Sunday, April 24, 2011


This is the card that Ruby and Penny made fur me... Last EASTER. It means soooo much to me. Aren't the Gorgeous???

Would you just LOOK at this... my beautiful wives sent ME a copy of OUR Wedding Album... just like THEY have. Now we can look through it TOGETHER.. {{SIGH}}
I was soooooooo stunned when the box arrived... butt mom wouldn't let me open it until THIS MORNING.....

I had to stop and look at all the pages.

Here I am TURNING a Page... It is sooooo full of wondeful memories.

I thought I might pass out while I was pawing through. It just took my Breff away.

BUTT WAIT... there is MORE... YESTERDAY... I found ANOTHER pressie package from... my WIVES. I had to wait until THIS Morning to open it, too.

There was a wonderful CARD and... a super fun BLUE BUNNY stuffie toy... AND


I had to rip into those fur a couple of bites.

THANK YOU RUBY AND PENNY... AND Mom J too. You are WAAAAY toooo Good to me. I LOVE YOU!!!! Forever!!!Oh yeah the Easter Bunny brought me a Flea stuffie and some eggs with treats inside.

I hope you have a HAPPY EASTER.... LIKE MINE ALREADY IS. I gotta go and read my Wedding Album some more... and Play with my Bunny Stuffie.


FiveSibesMom said...

You have some pretty special wives there to send such nice gifts! Enjoy them all! Happy Easter and thanks for sharing with us!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What wonderful ladies you have there, Frankie! We love your book and all your other pressies. If your duck treats are anything like our duck jerky, you will be in heaven.

Easter Blessings to all.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

HoundDogMom said...

You must be a really special husband to get all those goodies. We will be having an Easter Egg hunt later on today in the yard. We hope you have a Happy Easter. Sniffs,The HoundDogs

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, that album is so sweet! Now you can revisit your special day anytime you want. The wives are super good to you. Great loot! Hoppy Bunny Day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Scooter said...

How sweet of your wives to send you the albumn. And the great gifts!! Have a wonderful Easter Frankie and ENJOY!!


the teacher's pets said...

Oh my gosh, Frankie! I am tearing up just reading this post because that album has to be the sweetest, most thoughtful, and romantic gift ever! How thoughtful your wives were to make that album for you! And to get those lovely Easter gifts just tops it all off! Have a great day!

Sagira said...

That sure was sweet of them to send you all those goodies. I'm sad that I didn't know you before you were married and didn't get to join in the wedding fun, looks like it was a great time.

Happy Easter to you! :)

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy Easter!!

Wow!! What great stuff you got from your wives. And your wedding album!! Maybe someday Me and my Shelby & Milly can have one of those....of us. I hope they still love me as much as I do them since we've not been able to visit much lately.

Don't eat too many Easter eggs today....Weenie

Scout and Freyja said...

Frankie, from our house to yours we wish you a very Blessed Easter.

Zona said...

Such wonderful pressies from your beautiful wives! That album is so precious!!!!!

Happy Easter!


Kari in Alaska said...



Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Easter Frank & MomL
We're glad you like your pressies.
Have a wonderful day today.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Pees - we heard mom say something about baths today. Ugh!!

Jan Mader said...

I knew you were a special guy Frankie!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What nice Easter and Anniversary gifts you got from da wives. Lucky Guy!

Hope you is havin' a wonderfur Easter...

Levi said...

Hoppy Easter! You are so lucky to have such pretty and thoughtful wives!

Mom puts my toys in da box all the time- but there is a hole in it for me to get them out so they never stay in there long :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr Mayor Sir, you have such Pawsome wives!!!

I just loves your bloggie wedding album, it sure is beautiful!

Such Grrrreat pressies too! A bunny and a flea stuffie with nommies too! You are one luck Mayor!

Hoppy Easter!

woo woos, Tessa

Elaine Pritchard said...

You are a lucky lucky boy.

What wonderful presents.

Happy Easter xx

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Easter. Cool card Frankie
Benny & Lily

A MilShelb Mom said...

That's awesome! You're in a book!! We think we need one of those. Mom said maybe for Christmas we'll get one! :)
~Milly and Shelby

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Your wonderful wives do spoil you. Looks like you had a happy day.

We think you should de-stuff that bunny outside so the Charcoals can witness it......then they'll leave you alone.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Oskar said...

What sweet wives you have. I know that wedding album is something you will cherish.

Nubbin wiggles,

The Daily Pip said...

What a lovely gift! Maybe my parents will see this and get some ideas. Do you know they have been married 9 years and have still not put their pictures in an album!!!!

Happy Easter!

Your pal, Pip

Yoda_the_Dog said...

You deserve a great Easter Frankie! I bet it was great looking at that album! Happy Easter!

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Man, you sure are a lucky dude! Your wives are wonderful!

Happy Easter!


Unknown said...

Wow Frankie
What a really cool gift. I bet woo just sit and look at it all day long. Hey- I like how you used wicked pissah yellow today. nice squirting.
happy easter