This is just sooooo COOL DROOL.

Would you just look at the NEATO thingy that the lovely and Tailented Miss Minna Krebs
made fur all of us to use to advertise My pawt of the Thanksgiving Event.
You MUST go over and tell her how grrrreat she is.
Now WHY did she make the badge with ME in it, you ask... Well it is to remind all of us to get started on our LIST OF PRESSIES WE WANT TO BUY FOR OUR PEEP(S)... AND TO TELL WHY you want to give each pressie.
The WHY pawt is the only real RULE there is to the whole thingy.
Now then, when you get your list ready you can set it up to POST on THANKSGIVING DAY which is November 25th.. Those of us in the U.S. celebrate it THEN anyway. My wives have already done it in Canada... butt... since we are an INTERNATIONAL Threesome... we get to do it TWICE.. (My wives dooooo love to pawty). That day and the one that follows are always SOOOOO busy for everybuddy that it will be grrrreat to have this up and not need to Post... JUST DON'T FURGET TO COMMENT... hehehe
NOW IN ADDITION TO THE Pressies fur your Peep(s) & WHY... Minna Krebs is going to hostess ..... Tell us your ADOPTION STORY/STORIES.
Her rules are Easy Peasy tooo. Just tell us how it is that you came to live where you do. Told you ... that girrrl makes OUR KINDA RULES. EASY.
Now then... when you get your story (or stories if there are more than One of you in the home)... just set it/them to POST on NOVEMBER 25 also.
BUTT WAIT.... there's MORE... You can do the Adoption Story AND your Pressie for the Peep(s) thingy on THE SAME POST if you want.... OR.... you can make TWO seperate Posts... What EVER is easiest fur YOU.
GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT..... isn't it???
Butt Wait... there is even something MORE... If you did an Adoption Story LAST year... you can ... Cheat a bit... by going back to THAT POST... copy it and then paste it into a NEW posty thingy.. you will need to click the Edit Html thingy at the top (at least that is true for a Blogspot blog) and then do the Paste. Sneaky... butt then it is Better than Not posting your story... beclaws you might be thinkin.. OH HUMMMMM I already DID that Once. Who cares. Well all of your new readers do. AND those of us who... have that Old Timers thingy. It'll ALL be new to US. Bawwwwwaaaaahhhhhh. BUTT... don't furget to then ADD... What I want to give my ... Peep(s) and the WHY. Now when you read somebuddy's post on the 25th. you just leace them a comment and say that YOU have YOUR Adoption Story/Pressie for the Peep thingy up on YOUR blog... and guess what... Everybuddy will be able to click on YOUR COMMENT thingy and POOF... go right to YOUR Blog to read YOUR STORY... It will be all super easy and HOOOOOOOGE FUN... if EVERYBUDDY pawticipates.
PeeS... I'm kinda hopin that my beloved Penny might just furget to tell you about a certain "Little Adventure" associated with Her adoption. hehehehe Oh what the heck... go ahead and tell 'em about it... they all know you are the ORNERY one in the family. BaWaaaah.
NOW.... ONE LAST LITTLE THINGY... Minna Krebs says that you can go ahead and use the badge on YOUR BLOG to help get the word out... Remember... In Blogville... EVERYBUDDY is Wanted and WELCOME... thanks fur the badges MINNA KREBS !!!
oh wow there sure is a lot going on to keep track of
Morning Frankie
What great badges. We will put them both up on our blog.
Minna did a great job on the badges, they are both so cute.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Pees - Penny's adoption nite still gives us the shivers
We have our post all ready to post on Thanksgiving. We will try to come by and comment but as the humans are going visiting that day, we may be unable too. We still haven't figured out how the keyboard works. The Mom makes it look so easy when she is typing for us.
MinnaK and her mom is so talented, deese is great badges!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
That sounds like fun! We will get started on our stories and shopping ideas right away!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Oh good, I am so glad you said it is OK to cheat and link back to our adoption story. I just posted mine in September so didn't know if I should write a whole new one or if it is OK to use my Gotcha Day post.
I have BIG plans for my pressies post! Don't tell my mom! It is going to be a big surprise!
Your pal, Pip
Great badges, Frankie. We haven't been able to get many posts up lately but we will try. So for the adoption one, we can just tell how we came to live in our furever homes? It doesn't have to be like we were a rescue or anything?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OK, first thing is to get Blog Mom to get those badges up. Second thing is to do the posts. I'm making lists here...I don't know if we'll be able to do a lot of visiting on the actual day of Thanksgiving. Depends on if the company goes home early and how sleepy the turkey makes everyone. But we'll try to get around over the weekend.
lotsa licks, Lola
love the badges! Whew im going to have to print that all out and keep track of it so we can participate!
Good gravies I didn't knows I was gonna haves to read dis much....whooooooweeeeee doggie!
I heard through da grapevine dat them badges was bought at da WalMarts...shhhhhhhhh! They is just FABULOUS...leave it to Minna.
I thinks I haves alot of work to do now.
I'M SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I seriously have to figure out how to get those badges on my blog... I'm a little slow at all the fancy bloggin' stuffs!
I am going to have to make notes here so I don't forget! You know how that goes with football and all....Great badges!
Good Job, Frankie! My momma almost goofed and had her blog set to post at pm instead of am! sheeesh.....
Butt, I saved da day, and got it all straightened out. Her can be so helpless.....thank dogness her has dachshunds to keep her straight.
Thanks that Minna Krebs is one talented pooch!!!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Like I told MK - This is gonna be fun! I will put your cute little badgy up!
Mu ha ha ha.
Fun badges! Wow - you guys have been so busy organizing everything! This will be fun!
The Road Dogs
Wowee...those are really neat badges! Minna and her momma sure are super talented! I'm gonna gets both of these badges on my bloggie lickety split!
Wiggles & Wags,
I am so excited!!
Sure was nice of her to make the badges up for you. :)
Hmmm... I've been pondering this and pondering this. I think we've all told our adoption stories, so I'm trying to make it interesting...
Minna did a fantastic job on the badges!
I am going to have my mom person set up a post for me right now!
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh Frankie..lots of neat tings yous talking about!
Are yous gonna be sharing yous adoption story 'bout Francine too?
We's like 'da ideas of what we's getting our pawrents, butt IzZY has been writing a very long list of prezzies for herself.. lots of cookies ons it
I didn't participate in last year's adoption stories and I've posted before about how I got my dogs but I decided I'm going to do it again this year. I got them both on Thanksgiving weekend two years apart.
I posted da info on my bloggie too!
what a cool badge!
Benny & Lily
mr. frankie,
wow, i'm super impressed. miss minna is really artsy! those badges are grrreat, and i will definitely put them up on my bloggie. me 'n asa are workin' on our post!
the booker man
pee s -- i totally dig how you made this post sound like a game show! "but wait, there's more!!!"
Kisses and hugs
Not a problem Frankie! (Who would we be raising money for next?) I hope that this raffle along with other kind donations helps Ms. Shelby cover all her medical expenses. $2.00 isn't that expensiveums and it is nice to treat all of our furiends. We made mama make a list...so as we save back our kibble monies we can purchase some more before the raffle ends.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
(Always ready and willing to lend a paw to another paw in need) :)
We is gonna do this. We put your button on our bloggy an' we are gettin' our list ready. So FUN!
Hey Frankie!
Thanks for the great activities for the holiday. This will be a blast! Everyone will enjoy it and I am working on my shopping list already. I know of some very special gifties that Mom and Dad really need this year.
Grr and Woof,
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