump. That is amazing. You certianly did get your monies worth Frankie, Ernie sure is growing up fast :)xx
I think Ernie is just gonna be a bigger Doxie (like me). I think he's pawfect.
Lily Belle
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, what a great jumper! Ernst, you are one looooong dog fur sure. I think you must be eating spinach or MiracleGro or something. Frankie, you're going to end up being the little guy in the house at this rate! BOL. Great action pix.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
How cute is Ernie with his ears flying.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
I'm thinking maybe Ernie is really Fred's brother! That boy sure can jump! LOL!
It looks like Ernie is getting whacked in the face by his tags. He sure can fly.
Wowserz! Ernie sure has grown! I wonder how much bigger he's gonna get! ;)
Hope you and Ernie are being good today! Be sure to catch my post today. Teehee! ;)
Woofs & huggies! <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
He's a big boy fur sure! Is he a standard you think? He's filling out well!
OMD OMD... It is ME (FRANKIE FURTER). HEY ... be sure to Click on BAILEY Be GOOD's comment thingy and go over and see what her mom has done!!! BLUSH... It is really WONDERFUL... BLUSH!!!! I'm just sayin.
Yup, a wire-haired basset fur sure, BOL! Or mebbe a teacup Irish Wolfhound, you think?
You must be feeding him spinach to make him big and strong :)
Maybe he's from Texas, like Dave. Dave says everything's bigger in Texas. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
PS: Mom says whatever the case, Ernie is MIGHTY cute!
I think Ewnie is a GIANT daxi-kid
it's a vewy special bweed I heew
I agwee wif Uji,Ziggy and Izzy, you can have mowe gweat play now that he isn't tiny and delicate.
Those cawdboawd chaiwses awe tewwific, even mommi's extwa lawge bum fit on it and was comfowtabull
and they cost abouteight dollaws
smoochie kisses
OMD...OMD...I is sooooo thrilled you tolded me all bouts Fling da Bra, dat is da funnest game evers and I loves how mum likes to run withs me. I know her arm hurts so dis be a good way fur hers to gets her workout in. She'll thank me laters.
I seen dat drawin' of you. I hasn't lefted a comment yet but I will shortly.
PS: I don't knows why I gets da giggles readin' Shawnee comments.
You better watch it Frankie, Ernie may ride ruff shot over ya, im just saying.....
Ernie can fly? AWESOME!
Ok, let me ask you some questions:
1. Does he sleep all the time?
2. Does he drool?
3. Is he kind of slooooooooow?
If so, then he is definitely a basset. I know b/c my cousin is a basset and that's how she is.
Wow, your puppy could be bigger than you!
Nubbin wiggles,
We don't think we would notice any difference if he was at the Hound House. Short and long gotta be part basset. BOL Sniffs, The HoundDogs
P.S.. Flying Ernie would fit in with us Cracker Bassets.
Ernie is a very handsome boy for sure. Maybe his size will come in handy, he might be able to reach for things better, like snacks on the counter and foodables that are normally out of reach for a not as tall doggy. Happy Gotcha Day to Ernie BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL(6 times for 6 months)!
Loveys Sasha
p.s. OMD Frankie, I saw the drawing at Baileys!!!! You are one handsome fellow my pal and she captured it for sure. Maybe you will be in a famous gallery and people everywhere will want to meet Frankie the Mayor. I hope you are prepared for all the publicity. Will there be mugs and ties and Frankie calendars. My brain hurts from all the possibilities.
p.s.s. Seriously, the drawing is incredible and really captured your beauty. Congratulations Frankie, you deserve it!! I am proud to know you. What a great artist Baileys Mom is.
Oh my goodness - you're going to be Ernie's little brother, Frankie!
Love ya lots,
Look at those flying ears - he would make a good match for Tommy from The Pouponette with is flying ears!!!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
He's just going to be on the large size of the breed.
I am thinking you may be right! Ernie is HUGE - maybe he's some kind of doxie greyhound like Puddles!
Your pal, Pip
Doxie? Basset? I don't know. I only know he's pawsitively adorable!
Critter Alley
Fwankie, me thinks Ewnie is going to be Mucho biggew den caweful he doesn't sit on you and squish you!
You furiend,,
Yes. He is so big now!
I love his flying ears too!
Kisses and hugs
Yup, we been sayin', "When did Ernie get so big?" He's a XXL now!!
Whoa, he's bigger now! The time flew so fast. :)
Dog Fence
Do not let Ernie sleep. We were told doggies grow when they sleep
Benny & Lily
He certainly is growing!! Growing like a little Dachshund weed :)
And some Dachshunds do get quite big, btw. Some standard Dachshunds have a body the size of a bigger dog on short legs!
Naw, he's a just fed him well.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Mazel tov on the 6 month landmark! Nah, Ernie is clearly a doxie. He may end up being a supersized doxie by the time he's finished growing, but he'll always be a doxie.
Jed & Abby
And still growing, no doubt....
Mr Frankie, what is it with little brothers growing up to be bigger than us? Sheesh. Oh well, as long as they do what we ask and know we are the boss! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (the big little brother)
Hey Mr Frankie, we just saw your portrait on Bailey Be Good's blog. Wowza it is FABULOUS!!! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Ernie must be eating his green beans or something.. geesh! he supahsized himself!
*Peesses: Nordude's still alive BLAHAHAHAHA and up to his nutty self & SOMETIMES acting like a girl:), just taking a breakballs from blogging. he says hi!
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