The poor little Dear had not found a Furever home yet and soooooooo I (Cussin Francine) ADOPTED her... to be MY very own Puppy... just like Cussin Frankie has.
She is such a PRETTY little thing and she LOVES to PLAY dress up.. and I think that I made a wise decision. NOW little ERNESTine can go EVERYWHERE with ME.
I am going to teach her to be all Frilly Foo Foo and stuff. AND when Cussin Frankie and his puppy go places.. we JUST MIGHT GO WITH THEM... I KNOW that Cussin FRANKIE will totally LOVE THAT.
Today ERNESTine and I are gonna Surprise FRANKIE and ERNIE by showing up...
AND we will STAY so that I (FRANCine) can go DEER Hunting... Don't worry though.. I am SURE that Cussin Frankie will be THRILLED to puppy sit BOTH ERNESTine and little Ernie BOTH.. while I am out in the FIELD... HUNTING...
We MAY stay at My Place fur the ENTIRE HOLIDAY SEASON... so that Ernie and Ernestine can get to know each other better. My Place is not Far from Frankie's Hill. I had it built... JUST FUR ME... butt there is PLENTY of room fur my Puppy Ernestine.
Ok.... You all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.... with YOUR Family and Furends.... Ernestine and I are just about to BARK at Frankie's Door...
Please help me to HOWL..... a Big..... SURPRISE... FRANKIE AND ERNIE!!!
ready??? Start HOWLIN.. SURPRISE!!!!!!
THANK YOU Mango and Mango Momma!! YOU are such grrrreat furends. They HELPED me to Locate little Ernestine and to find these Wonderful Thanksgiving Pilgrim Outfits!!! Kissy Kissy Woo wooo you big HUNK YOU!!
Wow, this is just so...wow. Um...Frankie and Ernie and Mamaw and Papaw and my Peeps will all be so very, very, very surprised. Well, maybe shocked is a better word. Well, maybe there are no words for this one. It'll be a Thanksdeermas to remember fur sure. Oh boy. Hmm.
Grr and a Befuddled Woof,
Sarge, COP
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys and the rest of the clan!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you...
pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
BOL! Oh dear it could get very wild turkeyish at your place this Thanksgiving Frankie ;) Too funny :D
Can't wait to hear what happened BOL!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday you all! :D
Waggin at ya,
Enjoy the holiday, my friends. Maybe you can set Francine and Ernistine to work making noms.
OMD OMD OMD..... Cussin Francine is HERE... and she has a PUPPY that is my ERNIE's CUSSIN...
HELP.... HELP ME... (and poor littl Ernie TOO)... FRANCINE is HERE.
Francine!! I am so happy for you and your new puppy. It will be wonderful seeing Ernie & Ernestine growing up together.
Poor Frankie!! Remember family is everything.
Happy Thamksgiving my dear little friend and your whole famnily.
Sniff ya later...Weenie
God Bless........the Mommy
Oh Francine, you sure are quite the wily one. Please try to be good and keep an eye on Ernestine too - make Frankie's Turkey Day a special one.
Wishes to you for a great day of thanks and good family time. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. You all look like you are having a fun time. We can just imagine how surprised Frankie is going to be hee he :)xx
Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Turkey Day to all you pups and peeps. Remeber to save room for pie!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
We are most surprised!
Happy Thanksgiving to all members of the rapidly expanding family.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (about to go searching for my long lost cousin Bertina, although if she's a true relative of mine she won't be dressing up in any fancy outfits any time soon...)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!! It should be intersting!!
Jazzi and addy
Well, well, well, look who the cat dragged in.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Love Ruby & Penny
Better call the rescue squad....Frankie's going to have a heart attack!!!!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy
If Francine is raising Ernestine....look out WORLD!!!
A furry Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!
Oh there is nothing like the love of relatives for the holidays. Cussin Francine and Ernestine. Mayor Frankie, I am just saying you better get a tight hold, a firm grasp, or you will be a drowning OMD. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Sweet William The Scot
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Frankie and Ernie!
woos, Tessa
PS...I say just hide in your room, really, it is best to hide, cause if you loose your temper and do something bad you could ruin your run for Mayor!
WooHoo....Me nose dat Frankie will be........over-joyed to hear da news!
Hap-Pee Thanksgiving to All!
Oh boy...I bet there is going to be more to this story.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope to see you Saturday or Sunday and meet Ernie. We have sumfin for him. ;)
Happy Thanksgiving to our esteemed mayor and his evergrowing family!
Happee Thanksgiving...hunting! Oh my word
Benny & Lily
Oh my gosh. Cousin Francine, nice to meet you. We have heard quite a lot about you. Congratulations on Little Ernestine. Little Ernie will love to play we're sure. Mr Frankie will be SPEECHLESS with surprise. No worries (gulp) and love, Stella and Rory
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
I have a sneaking suspicion that Frankie is not going to jump for joy over this one... I'm not sure what Ernie is going to say!
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Wow what a great surprise, I'm sure frankie is happy for that!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Oh BOY...
Nubbin wiggles,
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