Saturday, April 23, 2011



I hope you can hear me over the band!! I'll talk as loud as I can. Did you all see the Surprise BADGES up on the blogs yesterday??? I think there were like 87 bazillion of them. THANKS PIP!!! And THANKS everybuddy fur keepin the Secret and getting them all up to kick this magical day off to a GRRRRRREAT start.
I have a Milkbone Sundae bar set up. You can all just help yourself.. it is sooooo much fun to make them.
Here are the pictures of what they can look like.

I Made up SEVERAL... butt as fast as I got them MADE... they just Magically DISAPPEARED... and all that was left BEHIND... was a strong pharrrrrt smell. I don't have a clue what that all means... butt Ronnii was waggin like crazy and lookin really happy about it.

I brought 87 boxes of Milkbones... so there will be Plenty fur everybuddy!!!

I just wish that Richie was here to enjoy them with us. HUMMMMM what are you waggin about NOW Ronnii???
I do want to give the Key to Blogville to both Angel Molly and to Richie. Now... they can come and go all about town... whenever they wish.

Did you see that Wyatt and Stanzie Planted a TREE fur Richie???? I am sure he will keep it well watered and fertilized!! THAT was a wonderful thingy fur them to do. I think they might want to give a little speech about it... and actually DEDICATE the tree. Has anyone seen them? WHAT A MOB... I can't tell Who is Who... Well, except fur LUCY... those lovely ears stick up above everythingy. I guess we will have to just wait and see if Wyatt and Constanza can make it up here to the MIC..

Let the FUN and FEASTING Begin.

PawsBang is Rawkin out!!! Pepsi, HoneyBuzz, Asta, the Hammies, and Sarge are in RARE form.

Since we are all together.. Blogville's Jazz Band... the HIGH ROLLERS decided that they would play fur the PawsBang... breaks.

I'm gonna try to get to the Back Room... fur a couple paws of cards.

This is just a super Pawty. Everybuddy is sooooo glad to be together to celebrate the big day. I hope you are having a BLAST. You can click HERE to see even more fun.

Be sure to stick around beclaws after dark Ronnii and her momster and dadster are gonna send Chinese Lanterns up fur Angel Molly and Angel Richie.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Man....those 87 boxes of Milkbones didn't last long. And I think someone was just drinking that Easy Cheese....

Wild party.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

HoundDogMom said...

Frankie, we agree the badges on everyones blogs yesterday was pawsome. Had to make Mama Tea and Ronnii feel so good. We are headed to the pawty with our snacks and ready to dance. See ya there. The HoundDogs

Anonymous said...

Great pawty Frankie! I love milk bones. I only usually get them when I go to the bank so thanks dude!

Thanks for commenting on my Murphys :)

Waggin at ya,

The Daily Pip said...

OK, I am about ready for a Milkbone Sundae. I think it will go well with duck jerky and beer don't you think. Is this the best pawty ever or what!

Ruh roh, they are pulling me back out on the dance floor. Ladies, please ...

Your pal, Pip

Zona said...

This pawty is FANTASTICAL! What a great way to celebrate Richie and Ronnii!! That sundae bar is so packed, I haven't even made it there yet! But dancing and playing in the jazz bad sure are keeping me busy!


Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, pawesome sundaes! They are drool material fur sure! The jazz band is great...I'm having a blast playing for everyone! The card game is keeping me busy between sets, but I think we need to keep our eye on Lily...she's winning a lot for some reason! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Drummer

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a wonderful celebration!!!!!!!!!!!


Road Dog Tales said...

Wooooo - the party's on! We're heading over now!

The Road Dogs

Amber-Mae said...

I tried some of the milkbones...they were great!!! I hope you tried some of my home-made chicken frankfurters. The PawsBang group sounds so awesome! I'm really having a blast.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We managed to snag a few of those milkbone sundaes too, Frankie - thanks for bringing them. Hope you got to enjoy our duck jerky too.

We are also hoping your area is safe from all the terrible weather around. Take care.

Happy Easter.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Awwwwh....I think presenting da keys to Blogville is such a wonderful touch. Good job

Now ...where are those milkbone Sundays??? Can I have mine with sprinkles on da top??

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Wow looks like I missed an awesome party!

JD and Max said...

Hiya Frankie,

Oh goodness, we've had SO much fun at the pawty, we can hardly move now we're so exhausted!

We were absolutely thrilled when Miss Ronnii let us have a milk bone with a squeeze of cheese on it - OMD it was divine!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I just nose it was Richie who was gettin' all dose Milkbone Sundaes! Every times I goes to da bar to get one, dey is all gone again.

I would luv to have a dance wit you, Frankie. Is you sure dat Penny and Ruby won't mind?

Now....backs to da pawty. Don't wanna miss anyting.

houndstooth said...

Those Milkbone sundaes are a little slice of heaven!

Look out, because I'm feeling lucky at the card table!


Stella said...

Hi Frankie! Wow this is a most special pawty. I can't stay too log but I wanted to bring my chicken pizza with me. I had some of your MilkBone Sundaes and wow! for good. The music is great and the tribute to Richie and Ronnii is just the best. Thanks for inviting me, Frankie, and I'll see you around!



Anonymous said...

Hey Frankie what a BLAST this pawty is!

Hey about the pharrrrrt, did you happen to see Mango the Man anywhere? If there is a BIG pharrrrrt I would look for Mango the Man and AVOID him at least the back side of him! BOL

Go easy on the cheese dude, you don't want a hangover tomorrow, I'm just saying!

woo HOO! Tessa

Sagira said...

Happy Birthday to your friends. Looks like one great pawty! :)

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that just the funnest pawty EVER? Ohmidogness! I haven't danced that much in almost forever! And I think I ates my weight in those milkbone sundaes! YUMMY!! What a super great celebration for both Richie AND Ronnii!

YAAAAWN! I'm headed off to bed now. Have sweet dreams, Frankie!

Wiggles & Wags,

Wyatt said...

Ooops, we forgot our speech about the tree. I blame this on Stanzie because she was busy smooching with George the Lad. I got kinda busy with the Pizza and Milkbone Sundaes....

Great Pawtay, the band is kickin' as always. Have you seen Stanzie?


Two French Bulldogs said...

What happens at the pawrty, stays at the pawrty. WHOA!!!!!!
Benny & Lily

Bobbie said...

Looks like a good time! We were here yesterday, but weren't able to leave a comment... GREAT PARTY!