Look what my furend Daisy sent to me. It is a SIGN on a trail that her mom and dad hiked. You all know how much I LOVE signs... and...... it has my mostest FAVORITE ever number on it. Wasn't that very much sweet and thoughtful of her to do this for me!!! Daisy gets a Gold Star for this one!!!
This isn't Exactly a Real Sign, butt it is pretty grrrreat. Sorry that the sparkly colors don't show up in the pic.. My mom pretty much stinks when it comes to taking pictures. Now I do have a RULE about this thingy though... NOBUDDY is ALLOWED to wipe their paws on THIS. I think it is a pretty funny pic. beclaws... it Looks like it's a Picture in a frame... instead of a big mat on the floor. hehehehe
PeeS.... I don't even let any two leggers put their Paw Covers on it. I'm kinda protective about MY stuffs.PeePeeS... Thai... who has been fostered by our good furends at Dachsies With Moxie... is about to go to his new FUREVER home. He is also going to be having a birthday... Soooo those grrreat ones are throwing a CARD SHOWER for Thai (who is a Senior Dawg). If you would like to Pawticipate and give him a grrrreat send off PLEASE GO TO THEIR BLOG and get the PeeMail addy so that you can send for the Mailing Addy. PLEASE.... whine... whimper
Who would've thought there was a sign with 87 on it? That was a great find....but what do you expect from a Daisy..hehehe.
I wouldn't let anyone get on that second sign either. Maybe you should really frame it.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
That Miss Daisy is sumptin else ain't she? Her is so sweet and I am so glads I haves met her.
Haves you evers thought about framing your paw mat? Yea, I thinks that would be a splendid idea indeed. Could you imagine what your company think when they saw that ON A WALL...hehehehehehe!
I gotta go find out bouts Thai now.
Pudd...ummmm....anonymous fur da day.
Nice, Nice, very nice. Where did you come up with 87? Mommy has always wondered.
Woof! Woof! You are right about that Frankie. WHY not wipe your PAWS there??? I did went to Thai's blog n left a comment I would like to participate. I'll have my mom read again the post cause we have not heard from Thai's mom on where to send it. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
HI FRANKIE... what's this w/the ears? shorter longer? hmmmm ears don't shrink...but hair changes... maybe you need to eat your vitamins? have you been doing that? i like your wipe your paws mat...we have a little sign on the door that sez that, but no glitter on it.
enjoy the day...it's not raining here so we all will be outdoors in the flora and fauna...searching for chipmunks. theBUSTER, MS.Persephone & Ms.Blue
87 steps! Wow, that sure is exact!!
I'm heading over to find out Thai's addy!! A FUREVER home is a wonderful thing to celebrate!!
tat is a nice pawmat! ^^
Love da mat! And that is a very goods rule you have bout not letting anybuddy walk on it. I haves a wipe your paws mat that now has all da letters 'wiped' off! Pawcovers were too rough on it...
PeeS...heading over to get Thai's info now...thanks for the paws-up
That first sign is you completely. I laughed when I read it, so funny and I dont blame you for not letting them wipe their paws on it!! Too cute for that!!
have a ncioe friday Frankie
Frankie, you should join in on the World Cup festivities! You could blog about Germany on the day they play!
Love your foot mat!☺
Hi Frankie
Maybe you could put some plastic over your paw mat to protect it from paws, like people put plastic on their sofa to protect it from butts.
Love Ruby & Penny
87 is the universal number!
You'd better keep a close eye on that sign of yours! Since your mom is a centipede with all those shoes, she might track a lot of mud in on it!
P.S. A link to their blog would help!
Great sign - any sign that has 87 on it has to be great, right?
That's a beautiful mat, surely no paws or feet allowed.
Have a great weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow! That's like the greatest, most awesomest sign that ever was! Wow!
That second sign is awful pretty. It's sparkly in real life? Why would anybuddy WANT to put their paws on something so sparkly and pretty anyway?
Wiggles & Wags,
LOTS of steps! 87 -- WOWSER!
Hello Frankie!
It's me, Daisy! I read your bloggie post this morning but my mom was too busy walking everybuddy else but ME today and didn't have time to read this until now! Can you believe she was such a slow-poke AGAIN?
Anyway, I never saw that 87 sign until this morning because (once again) I did not hike at the Polar Caves that day but I am sooo glad my mom was very much thoughtful to let you have the picture! My mom wants you to know that they were able to walk up all of the 87 steps up AND back without a problem, but then again, my pawrents are maniacs who walk way too much anyway!
I have a question: What is the deal with you liking the #87, anyway? Was she an '87 graduate? Did she get married in '87? Is she 87 years old? Did she win the lottery and the #87 was on the ticket? Do tell!
Your furriend,
I wouldn't think of putting my stinking paws on it. ;) Have a great weekend!
Hello Frankie,
It's me again! I did some digging and I found the website you were telling everybuddy to visit and it's http://dachsieswithmoxie.blogspot.com and I am going to pay them a visit and befriend them asap!
Daisy the Coonhound
Woo and your 87's!
I love all veggies! Merdie usually rekhwires them to be khooked - I eat most raw -
I used to NOT like signs, but then I met you and ... now I do love them, for real. So does my mommy who threatens to some day get us a bunch of ol' signs from the Rosebowl swapmeet (a cool event she'd invite your mommy to, if we lived closer)
PS Don't worry about me and the rhodies. I'm very careful. I like that you worry though
The sign is very nice... 87 times!
Your pawmat is PAWesome!
Kisses and hugs
What a wonderful piece of artwork that mat is Frankie...Your Mama should hang it on the waal for you for sure!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
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